Which two are attributes of /SQL*Plus? () A. /SQL*Plus commands cannot be abbreviated.B. /SQL*Plus commands are accesses from a browser.C. /SQL*Plus commands are used to manipulate data in tables.D. /SQL*Plus commands manipulate table definitions in the database.E. /SQL*Plus is the Oracle proprietary interface for executing SQL statements.

Which two are attributes of /SQL*Plus? ()

A. /SQL*Plus commands cannot be abbreviated.

B. /SQL*Plus commands are accesses from a browser.

C. /SQL*Plus commands are used to manipulate data in tables.

D. /SQL*Plus commands manipulate table definitions in the database.

E. /SQL*Plus is the Oracle proprietary interface for executing SQL statements.


同一台机器上,一个SQL*Plus可以使用另一个SQL*Plus定义的宿主变量。 A.错误B.正确

下列命令中可以执行SQL*Plus缓冲区中的一条SQL语句的是()。 A.STARTB.LISTC./D.SPOOL


Which statement correctly describes SQL and /SQL*Plus? () A. Both SQL and /SQL*plus allow manipulation of values in the database.B. /SQL* Plus recognizes SQL satement and sends them to the server; SQL is the Oracle proprietary interface for executing SQL statements.C. /SQL* Plus language for communicating with the Oracle server to access data; SQL recognizes SQL statements and sends them to the server.D. /SQL manipulates data and table definition in the database; /SQL* Plus does not allow manipulation of values in the database.

WhichcomponentoftheOraclenetworkingarchitectureprovidescharactersetanddatatypeconversionbetweendifferentcharactersetsontheclientandserver?() A.SQL*PlusB.OracleNetC.Two-TaskCommon(TTC)D.OracleProtocolSupport(OPS)

在SQL*PLUS中,显示执行时长的命令是() A.set time onB.set timing onC.set longD.set timelong onE.set sqlprompt

关于SQL*PLUS的叙述正确的是() A.SQL*PLUS是ORACLE数据库的专用访问工具B.SQL*PLUS是标准的SQL访问工具,可以访问各类关系型数据库C.SQL*PLUS是所有ORACLE应用程序的底层APID.SQL*PLUS是访问ORACLE数据库的唯一对外接口E.以上所述都不正确

在Oracle中,()是一个基于Web的SQL*Plus工具,能够在网页中执行SQL*Plus命令。 A.SQL*PlusB.iSQL*PlusC.PL*SQLD.iPL*SQL
