A basic premise of OGSA is that everything is(71)by a service: a network enabled entity that(72)some capability through the exchange of messages. Computational resources, storage resources, networks, programs, databases, and so forth are all(73). This adoption of a uniform. service-oriented model means that all components of the environment are virtual. More specifically, OGSA represents everything as a Grid service: a Web service that conforms(74)a set of conventions and supports standard interfaces for such purposes as lifetime management. This core set of consistent interfaces, from which all Grid services are implemented,(75)the construction of hierarchical, higher-order services that can be treated in a uniform. way across layers of abstraction.A.definedB.representedC.usedD.passed

A basic premise of OGSA is that everything is(71)by a service: a network enabled entity that(72)some capability through the exchange of messages. Computational resources, storage resources, networks, programs, databases, and so forth are all(73). This adoption of a uniform. service-oriented model means that all components of the environment are virtual. More specifically, OGSA represents everything as a Grid service: a Web service that conforms(74)a set of conventions and supports standard interfaces for such purposes as lifetime management. This core set of consistent interfaces, from which all Grid services are implemented,(75)the construction of hierarchical, higher-order services that can be treated in a uniform. way across layers of abstraction.






●Network (71) has full rights and permissions to all resources on a network.(71) A.userB.guestC.administratorD.owner

●A( 71) is a dedicated storage network that provides access to consolidated, block level storage. It is primarily used to make storage devices accessible to servers so that the devices appear as locally attached to the operating system.(71) A. network-attached storageB. storage area networkC. direct attached storageD. computer cluster

A(71)is a functional unit that interprets and carries out instructions.A.memoryB.processorC.storageD.network

Network(71)has full rights and permissions to all resources on a network.A.userB.guestC.administratorD.owner

一台路由器运行OSPF路由协议,接口Serial0属于骨干区域,IP地址为10.0.0.1/30,则在该接口使能OSPF的命令是(). A.[Quidway-ospf-1-area-]network[Quidway-ospf-1-area-]network[Quidway-serial0]osp farea 0 enableD.[Quidway-ospf-1]network

●We have already covered the topic of network addresses. The first(71) in a block (in classes A,B,and C) defines the network address. In classes A,B,and C,if the hostid is all ls, the address is called a direct broadcast address. It is used by a (72) to send a packet to all hosts in a specific network. All hosts will accept a packet having this type of destination address. Note that this address can be used only as a (73)address in an lP packet. Note also that this special address also reduces the number of available hostid for each netid in classes A,B,and C.In classes A,B,and C,an address with all Is for the netid and hostid (32 bits) defines a( 74) address in the current network.A host that wants to send a message to every other host can use this address as a destination address in an IP packet. However,a router will block a packet having this type ofaddress to confine the broadcasting to the (75) network. Note that this address belongs to class E.(71) A.datagramB.functionC.addressD.service(72) A.routerB.switchC.hubD.firewall(73)A.sourceB.destinationC.localD.remote(74) A.unicastB.multicastC.broadcastD.anycast(75) A.neighborB.nextC.remoteD.local

● A (71) is a functional unit that interprets and carries out instructions.(71)A. memoryB. processorC. storageD. network

3、下面关于导入包正确的是()。A.package com.chzu.util;B.package com.xsgl.service;C.import com.xsgl.entity.Student;D.import java.util.*;

下面关于导入包正确的是()。A.package com.chzu.util;B.package com.xsgl.service;C.import com.xsgl.entity.Student;D.import java.util.*;
