Which statement is true about Oracle Net Listener?() A. It acts as the listening endpoint for the Oracle database instance for all local and non-local user connections.B. A single listener can service only one database instance and multiple remote client connections.C. Service registration with the listener is performed by the process monitor (PMON) process of each database instance.D. The listener.ora configuration file must be configured with one or more listening protocol addresses to allow remote users to connect to a database instance.
Which statement is true about Oracle Net Listener?()
A. It acts as the listening endpoint for the Oracle database instance for all local and non-local user connections.
B. A single listener can service only one database instance and multiple remote client connections.
C. Service registration with the listener is performed by the process monitor (PMON) process of each database instance.
D. The listener.ora configuration file must be configured with one or more listening protocol addresses to allow remote users to connect to a database instance.
下列构建Web网站的组合中,性价比最高的是( )。A.JSP +IIS+OracleB.ASP.NET+IIS+Microsoft SQL ServerC.PHP++Apache+MySQLD.PHP+IIS+Oracle
如下面这段监听配置中,sid_name的值来自于哪个参数? SID_LIST_LISTENER = (SID_DESC =(GLOBAL_DBNAME = orcl ) (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/ 10. 2.0/db_1) (SID_NAME = orcl ) )() A. INSTANCE_NAMEB. DB_NAMEC. DB_UNIQUE_NAMED. SERVICE_NAMESE. GLOBAL_NAMES
以下参数中,向在默认端口1521上监听的listener上动态注册的服务名是? instance_name=ORCL db_name=oracle db_domain=com service_names=PROD local_listener=’’() A. Oracle.comB. ORCL.comC. PRODD. PROE. 不会注册服务名,因为local_listener参数没有设置
以下关于NET8的叙述正确的是() A.NET8是ORACLE网络客户端程序的集合B.NET8是ORACLE网络服务器端程序的集合C.NET8是ORACLE对TCP/IP等网络协议的改进D.NET8是在TCP/IP等网络协议间进行数据格式转换E.以上所述都不正确