The process of software development doesn’t include( ).A.verification functionB.writing functionD.validation function

The process of software development doesn’t include( ).

A.verification function
B.writing code function
D.validation function




●In which phase of the software engineering process is the Software Requirements Specification developed? (68) .(68) A.development phaseC.maintenance phaseD.Definition phase

●Developing reliable software on time and within (66) represents a difficultendeavor for many organizations.Usually business solutions have three main aspects:people, (67) ,and technology.Themaion reason for failing software projects has little to do with technology and tools,and much to dowith lack of process (68) .Experience has shown that introducing new technology and tools inan immature or undisciplined environment is likely to increase the chaos.CASE tools are notenough."A fool with a tool is still a fool!"Structured method was the first wave of the software industry.This was the beginning oftransforming software development from a" (69) industry"to mass production.Softwareprocess movement if the second wave in the software industry.The process maturity movementprepares the way for the third wave of the software industry:"software industrialization".Softwaredevelopment will become like an assembly and manufacturing process.A cfiticalenabling factor is adisciplined software engineering process with predictable quality, (70) and functionality.(66) A.forecastB.preparationC.budgetD.economy(67) A.processB.skillC.organizationD.interface(68) A.lawB.disciplineC.planD.evaluation(69) A.collegeB.familyC.workshopD.cottage(70) A.planB.scheduleC.effortD.product

In which phase of the software engineering process is the Software Requirements Specification developed?A. definition phaseB.engineeringC.maintenanceD.development phase

As an important phase in software development, software design is the continuation of software requirement analysis phasE.Ⅰ.software structureⅡ.software procedureⅢ.software moduleⅣ.software documentwhich of the following should be included in software design phase?A.Ⅰand ⅡB.Ⅱand ⅢC.Ⅰ,Ⅱ and ⅢD.All

Software engineering is the study and application of engineering to the ( ), development and maintenance of

Software document is an important part of software and a basis of software's development phase.It also influnces software'sA.ReusabilityB.MaintanenceC.ExpansibilityD.Portability

● The process of software development doesn’t include(72) .(72)A.verification functionB.writing functionD.validation function

Which phase of the software development requires the most development time?A.the design phaseB.the testing phaseC.the maintenance phaseD.the development phase

The process of software development doesn't include(72)。A.verification functionB.writing functionD.validation function

● The development process in the software (74) involves four phases: analysis,design,implementation, and testing.(74) A. maintenanceB. life cycleC. programmingD. upgrading

The Rational Unified Process(RUP)is a software engineering process, which captures many of best practices in modem software development. The notions of(71)and scenarios have been proven to be an excellent way to capture function requirements. RUP can be described in two dimensions - time and content. In the time dimension, the software lifecycle is broken into cycles. Each cycle is divided into four consecutive(72)which is concluded with a well-defined(73)and can be further broken down into(74)- a complete development loop resulting in a release of an executable product, a subset of the final product under development, which grows incrementally to become the final system. The content structure refers to the disciplines, which group(75)logically by nature.A.artifactsB.use-casesC.actorsD.workers

Developing reliable software on time and within(66)represents a difficult endeavor for many organizations.Usually business solutions have three main aspects: people,(67),and technology. The main reason for failing software projects has little to do with technology and tools, and much to do with lack of process(68). Experience has shown that introducing new technology and tools in an immature or undisciplined environment is likely to increase the chaos. CASE tools are not enough. "A fool with a tool is still a fool !"Structured method was the first wave of the software industry. This was the beginning of transforming software development from a"(69)industry" to mass production. Software process movement if the second wave in the software industry. The process maturity movement prepares the way for the third wave of the software industry :"software industrialization". Software development will become like an assembly and manufacturing process. A cfiticalenabling factor is adisciplined software engineering . process with predictable quality,(70)and functionality.A.forecastB.preparationC.budgetD.economy

Woman: Does the rent include electricity bills?Landlord: ______A、What a daydream you are having!B、It doesn't usually include the electricity bill.C、I don't think so,I'm afraid.D、I'm not sure.I'll ask if you don't mind.

●Extreme Programming (XP) is a discipline of software development with (71) of simplicity, communication,feedback and courage. Successful software development is a team effort-not just the development team, but the larger team consisting of customer, management and developers. XP is a simple process that brings these people together and helps them to succeed together. XP is aimed primarily at object-oriented projects using teams of a dozen or fewer programmers in one location. The principles of XP apply to any (72) project that needs to deliver quality software rapidly and flexibly.An XP project needs a (73) customer to provide guidance. Customers, programmers,managers, are all working (74) to build the system that's needed. Customers - those who have software that needs to be developed - willlearn simple, effective ways to (75) what they need, to be sure that they are getting what they need, and to steer the project to success.(71)A.importanceB.keysC.rolesD.values

●Ravi, like many project (71) ,had studied the waterfall model of software development as the primary software life-cycle (72) .He was all set to use it for an upcoming project, his first assignment. However, Ravi found that the waterfall model could not be used because the customer wanted the software delivered in stages, something that implied that the system had to be delivered and built in (73) and not as (74) .The situation in many other projects is not very different. The real world rarely presents a problem in which a standard process, or the process used in a previous project, is the best choice.To be the most suitable, an existing process must be (75) to the new problem.Adevelopment process, even after tailoring, generally cannot handle change requests. To accommodate change requests without losing control of the project, you must supplement the development process with a requirement change management process.(71) A.customers B.managers C.users D.administrators(72) A.activity B.procedure C.process D.progress(73) B.modules D.a whole(74) B.modules D.a whole(75) A.modified B.used C.suited D.tailored

Developing reliable software on time and within(31)represents a difficult endeavor for many organizations.Usually business solutions have three main aspects:people,(32), and technology. The main reason for failing software projects has little to do with technology and tools, and much to do with lack of process(33). Experience has shown that introducing new technology and tools in an immature or undisciplined environment is likely to increase the chaos. CASE tools are not enough. "A fool with a tool is still a fool?"Structured method was the first wave of the software industry. This was the beginning of transforming software development from a"(34)industry' to mass production. Software process movement if the second wave in the software industry. The process maturity movement prepares the way for the third wave of the software industry: "software industrialization". Software development will become like an assembly and manufacturing process. A critical enabling factor is a disciplined software engineering process with predictable quality,(35)and functionality.A.forecastB.preparationC.budgetD.economy

The development process in the software (74) involves four phases: analysis,design, implementation, and testing.A.maintenanceB.lifecycleC.programmingD.upgrading

● The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a software engineering process, which captures any of best practices in modern software development. The notions of (71) and scenarios ave been proven to be an excellent way to capture function requirements. RUP can be described two dimensions – time and content. In the time dimension, the software lifecycle is broken into cycles. Each cycle is divided into four consecutive (72) which is concluded with awell-defined (73) and can be further broken down into (74) – a complete developmentloop resulting in a release of an executable product, a subset of the final product underdevelopment, which grows incrementally to become the final system. The content structurerefers to the disciplines, which group (75) logically by nature.

The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is a software engineering process, which captures many of best practices in modern software development. The notions of use-cases and (71) have been proven to be an excellent way to capture function requirements. RUP can be described in two dimensions-time and content. In the time dimension, the software lifecycle is broken into cycles. Each cycle is divided into four consecutive (72) which is concluded with a well-defined (73) and can be further broken down into (74) - a complete development loop resulting in a release of an executable product, a subset of the final product under development, which grows incrementally to become the final system. The content structure refers to the disciplines, which group (75) logically by nature.A.actorsB.artifactsC.workersD.scenarios

Software engineers apply the principles of software engineering to the design, development, ( ),testing, and evaluation of the software and systems that make computers or anything containing software work.A.RequirementB.constructionC.serviceD.maintenance

Software Engineering Economy is an effective part of software engineering.Which of the following content is the research content of software engineering economy?Ⅰ.Estimation of software development costⅡ.Earn Cost analysis of software developmentⅢ.Adjustment of software development progressA.Ⅲ onlyB.Ⅱ and ⅢC.Ⅰ and ⅡD.all

●The development process in the software (74) involves four phases: analysis,design,implementation, and testing.(74)A.maintenanceB.lifecycleC.programmingD.upgrading

( ) is a very important task in the software development process, because an incorrect program can have significant consequences for the users.A.DebuggingB.ResearchC.InstallationD.Deployment

The process whereby software is installed into an operational environment is called ” ( ) ". A .deployment B .development C .setup D .lay up

The development process in the software ______ involves four phases: analysis, design, implementation, and testing.A.maintenance]B.1ife] cycle]C.programmingD.upgrading

A project is a[temporary](请作答此空)of unique,complex,and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time,within budget,and according to( ).Project management is the process of scoping,planning,staffing,organizing,directing,and controlling the development of a(n)( )system at a minimum cost within a specified time frame.For any systems development project,effective project management is necessary to ensure that the project meets the( ),is developed within an acceptable budget,and fulfills customer expectations and specifications,Project management is a process that starts at the beginning of a project,extends through a project,and doesn't culminate until the project is completed.The prerequisite for good project management is a well-defined system development process.Process management is an ongoing activity that documents,manages the use of,and improves an organization s chosen methodology(the“process”)for system development,Process management is concerned with the activities,deliverables,and quality standards to be applied to( )project(s).A.taskB.workC.sequenceD.activity

单选题Ravi, like many project (1) , had studied the waterfall model of software development as the primary software life-cycle (2) . He has all set to use it for an upcoming project, his first assignment. However, Ravi found that the waterfall model could not be used because the customer wanted the software delivered in stages, something that implied that the system had to be delivered and built in (3) and not as (4) . The situation in many other projects is not very different. The real world rarely presents a problem in which a standard process, or the process used in a previous project, is the best choice. To be the most situation, an existing process must be (5) to the new problem. A development process, even after tailoring, generally cannot handle change requests. To accommodate change requests without losing control of the project, you must supplement the development process with a requirement change management process.空白(2)处应选择()AactivityBprocedureCprocessDprogress