The following parameter are set for your Oracle 12c database instance:OPTIMIZER_CAPTURE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES=FALSEOPTIMIZER_USE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES=TRUEYou want to manage the SQL plan evolution task manually. Examine the following steps:1. Set the evolve task parameters.2. Create the evolve task by using the DBMS_SPM.CREATE_EVOLVE_TASK function.3. Implement the recommendations in the task by using the DBMS_SPM.IMPLEMENT_EVOLVE_TASKfunction.4. Execute the evolve task by using the DBMS_SPM.EXECUTE_EVOLVE_TASK function.5. Report the task outcome by using the DBMS_SPM.REPORT_EVOLVE_TASK function.Identify the correct sequence of steps:()A.2,4,5B.2,1,4,3,5C.1,2,3,4,5D.1,2,4,5
The following parameter are set for your Oracle 12c database instance:OPTIMIZER_CAPTURE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES=FALSEOPTIMIZER_USE_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES=TRUEYou want to manage the SQL plan evolution task manually. Examine the following steps:1. Set the evolve task parameters.2. Create the evolve task by using the DBMS_SPM.CREATE_EVOLVE_TASK function.3. Implement the recommendations in the task by using the DBMS_SPM.IMPLEMENT_EVOLVE_TASKfunction.4. Execute the evolve task by using the DBMS_SPM.EXECUTE_EVOLVE_TASK function.5. Report the task outcome by using the DBMS_SPM.REPORT_EVOLVE_TASK function.Identify the correct sequence of steps:()
You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following
实例启动过程中,参数文件中哪个参数和记录在控制文件中名称不一致,数据库不能启动.() A. INSTANCE_NAMEB. DB_UNIQUE_NAMEC. DB_NAMED. ORACLE_SID
Linux上,ps –ef|grep smon显示结果为 ora_smon_prod,则可知道哪个参数的值是prod() A. INSTANCE_NAMEB. DB_UNIQUE_NAMEC. DB_NAMED. ORACLE_SID
如下面这段监听配置中,sid_name的值来自于哪个参数? SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_DESC =(GLOBAL_DBNAME = orcl ) (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/ 10. 2.0/db_1) (SID_NAME = orcl ) )() A. INSTANCE_NAMEB. DB_NAMEC. DB_UNIQUE_NAMED. SERVICE_NAMESE. GLOBAL_NAMES
ORACLE初始化参数文件的默认路径是:() A.对于UNIX,在$ORACLE_HOME/dbsB.对于UNIX,在$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/adminC.对于Linux,在%ORACLE_HOME%\databaseD.对于Windows,在%ORACLE_HOME%\dbsE.对于Windows,在%ORACLE_HOME%\database\admin
当启动一个Oracle实例时,初始化参数()指出为数据文件信息保留的SGA空间的数量。 A.DB_FILESB.DB_DATAFILESC.DATABASE_FILESD.LOG_FILES