Public pro... 默认 private 的区别

Public pro... 默认 private 的区别


A VPN is physically () but virtually () A、none of the aboveB、public; hybridC、private; publicD、public; private

有如下程序:includeusing namespqce Std;class TestClass{private;Char C;public;Tes 有如下程序: #include<iostream> using namespqce Std; class TestClass { private; Char C; public; TestClass(char n):c(n){} ~TestClass() { cout<<c; }; class TestClassl:public TestClass { private: Char C; public:A.xyB.yxC.xD.y

下表正确的是在父类中的访问属性 访问修饰符 在子类中的访问属性A. public private 不能直接访B. protect public publicC. private public 不能直接访问D. protect private protect

访问修饰符作用范围由大到小是( )A)private-default-protected-publicB)public-default-protected-privateC)private-protected-default-publicD)public-protected-default-private




Java中,未带访问权限修饰符的成员变量默认为 ( ) 。A.Public]B.Private]C.Protected]D.Friendly


Which three demonstrate an “is a” relationship?() A、 public class X { }  public class Y extends X { }B、 public interface Shape { }  public interface Rectangle extends Shape{ }C、 public interface Color { }  public class Shape { private Color color; }D、 public interface Species { }  public class Animal { private Species species; }E、 public class Person { } public class Employee {  public Employee(Person person) { }F、 interface Component { }  class Container implements Component { private Component[] children; }

PKI是()。A、Private Key InfrastructureB、Public Key InstituteC、Public Key Infrastructure公钥基础设施D、Private Key Institute

包的访问控制分为public protected private 和默认,默认时为public。


public class X {  public X aMethod() { return this;}  }  public class Y extends X {  }  Which two methods can be added to the definition of class Y?()A、 public void aMethod() {}B、 private void aMethod() {}C、 public void aMethod(String s) {}D、 private Y aMethod() { return null; }E、 public X aMethod() { return new Y(); }

Which the two demonstrate an “is a” relationship?()A、 public interface Person {}  Public class Employee extends Person {}B、 public interface Shape {}  public interface Rectangle extends Shape {}C、 public interface Color {}  public class Shape { private Color color; }D、 public class Species {}  public class Animal { private Species species; }E、 interface Component {} Class Container implements Component {private Component [] children;

Which two demonstrate an “is a” relationship?()   A、 public interface Person { }  public class Employee extends Person { }B、 public interface Shape { }  public class Employee extends Shape { }C、 public interface Color { }  public class Employee extends Color { }D、 public class Species { }  public class Animal (private Species species;)E、 interface Component { }  Class Container implements Component ( Private Component[ ]children;  )

Which three form part of correct array declarations?()  A、 public int a []B、 static int [] aC、 public [] int aD、 private int a [3]E、 private int [3] a []F、 public final int [] a

public abstract class Shape {  private int x;  private int y;  public abstract void draw();  public void setAnchor(int x, int y) {  this.x = x;  this.y = y;  }  }  Which two classes use the Shape class correctly?()A、 public class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; }B、 public abstract class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; }C、 public class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }D、 public abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }E、 public class Circle extends Shape { private int radius;public void draw() {/* code here */} }F、 public abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius;public void draw() { / code here */ } }

PKI的全称是()。A、Private Key IntrusionB、Public Key IntrusionC、Private Key InfrastructureD、Public Key Infrastructure

PKI是()。A、Private Key lnfrastructureB、Public Key lnstituteC、Public Key lnfrastructureD、Private Key lnstitute

判断题包的访问控制分为public protected private 和默认,默认时为public。A对B错



单选题From this text we learn that it is ______.Aharder to make a choice between public and private schoolsBharder to go to private schools this year than beforeCmore difficult to go to public schools than to private schoolsDas difficult to go to private schools this year as before

多选题Which the two demonstrate an “is a” relationship?()Apublic interface Person {}  Public class Employee extends Person {}Bpublic interface Shape {}  public interface Rectangle extends Shape {}Cpublic interface Color {}  public class Shape { private Color color; }Dpublic class Species {}  public class Animal { private Species species; }Einterface Component {} Class Container implements Component {private Component [] children;

多选题Which three demonstrate an “is a” relationship?()Apublic class X { }  public class Y extends X { }Bpublic interface Shape { }  public interface Rectangle extends Shape{ }Cpublic interface Color { }  public class Shape { private Color color; }Dpublic interface Species { }  public class Animal { private Species species; }Epublic class Person { } public class Employee {  public Employee(Person person) { }Finterface Component { }  class Container implements Component { private Component[] children; }

多选题public abstract class Shape {  private int x;  private int y;  public abstract void draw();  public void setAnchor(int x, int y) {  this.x = x;  this.y = y;  }  }  Which two classes use the Shape class correctly?()Apublic class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; }Bpublic abstract class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; }Cpublic class Circle extends Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }Dpublic abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius; public void draw(); }Epublic class Circle extends Shape { private int radius;public void draw() {/* code here */} }Fpublic abstract class Circle implements Shape { private int radius;public void draw() { / code here */ } }