In C program, all variables must be declared before(52), usually at the(53) of the function before any executable statements.A.statedB.instructedC.illustratedD.use

In C program, all variables must be declared before(52), usually at the(53) of the function before any executable statements.






9. _______you _______ stay at home today?A. Do ; have toB. Must; have toC. Have; toD. Do ; must

8名新生儿的身长(cm)依次为:50,53,58,54,55,52,54,52。中位数M为()。 A. 53.5B. 54.5C.54D.53


8名新生儿的身长(cm)分别为58,50, 51,52,54,55,54,53,其中位数为A.53.5B.54C.53D.52E.54.5

3.—__________ 1 go out for a while?—No,you __________ You must finish your homework first.A. Must,needn'tB. Can,mayC. May,mustn'tD. May,must


共用题干In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before,many people are being ________(51)to the idea of looking back into the past.One way they can do this is by investigating their own family history.They can try to_________(52)out more about where their families came from and what they did.This is now a fast-growing hobby,especially in countries with a ________(53)short history,like Australia and the United States.It is__________(54)thing to spend some time__________(55)through a book on family history and to take the_________(56)to investigate your own family's past.It is__________(57)another to carry out the research work successfully.It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and __________(58)yourself many problems which could have been_________(59)with a little forward planning.If your own family stories tell you that you are_________(60)with a famous character,whether hero or criminal,do not let this idea take over your research.Just _________(61) it as an interesting possibility. A simple system_________(62)collecting and storing your information will be ad-equate to start with;a more complex one may only get in your_________(63).The most important thing,though,is to___________(64)started.Who knows what you__________(65)find?_________(65)A:should B:might C:ought D:must

共用题干Global WarmingFew people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the world's climate.Many sci-entists_________(51)the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase _____ (52) the world'S temperatures and are convinced that,more than__________(53)before,the Earth is at________(54)from the forces of the wind,rain and sun. _________(55)to them,global warming is making extremeweather events, _________(56)as hurricanes and droughts,even more ___________(57)and causing sealevels all around the world to ____________(58).Environmental groups are putting ________(59)on governments to take action to reduce the____________(60)of carbon dioxide which is given __________(61)by factories and power plants,thusattacking the problem at its source.They are in_____________(62)of more money being spent on research into solar,wind and wave energy devices,which could then replace existing power____________(63).Some scientists,____________(64),believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere tomorrow,we would have to wait_(65)hundred years to notice the re-? suits.Global warming,it seems,is here to stay._________(52)A:inB:atC:byD:to

共用题干Global WarmingFew people now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the world's climate.Many sci-entists_________(51)the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase _____ (52) the world'S temperatures and are convinced that,more than__________(53)before,the Earth is at________(54)from the forces of the wind,rain and sun. _________(55)to them,global warming is making extremeweather events, _________(56)as hurricanes and droughts,even more ___________(57)and causing sealevels all around the world to ____________(58).Environmental groups are putting ________(59)on governments to take action to reduce the____________(60)of carbon dioxide which is given __________(61)by factories and power plants,thusattacking the problem at its source.They are in_____________(62)of more money being spent on research into solar,wind and wave energy devices,which could then replace existing power____________(63).Some scientists,____________(64),believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere tomorrow,we would have to wait_(65)hundred years to notice the re-? suits.Global warming,it seems,is here to stay._________(53)A:yetB:neverC:onceD:ever

1 10 22 31 43 ( ) 64A.51B.52C.53D.55