A technician who separated two departments using VLANs now discovers that the VLANs cannotcommunicate with each other.Which of the following does the technician need to enable communication between the VLANs?()A. Port spanningB. VLAN concentratorC. FirewallD. Router

A technician who separated two departments using VLANs now discovers that the VLANs cannotcommunicate with each other.Which of the following does the technician need to enable communication between the VLANs?()

A. Port spanning

B. VLAN concentrator

C. Firewall

D. Router


______________[A] predicts[B] displays[C] proves[D] discovers

The teacher ______ be in the office; maybe he is in the library.A、mightB、couldC、may notD、can not





Giventheabovepartialconfiguration,whichtwostatementsaretrueaboutVLANtraffic?() A.VLANs1-5willusefa0/10asabackuponly.B.VLANs6-10willusefa0/10asabackuponly.C.VLANs1-5willbeblockediffa0/10goesdown.D.VLANs1-10areconfiguredtoloadsharebetweenfa0/10andfa0/12.E.VLANs6-10haveaportpriorityof128onfa0/10.

Without the instrument,we__________A.cannot’hardly do nothingB.cannot hardly do anythingC.can hardly do nothingD.can hardly do anything

关于VLANs说法正确的两项是() A.VLANs用来分开同一以太网连接下不同数据流B.—个VLAN是一组属于同一广播域下的交换机端口C.一个VLAN是一组交换机,这些交换机表现的不连接D.在以太网中VLANs用于防止环路

Research indicates that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.A:shows B:dictatesC:proves D:discovers