Both bus and tree topologies are characterized by the use of multipoint (71) .For the bus,all stations attach,through appropriate hardware (72) known as a tap,directly to a linear transmission medium,or bus.Full-duplex operation between the station and the tap allows data to be transmitted onto the bus and received from the (73) .A transmission from any station propagates the length of the medium in both directions and can be received by all other (74) .At each end of the bus is a (75) ,which absorbs any signal,removing it from the bus.(71)A.mediumB.connectionC.tokenD.resource

Both bus and tree topologies are characterized by the use of multipoint (71) .For the bus,all stations attach,through appropriate hardware (72) known as a tap,directly to a linear transmission medium,or bus.Full-duplex operation between the station and the tap allows data to be transmitted onto the bus and received from the (73) .A transmission from any station propagates the length of the medium in both directions and can be received by all other (74) .At each end of the bus is a (75) ,which absorbs any signal,removing it from the bus.







自动驾驶系统由哪两个跳开快保护?() A.BUS#1APB.BUS#1BUS#2C.BUS#2APD.BUS#1BUS#2AP


2206的CDU-BUS由2条总线组成:()总线及()总线。() A. cdu;localB. cdu-tx;iomC. x-bus;iomD.local;x-bus

2206的CDU-BUS由2条总线组成,()控制总线及()总线。 A. cdu,localB. cdu-tx,iomC. x-bus,iomD. local,x-bus

WhichthreeofthesearetypesofEthernetVirtualConnections(EVCs)intheMEFconcept?() A.rootedmultipointEVC(E-Tree)B.point-to-pointEVC(E-Line)C.point-to-multipointEVC(E-Tree)D.hubspokeEVC(E-Tree)E.multipoint-to-multipointEVC(E-LAN)


以下对RBS200的TX-BUS与INTERNAL TX-BUS的描述,哪项是错误的?() A.TX-BUS将脉冲串送各个RTX,INTERNALTX-BUS送脉冲串至RRX,实现收发同步。B.TX-BUS是TG中的外部总线,INTERNALTX-BUS是TG中的内部总线。C.如果不开跳频,可以不用接RTX上的TX-BUS。D.RTX依据脉冲串中的串头频率信息来选择脉冲串,且由BBX来执行。

LOCAL-BUS的错误描述是() A.LOCAL-BUS-A用于主架,LOCAL-BUS-B用于E架B.621型机架的C5、C6为LOCAL-BUS的扩展接口,不用时要终止C.1024型机架只有C5接口,说明C5接口是LOCAL-BUS-B的接口D.LOCAL-BUS是一对时分总线,每个TRU单元只占用其中3个TS

.RBS2202里包含了哪几种系统总线?() A.本地总线、时钟总线、CDU总线和X-BUS。B.TIB、时钟总线、CDU总线和X-BUS。C.LIB、时钟总线、CDU总线和X-BUS。D.OM BUS、时钟总线、CDU总线和X-BUS。

已知wire [31:0] bus;则下列说法真确的是 。A.bus [31]是bus的最高有效位B.bus [0]是bus的最高有效位C.bus [31]是bus的最低有效位D.bus [0]是bus的最低有效位