In C language, there are several methods of communicating data between functions, one of which is by(51)。A.argumentsB.variablesC.messagesD.constants

In C language, there are several methods of communicating data between functions, one of which is by(51)。






[A] alternate [B] different [C] varied [D] several

下列过程说明合法的是( ) A、Sub S1(ByVal n!())B、Sub S1(n!) as IntegerC、 Function S1%(S1%)D、 Function S1(ByVal n!)

How many methods of settlement are mentioned in this passage when the British importer needs dollar to pay his American supplier?A.Two.B.One.C.Three.D.Several.

Several@functionscanexecutemultiplestatements.Whichoneofthefollowinginitializesavariableandcanincrementinduringtheoperation?() A.@doB.@forC.@whileD.@dowhile

Program ( ) graphically present the detailed sequence of steps needed to solve a programming problem .A. modules B. flowcharts C. structures D. functions

[A]applications [B]enterprises [C]functions [D]performances

Program ( ) graphically present the detailed sequence of steps needed to solve a programming problem.A.modules B.flowchartsC.structures D.functions

变量W_data定义如下:union data_node{float ff'int n;char ch;}W_data;则变量W_data所占的内存存储空间可表示为______。A.sizeof(int)B.sizeof(char)C.sizeof(float)D.sizeof(int)+sizeof(char)+sizeof(float)

根据慕课的学习,学术研究论文结构中的IMRD指的是什么?A.introduction, message, research and discussionB.introduction, message, results and discussionC.introduction, methods, research and discussionD.introduction, methods, results and discussion

对于以下代码描述有误的是? val data = Map(1 -> "One", 2 -> "Two") val res = for((k, v) <- data; if(k > 1)) yield vA.运行后res的结果为List("Two")B.运行后res的结果为List("One", "Two")C.对映射data中的每一个(键,值)对,k被绑定对键,而v则被绑定到值D.其中的if(k > 1)是一个守卫表达式