Bitmap images use a grid of small squares known as ______ to represent images.A.pixelsB.pointsC.elementsD.dots

Bitmap images use a grid of small squares known as ______ to represent images.






A bag of wheat was enough for ______.A. 19 squaresB. one third of the squaresC. the first 19 squaresD. 20 squares

本题中,鼠标在窗口中单击一下,就在单击的位置生成一个小矩形,如果在小矩形上双击鼠标左键,则删除小矩形。 import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax swing.*; class MousePanel extends JPanel extends MouseMo- tionListener {public MousePanel {addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter {public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {int X=evt.getX; int Y=evt.getY; current=find(x,y); if(current0) add(x,y); } public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent evt) {int X=evt.getX; int Y=evt.getY; if(evt.getClickCount=2) {remove(current); } } }); addMouseMotionListener(this); } public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {super.paintComponent; for(int i=0;insquares;i++) draw(g,i); } public int find(int X,int y) (for(int i=0;insquares;i++) if(squares[i].x-SQUARELENGTH/2= x X=squares[i].x+SQuARELENGTH/2 squares[i].Y-SQUARELENGTH/2 =Y y=squares[i].Y+SQUARELENGTH /2) return i ; return-1 ; } public void draw(Graphics g,int i) {g.drawRect(squares[i].X-SQUARE- LENGTH/2。 squares[i].Y-SQUARELENGTH/2, SQUARELENGTH, SQUARELENGTH); } public void add(int X,int Y) {if(nsquaresMAXNSQUARES) {squares[nsquares]=new Point(x,y); current=nsquares ; nsquares++; repaint; } } public void remove(int n) {if(n0 ‖ n=nsquares)return; Nsquares- -; squares[n]=squares[nsquares]; if(current= =n)current= -l; repaint; } public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent evt) {} public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent evt) {} private static final int SQUARELENGTH=10: private static final int MAXNSQUARES=100; private Point[]squares=new Point[MAX- NSQUARES]; private int nsquares=0; private int current=-l; } class MouseFrame. extends JFramc {public MouseFrame {setTitle("java3"); setSize(300,200); addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter {public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0); } }); Container contentPane=getContentPane; contentPane.add(MousePanel); } } public class java3 {public static void main(String[]args) {JFrame. frame=new MouseFrame;; } }

以下代码定义了一个()布局容器。grid{display:grid;grid-template-columns:20px40px;grid-template-rows:20px40px;} A、固定B、FlexC、CSSGridD、流式

What does “SWL” stand for?/ represent

在RHEL5系统中,若需要在每天凌晨1:30由系统自动将目录“/images“中的内容缩备份到“/bak”目录下,可以设置以下( )cron任务。 A.30 1 * * * tar czf /bak/images.tar.gz/images/B. 30 * 1 * * tar czf /bak/images.tar.gz/images/C. 1 30 * * * tar cjf /bak/images.tar.bz2/images/D. * 30 1 * * tar cjf /bak/images.tar.bz2/images/

为促进洲内可再生能源开发和消纳利用,美国能源部曾提出( ),对美国电力系统进行升级换代。A.Grid2010B.Grid2020C.Grid2030D.Grid2040



