Which command is used to retrieve the serial numbers of a Juniper device?() A.show versionB.show chassis hardwareC.show hardware detailD.view hardware database
Which command is used to retrieve the serial numbers of a Juniper device?()
A.show version
B.show chassis hardware
C.show hardware detail
D.view hardware database
Which naming convention is used by Juniper Routers when archiving their configurations to a remote server?() A.yyyymmdd_HHMMSS_host-name_juniper.conf.gzB.host-name_juniper.conf.gz_yyyymmdd_HHMMSSC.yyyymmdd_HHMMSS_host-name_juniper.confD.host-name_juniper.conf_yyyymmdd_HHMMSS
AcustomerplanstodeployOpenFabricManager(OFM).Whichvendorsmeetthisneedofthefollowing?() A.BrocadeB.BladeNetworkTechnology(BNT)C.CiscoD.Juniper
While logged into a router you manually shut down the serial 0 interface using the "shutdown" interface configuration command. You then issue the "show interface serial 0" command in exec mode. What could you expect the status of the serial 0 interface to be?()A. Serial 0 is up, line protocol is upB. Serial 0 is up, line protocol is downC. Serial 0 is down, line protocol is downD. Serial 0 is down, line protocol is upE. Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is downF. Serial 0 is administratively down, line protocol is up
Which line from the output of the show ip interface command indicates a layer 1 problem?() A. Serial0/1 is up, line protocol is downB. Serial0/1 is down, line protocol is downC. Serial0/1 is up, line protocol is upD. Serial0/1 is administratively down, line protocol is down
根据以下的配置,请判断当主接口serial0出故障后,哪一个备份接口最先被启用?()[Quidway-Serial0]standby interface serial 1 30[Quidway-Serial0]standby interface serial 2 40[Quidway-Serial0]standby logic-channel 3 50[Quidway-Serial0]standby logic-channel 2 35A.serial 1B.serial 2C.logic-channel 2D.logic-channel 3
以下几个串口通信函数,用于设置串口波特率的是()A.Serial.begin ()B.Serial.read ()C.Serial.print ()D.Serial.available ()
对于序列numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],以下相关操作中哪一个得到的结果中包含数字6?A.>>> numbers[0: 5]B.>>> numbers[6]C.>>> numbers[5: -1]D.>>> numbers[-4: -1]
13、对于序列numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],以下相关操作中哪一个得到的结果中包含数字6?A.>>> numbers[0: 5]B.>>> numbers[6]C.>>> numbers[5: -1]D.>>> numbers[-4: -1]
以下几个串口通信函数,用于读取串口数据的是()A.Serial.begin ()B.Serial.read ()C.Serial.print ()D.Serial.available ()