Anadministratorhasarackserverthatis5.25inches(13.3cm)tall,whichofthefollowingisthe correctUsizeforthisserver?() A.OneB.ThreeC.FourD.Five

Anadministratorhasarackserverthatis5.25inches(13.3cm)tall,whichofthefollowingisthe correctUsizeforthisserver?()






Bob is __ of the two boys. Mary is ____ of the three girls. A、tall,shortB、taller,the shorterC、tallest,the shortestD、the taller,the shortest

Sam looks like his Dad. They are _____ tall.A. either B. any C. all D. both

John is the( )of the three brothers. A.tallerB.tallestC.tall

Who is the third ( ) student in your school A、very tallestB、tallestC、tallerD、tall

Who is the_____ ___girl standing over there?A. thin, tallB. tall, thinC. thin, short

下列程序中需要清理动态分配的数组,划线处应有的语句是_______。 include class pers 下列程序中需要清理动态分配的数组,划线处应有的语句是_______。include<iostream.h>class person{int age,tall;public:person( ){age=0;tall=40;cout<<"A baby is born."<<endl;}person(int i){age=i;tall=40;cout<<"A old person."<<endl;}person(int i,int j){age=i;tall=j;cout<<"a old person with tall."<<endl;)~person( ){cout<<"person dead."<<endl;}void show( ){cout<<"age="<<age<<",tall="<<tall<<endl;}};void main( ){person*ptr;ptr=new person[3];ptr[0]=person( );ptr[1]=person(18);ptr[2]=person(20,120);for(int i=0;i<3;i++)ptr[i].show( );______}


Which aspect of vocabulary is trained in the following?The teacher asks the students to read the following passage to tell the writer's attitude towards the woman he is interviewing.Tall, tanned and debonair, Hazel Henderson is an unlikely revolutionary. She greets me with a warm smile and orders a port of tea, unlike the well-heeled matrons staying at this comfortable hotel.A.Register.B.Connotation.C.Collocation.D.Constitution.
