A layer 3 switch can move packets between subnets based on which of the following criteria?() A. 802.1q tagB. PortC. ApplicationD. IP address

A layer 3 switch can move packets between subnets based on which of the following criteria?()

A. 802.1q tag

B. Port

C. Application

D. IP address


You’re going to have a quiz ( )by another two in the ( )month. A. followed,followedB. followed,followingC. following,followedD. following,following

Acknowledgements, sequencing, and flow control are functions that are handled by which layer of the OSI model?A. Layer 5B. Layer 4C. Layer 7D. Layer 6E. Layer 3F. Layer 2G. Layer 1

Which of the following is MOST likely a managed, Layer 3 device?() A.RouterB.BridgeC.HubD.Switch

When an IP packet is Layer 3-switched from a source in one VLAN to a destination in another VLAN,which field in a packet will be rewritten? () A. Layer 2 TTLB. Layer 3 TTLC. Layer 3 source addressD. Layer 3 transport protocolE. Layer 3 destination address

WhichdeployedVoWLANclientsecurityoptionisrecommendedbyCisco?() A.Layer3withLayer3SecuritysettoNoneandWebPolicysettoAuthenticationB.Layer3withLayer3SecuritysettoNoneandWebPolicysettoVPNPass-ThroughC.Layer3withLayer3SecuritysettoVPNPass-ThroughD.Layer2withLayer2Securitysetto802.1X

Atacertaincustomer’ssite,aNASisbothphysicallyandlogicallyinthetrafficpath.TheNAS identifiesclientssolelybasedontheirMACaddresses.InwhichaccessmodehasthisNASbeen configuredtooperate?() A.Layer2modeB.Layer3EdgemodeC.Layer3CentralmodeD.Layer3In-Bandmode

WhichheaderorsetofheadersdoesCRTPcompress?() A.Layer2B.Layer3C.Layer4D.Layer2andLayer3E.Layer3andLayer4

Acknowldgement, Sequencing, and Flow control are characteristics of which OSI layer?() A. Layer 2B. Layer 3C. Layer 4D. Layer 5E. Layer 6F. Layer 7

Acknowledgements,sequencing,andflowcontrolarecharacteristicsofwhichOSIlayer?() A.Layer2B.Layer3C.Layer4D.Layer5E.Layer6F.Layer7

Acknowledgements, sequencing, and flow control are characteristics of which OSI layer()。 A.Layer2B.Layer3C.Layer4D.Layer5E.Layer6F.Layer7