When comparing analog display inputs to digital display inputs, which of the following is anadvantage that digital has over analog?() A. Allows for higher brightnessB. More crosstalkC. Sustains higher resolutionsD. Supports widescreen resolutions
When comparing analog display inputs to digital display inputs, which of the following is anadvantage that digital has over analog?()
A. Allows for higher brightness
B. More crosstalk
C. Sustains higher resolutions
D. Supports widescreen resolutions
Theprocessquantizingthecontinuousvaluesintoabinaryscaleiscalled(). A.digital-to-analogconversionB.digital-to-digitalconversionC.analog-to-digitalconversionD.analog-to-analogconversion
The precision of ADC ( analog-to-digital conversion ) is determined by _____. A、its speedB、its gainC、the accuracy of the reference voltageD、the number of binary bits
()systems can identify individuals with a high degree of certainty. A.EncryptionB.BiometricC.Password AuthenticationD.Digital
下列程序的输出结果是______。 include int CalcDigital(char*str) { if(str= =NULL) 下列程序的输出结果是______。include<iostream.h>int CalcDigital(char*str){if(str= =NULL)return 0;int num_of_digital=0;for(int i=0;str{i]!=0x0;i++)if(str[i]<='9' str[i]>='0')num_of_digital++;return num_of_digital;}void main( ){char a[]="Beijing20080lympic";cout<<CalcDigital(a)<<endl;}
模拟数字转换器, 英文简称ADC, 英文全称为:A.Ambulance to Digital ConverterB.Analog-to- Destination ConverterC.Ambulance to Destination ConverterD.Analog-to-Digital Converter