4,10,8,17,12,( ),16,31A.14B.15C.23D.24
4,10,8,17,12,( ),16,31
What are two rules for compacting IPv6 addresses?() A. Every 16 - bit segment segment that consists of all zeroes can be represented with a single colon.B. The trailing zeroes in any 16 - bit segment do not have to be written.C. The leading zeroes in any 16 - bit segment do not have to be written.D. Any single, continuous string of one or more 16 - bit segments that consists of all zeroes can be represented with a double colon.E. The maximum number of times a double colon can replace a 16 - bit segment that consists of all zeroes is two.F. Two zeroes in the middle of any 16 -bit segment do not have to be written.
WhataretworulesforcompactingIPv6addresses?() A.Themaximumnumberoftimesadoublecoloncanreplacea16-bitsegmentthatconsistsofallzeroesistwoB.Theleadingzeroesinany16-bitsegmentdonothavetobewritten.C.Every16-bitsegmentthatconsistsofallzeroescanberepresentedwithasinglecolonD.Thetrailingzeroesinany16-bitsegmentdonothavetobewritten.E.Anysingle,continuousstringofoneormore16-bitsegmentsthatconsistsofallzeroescanberepresentedwithadoublecolonF.Twozeroesinthemiddleofany16-bitsegmentdonothavetobewritten
填空: (1) (1234)10=()2=()16 (2) (34.6875)10=()2=()16 (3) (271.33)10=()2=()16 (4) (101011001001)2=()10=()16 (5) (1AB.E)16=()10=()2 (6) (10101010.0111)2=()10=()16