An administrator is upgrading memory on the server. Once the server in turned back on, the administrator notices that the memory has not changed. The system board website says the board should accept the new amount of memory.Which of the following should the administrator do FIRST?()A. Replace memory chips with known good memory chips.B. Reseat the memory chips.C. Update the BIOS.D. Upgrade the server OS

An administrator is upgrading memory on the server. Once the server in turned back on, the administrator notices that the memory has not changed. The system board website says the board should accept the new amount of memory.Which of the following should the administrator do FIRST?()

A. Replace memory chips with known good memory chips.

B. Reseat the memory chips.

C. Update the BIOS.

D. Upgrade the server OS


Windows2003Server提供了两个内置的用户帐号:Administrator与()。 A.OperatorB.ReplicatorC.UserD.Guest


以下是该商务网站中数据库连接程序conn.inc的代码,请将(4)~(8)空缺处的程序代码填写完整。<%set conn=server.(4) ("adodb.connection")conn.provider="sqloledb"provstr="server=; databas=(5);uid=(6);pwd=(7)" (8)%>

●Win2003 Server中启用配置SNMP服务时,必须以 (26) 身份登录才能完成SNMP服务的配置功能。(26)A.guestB.普通用户C.administrator组成员D.user组成员

●Win2003server中启用配置SNMP服务时,必须以(66)身份登录才能完成SNMP服务的配置功能。(66) A.guestB.普通用户C.administrator组成员D.user组成员


● 在Windows 2003 Server中启用配置SNMP服务时,必须以(66)身份登录才能完成SNMP服务的配置功能。 A.guest B.普通用户 C.administrator组成员 D.user组成员

某电子商务网站中数据库连接程序conn.inc的部分代码如下,请将(41)空缺处的代码填写完整。set conn=server.(41)("adodb.connection")A.sq1B.likeC.CreateObjectD.GetRecordSet

Win2003 Server中启用配置SNMP服务时,必须以( )身份登录才能完成SNMP服务的配置功能。A.guestB.普通用户C.administrator组成员D.user组成员

下面是一段ASP程序,填空。  % ’创建连接对象  Set Session("conn") = Server.CreateObject("()") ’ 打开站点目录data子目录中的student.mdb的Access数据库  Session("conn").()= "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="  Server. ()("./data/student.mdb") Session("conn").()   ’ 打开连接对象 ...... ’该部分为执行代码  Session("conn").Close   ’关闭数据连接对象       () ’释放连接对象  %