The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns:LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25)SALARY NUMBER (6,2)COMMISSION_PCT NUMBER (6)You need to write a query that will produce these results:1. Display the salary multiplied by the commission_pct.2. Exclude employees with a zero commission_pct.3. Display a zero for employees with a null commission value. Evaluate the SQL statement:SELECT LAST_NAME, SALARY*COMMISSION_PCT FROM EMPLOYEESWHERE COMMISSION_PCT IS NOT NULL;What does the statement provide? ()A. All of the desired resultsB. Two of the desired resultsC. One of the desired resultsD. An error statement

The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns:LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25)SALARY NUMBER (6,2)COMMISSION_PCT NUMBER (6)You need to write a query that will produce these results:1. Display the salary multiplied by the commission_pct.2. Exclude employees with a zero commission_pct.3. Display a zero for employees with a null commission value. Evaluate the SQL statement:SELECT LAST_NAME, SALARY*COMMISSION_PCT FROM EMPLOYEESWHERE COMMISSION_PCT IS NOT NULL;What does the statement provide? ()

A. All of the desired results

B. Two of the desired results

C. One of the desired results

D. An error statement


EMPLOYEES中职员编号为90的职员的commission_pct为空值,salary为1000,语句select12*salary*(commission_pct+0.2)comm from EMPLOYEES;comm显示的结果是()。 A.12000B.0C.2400D.NULL

The EMP table contains these columns:LAST NAME VARCHAR2(25)SALARY NUMBER(6,2)DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER(6)You need to display the employees who have not been assigned to any department. You write the SELECT statement:SELECT LAST_NAME, SALARY, DEPARTMENT_ID FROM EMPWHERE DEPARMENT_ID = NULL;What is true about this SQL statement? ()A. The SQL statement displays the desired results.B. The column in the WHERE clause should be changed to display the desired results.C. The operator in the WHERE clause should be changed to display the desired results.D. The WHERE clause should be changed to use an outer join to display the desired results.

The EMPLOYEES table contains these columns:EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER(4)LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25)JOB_ID VARCHAR2(10)You want to search for strings that contain ‘SA_‘ in the JOB_ID column. Which SQL statement do you use?()A. SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id FROM employees WHERE job_id LIKE ‘%SA\_%‘ESCAPE‘\‘;B. SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id FROM employees WHERE job_id LIKE ‘%SA_‘;C. SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id FROM employees WHERE job_id LIKE ‘%SA_‘ESCAPE‘\‘;D. SELECT employee_id, last_name, job_id FROM employees WHERE job_id ‘%SA_‘;

Evaluatethefollowingfunctioncode:CREATEFUNCTIONget_dept_avg(dept_idNUMBER)RETURNNUMBERRESULT_CACHERELIES_ON(EMPLOYEES)ISavgsalNUMBER(6);BEGINSELECTAVG(SALARY)INTOavgsalFROMEMPLOYEESWHEREDEPARTMENT_ID=dept_id;RETURNavgsal;ENDget_dept_avg;Whichstatementistrueregardingtheabovefunction?()A.ThecachedresultbecomesinvalidwhenanystructuralchangeisdonetotheEMPLOYEEStable.B.Ifthefunctionexecutionresultsinanunhandledexception,theexceptionresultisalsostoredinthecache.C.Eachtimethefunctionisinvokedinadifferentsession,thecurrentresultintheresultcachegetsoverwritten.D.Ifthefunctionisinvokedwithadifferentparametervalue,theexistingresultintheresultcache getsoverwrittenbythelatestvalue.

在SQL Server 2000中,现要在employees表的first_name和last_name列上建立一个唯一的非聚集复合索引,其中first_name列数据的重复率是5%,last_name列数据的重复率是10%。请补全下列语句使以first_name和last_name列作为条件的查询效率最高。CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX Idx_NameON employees(______)

找出"作者"库表中没有出现在"获奖名单"库表中的所有作者信息的SQL语句,(提示:使用NOT IN,NOT EXISTS,以及外部连接(+)三种方法),并说明那种方法是不优化的出版社: 出版社代码 char(2),出版社名称 varchar2(32)图书: 图书编号 char(8),图书名称 varchar2(128),出版社代码 char(2),作者代号char(4),图书简介 varchar2(128)作者: 作者代号 char(4),作者名称 varchar2(10),性别 char(1),年龄 number(3),文学方向 varchar2(64)获奖名单: 获奖日期 date,获奖人员 char(4)

The EMP table contains these columns:LAST_NAME VARCHAR2 (25)SALARY NUMBER (6,2)DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER (6)You need to display the employees who have not been assigned to any department. You write the SELECT statement:SELECT LAST_NAME, SALARY, DEPARTMENT_IDFROM EMPWHERE DEPARTMENT_ID = NULL;What is true about this SQL statement ?()A.The SQL statement displays the desired results.B.The column in the WHERE clause should be changed to display the desired results.C.The operator in the WHERE clause should be changed to display the desired results.D.The WHERE clause should be changed to use an outer join to display the desired results.

使用salary作为职工的工资列,若职工工资最高到千位,小数点后保留两位,则salary的数据类型应该是()A.numeric(4, 2)B.numeric(6, 2), 2), 2)
