在开展电子邮件营销时,应该注意下面哪些技巧是正确的。() A.虽然电子邮件可以承载的信息理论上是无限的,但广告内容不要得太多,太多了用户看起来很累或者根本就不看了。B.事先了解用户的兴趣爱好,投其所好发送相关的内容。C.可以经常发,但不要过于频繁。D.拟一个引人注目的标题(邮件主题),吸引用户打开邮件。
下面哪些是我们在设计调查问卷时应该注意的?A.Limit the number of questions so the respondent can answer them in a minute or two.#B.Keep questions clear and simple, and not too personal.#C.Closed questions are easier to process, but open questions will collect a wider range of responses.#D.You should try putting the questions to a classmate before beginning the full survey, and be ready to modify any that were not clear.#E.Do not collect unnecessary informat
3、下面哪些是我们在设计调查问卷时应该注意的?A.Limit the number of questions so the respondent can answer them in a minute or two.#B.Keep questions clear and simple, and not too personal.#C.Closed questions are easier to process, but open questions will collect a wider range of responses.#D.You should try putting the questions to a classmate before beginning the full survey, and be ready to modify any that were not clear.#E.Do not collect unnecessary informat