



依靠流体(液体或气体)的流动来传递()的过程或方法称为对流换热。 A、压力B、温度C、能量D、热量

全会提出,坚持绿水青山就是金山银山理念,坚持(),坚持()为主,守住自然生态安全边界。 A、尊重自然B、顺应自然C、保护自然D、节约优先E、保护优先F、自然恢复

石油成品油计量是计量学的一个分支,是研究关于成品油储存、()和运输过程测量理论与实践的知识领域。 A、零售B、保管C、收发D、测量

Which statement is true about the command ipv6 ospf 1 area 0?() A. It must be issued before the network command to enable the OSPF pr ocess for IPv6.B. It must be issued after the network command to enable the OSPF process for IPv6.C. It must be issued in router global configuration mode to enable the OSPF process for IPv6.D. It must be issued in interface configuration mode to ena ble the OSPF process for IPv6.

子网掩码的作用是区别两台设备是否在相同网段。 A.错误B.正确