Every means () tried to help the two workers to catch up with others. A、have beenB、has beenC、have hadD、are

Every means () tried to help the two workers to catch up with others.

A、have been

B、has been

C、have had



43. A. kept B. continued C. lastedD. tried

They ( )have a share. A.eachB.every

i need a _______________ milk for this recipe. A. two-litre carton ofB. two litres carton ofC. two-litres-carton ofD. two-litre carton

-Does "am"___ afternoon-No, it morning.A. means,meanB. means, meansC. mean, means

The professor asked us to write a _____________ report.A、two-hundreds-wordsB、two-hundreds-wordC、two-hundred-wordsD、two-hundred-word

假设代码中有一个无参数的help函数,那么调用该函数的方法是:() A.helpB.help()C.'help'D.help[]

By default, how often does a router running IGRP send its complete routing table to its neighbors?() A. Every 5 minutesB. Every 90 secondsC. Every 60 secondsD. Every 30 seconds

About ________ of the workers in the factory were born in the ________.A.two-thirds, 1970 B.two-thirds, 1970s C.two-third,1970 D.two-third, 1970s

12. About_______ of the workers in the factory were born in the __________.A. two- thirds;1970B. two- thirds ; 1970sC. two-third ; 1970D. two-third ; 1970s

Each life jacket light that has a non-replaceable power source must be replaced ______.A.every 6 months after initial installationB.every 12 months after initial installationC.every 24 months after initial installationD.on or before the expiration date of the power source