在Unix系统中,Shell程序(57)实现显示用户主目录以及当前命令的进程标识符。A.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Current shell's PID:$$B.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell's PID:$@C.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Current shell's PID:$@D.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell's PlD:$$


A.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Current shell's PID:$$

B.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell's PID:$@

C.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Current shell's PID:$@

D.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell's PlD:$$


在UNIX操作系统中,若用户键入的命令参数的个数为1时,执行cat$l命令;若用户键入的命令参数的个数为2时,执行cat>>$2<$1命令。请将下面所示的Shell程序的空缺部分补齐。Case (25) in1)cat$1 ;;2)cat>>S2<$1:;*)echo‘default...’esacA.$$B.$@C.$#D.$*

●在UNIX操作系统中,若用户键入的命令参数的个数为1时,执行cat$1命令;若用户键入的命令参数的个数为2时,执行cat$2$1命令。请将下面所示的Shell程序的空缺部分补齐。case (51) in1)cat$1;;2)cat$2$1;;*)echo# 'default……'esac(51) A.$$B.$@C.$#D.$*


Which UNIX command creates a symbolic link named myfile in the current directory to the file/etc/hosts?A.In -s/etc/hosts myfileB.In -s myfile/etc/hostsC.link -s/etc/hosts myfileD.link -s myfile/etc/hosts

显示单个SHELL变量的命令是( )。 A.setB.envC.unsetD.echo

在UNIX系统中,Shell程序(21)实现显示用户主目录以及当前命令的进程标识符。A.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Current shell's PID:$$B.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell'PID:$@C.echO UserHOme directOIy:$LOGNAME echo Current shell'sPID:$@D.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Current shell'sPID:$$


在UNIX系统中,Shell程序______实现显示用户主目录以及当前命令的进程标识符。A.echo UserHome directorY:$LOGNAMEecho Carrent shell'Ss PID:$$B.echo UserHome directory:$HOMEecho Carrent shell'PID:$@C.echo UserHome directory:$LOGNAMEecho Carrent shell's PID:$@D.echo UserHome directory:$HOMEecho Carrent shell's PID:$$A.B.C.D.

在UNIX操作系统中,以下Shell程序实现当用户键入的命令参数的个数为1时,执行cat$1命令;若用户键入的命令参数的个数为2时,执行cat>>$2<$1命令。 case(36)in 1)cat $1;; 2)cat>>$2<$1;; *)echo ‘default...’ esacA.$!B.$*C.$#D.$@

在UNIX操作系统中,若用户键入的命令参数的个数为1时,执行cat $1命令;若用户键入的命令参数的个数为2时,执行cat>>$2<$1命令。请将下面所示的Shell程序的空缺部分补齐。 case(1)in 1)cat $1;; 2)cat>>$2<$1 *)echo 'default...' esacA.$$B.$@C.$#D.$*

An operator wants to move all files inside the directory /home/operator to the current directory. Which of the following commands will complete the task?() A. mv /home/operator .B. mv /home/operator/* .C. mv /home/operator ../..D. mv /home/operator/all ../home/operator

在UNIX系统中,Shell程序(19)实现显示用户主目录以及当前命令的进程标识符。A.cho UserHome directory:$LOGNAME echo Carrent shell's PID:$$B.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Carrent shell's PID:$@C.echo UserHome directory:$ LOGNAME echo Carrent shell's PID:S@D.echo UserHome directory:$HOME echo Carrent shell's PID:$$

查找/etc下文件内容中以shell开头或以shell结尾,且与shell大小写无关的文件及其相应行(不包括错误信息和父目录),以下命令正确的是()。A、grep –s -I -E、“^shellB、grep –s -E、“^shellC、grep –s -i “^shellD、grep -I -E、“^shell


linux系统中,以下显示结果相同的是()。A、echo The current working path is $PWD.B、echo "The current working path is $PWD." Echo helloC、echo 'The current working path is $PWD.' Echo helloD、echo "The current working path is `pwd`."E、echo The current working path is $PWD. Echo hello



linux系统中,以下显示结果不同的是()。A、echo The current working path is $PWD.B、echo 'The current working path is $PWD.'C、echo "The current working path is $PWD."D、echo "The current working path is `pwd`."


An operator wants to move all files inside the directory /home/operator to the current directory. Which of the following commands will complete the task?()A、mv /home/operator .B、mv /home/operator/* .C、mv /home/operator ../..D、mv /home/operator/all ../home/operator

A user would like their shell prompt to reflect the current directory. Which of the following environment variables can be set to accomplish this?()A、PS1B、PATHC、PROMPTD、LOCPATH

在linux环境下通过下面哪个命令得到当前使用shell的类型()。A、shellB、echo $SHELLC、echo $shellD、disenv



What is the correct command to display the current working directory?()A、echo $PWDB、echo $pwdC、echo $CWDD、echo $cwd


多选题linux系统中,以下显示结果相同的是()。Aecho The current working path is $PWD.Becho The current working path is $PWD. Echo helloCecho 'The current working path is $PWD.' Echo helloDecho The current working path is `pwd`.Eecho The current working path is $PWD. Echo hello