在Unix系统中,Shell程序(57)实现显示用户主目录以及当前命令的进程标识符。A.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Current shell's PID:$$B.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell's PID:$@C.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Current shell's PID:$@D.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell's PlD:$$
A.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Current shell's PID:$$
B.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell's PID:$@
C.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Current shell's PID:$@
D.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell's PlD:$$
在UNIX操作系统中,若用户键入的命令参数的个数为1时,执行cat$l命令;若用户键入的命令参数的个数为2时,执行cat>>$2<$1命令。请将下面所示的Shell程序的空缺部分补齐。Case (25) in1)cat$1 ;;2)cat>>S2<$1:;*)echo‘default...’esacA.$$B.$@C.$#D.$*
●在UNIX操作系统中,若用户键入的命令参数的个数为1时,执行cat$1命令;若用户键入的命令参数的个数为2时,执行cat$2$1命令。请将下面所示的Shell程序的空缺部分补齐。case (51) in1)cat$1;;2)cat$2$1;;*)echo# 'default……'esac(51) A.$$B.$@C.$#D.$*
Which UNIX command creates a symbolic link named myfile in the current directory to the file/etc/hosts?A.In -s/etc/hosts myfileB.In -s myfile/etc/hostsC.link -s/etc/hosts myfileD.link -s myfile/etc/hosts
在UNIX系统中,Shell程序(21)实现显示用户主目录以及当前命令的进程标识符。A.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Current shell's PID:$$B.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell'PID:$@C.echO UserHOme directOIy:$LOGNAME echo Current shell'sPID:$@D.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell'sPID:$$
在UNIX系统中,Shell程序______实现显示用户主目录以及当前命令的进程标识符。A.echo UserHome directorY:$LOGNAMEecho Carrent shell'Ss PID:$$B.echo UserHome directory:$HOMEecho Carrent shell'PID:$@C.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAMEecho Carrent shell's PID:$@D.echo UserHome directory:$HOMEecho Carrent shell's PID:$$A.B.C.D.
在UNIX操作系统中,以下Shell程序实现当用户键入的命令参数的个数为1时,执行cat$1命令;若用户键入的命令参数的个数为2时,执行cat>>$2<$1命令。 case(36)in 1)cat $1;; 2)cat>>$2<$1;; *)echo ‘default...’ esacA.$!B.$*C.$#D.$@
在UNIX操作系统中,若用户键入的命令参数的个数为1时,执行cat $1命令;若用户键入的命令参数的个数为2时,执行cat>>$2<$1命令。请将下面所示的Shell程序的空缺部分补齐。 case(1)in 1)cat $1;; 2)cat>>$2<$1 *)echo 'default...' esacA.$$B.$@C.$#D.$*
An operator wants to move all files inside the directory /home/operator to the current directory. Which of the following commands will complete the task?() A. mv /home/operator .B. mv /home/operator/* .C. mv /home/operator ../..D. mv /home/operator/all ../home/operator
在UNIX系统中,Shell程序(19)实现显示用户主目录以及当前命令的进程标识符。A.cho UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Carrent shell's PID:$$B.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Carrent shell's PID:$@C.echo UserHome directory:$ LOGNAME echo Carrent shell's PID:S@D.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Carrent shell's PID:$$
查找/etc下文件内容中以shell开头或以shell结尾,且与shell大小写无关的文件及其相应行(不包括错误信息和父目录),以下命令正确的是()。A、grep –s -I -E、“^shellB、grep –s -E、“^shellC、grep –s -i “^shellD、grep -I -E、“^shell
linux系统中,以下显示结果相同的是()。A、echo The current working path is $PWD.B、echo "The current working path is $PWD." Echo helloC、echo 'The current working path is $PWD.' Echo helloD、echo "The current working path is `pwd`."E、echo The current working path is $PWD. Echo hello
linux系统中,以下显示结果不同的是()。A、echo The current working path is $PWD.B、echo 'The current working path is $PWD.'C、echo "The current working path is $PWD."D、echo "The current working path is `pwd`."
An operator wants to move all files inside the directory /home/operator to the current directory. Which of the following commands will complete the task?()A、mv /home/operator .B、mv /home/operator/* .C、mv /home/operator ../..D、mv /home/operator/all ../home/operator
A user would like their shell prompt to reflect the current directory. Which of the following environment variables can be set to accomplish this?()A、PS1B、PATHC、PROMPTD、LOCPATH
What is the correct command to display the current working directory?()A、echo $PWDB、echo $pwdC、echo $CWDD、echo $cwd
多选题linux系统中,以下显示结果相同的是()。Aecho The current working path is $PWD.Becho The current working path is $PWD. Echo helloCecho 'The current working path is $PWD.' Echo helloDecho The current working path is `pwd`.Eecho The current working path is $PWD. Echo hello