A.3~5gB.6~12gC.15~21gD.30~50gE.60~120g用槟榔驱杀绦虫,成人的每次用量是( )
用槟榔驱杀绦虫,成人的每次用量是( )
5G空口技术路线可由5G新空口和5G演进两部分组成。在考虑国际频谱规划及频段传播特性,5G包含工作在()以下频段的低频新空口和之上的高频新空口。 A.4GHz.B.6GhzC.35GhzD.50Ghz
以下哪些是2.6G微站要求的模式?() A.2.6G4、5G双模B.2.6G4、5G双模+1.8GFDDC.2.6G4、5G双模+1.8GFDD+2.3GTDDD.2.6G4、5G双模+2.3GTDD
【With the 4G telecommunications systems now starting to be deployed,people are looking towards the development of 5th generation or 5G technology services.Although the deployment of any wireless or cellular system take years,development of the 5G technology systems is being investigated.The new 5G technologies will need to be chosen developed and perfected to enable timely and reliable deployment. The new 5th generation,5G technology for cellular systems will probably start to come to fruition around 2020. The current status of the 5G technology for cellular systems is very much in the early development stages.Many companies are looking into the technologies that could be used to become part of the system.In addition to this,a number of universities have set up 5G research units focused on developing the technologies for 5G. In addition, the standards bodies,particularly 3GPP are aware of the development but are not actively planing the 5G systems yet.Many of the technologies to be used for 5G will start to appear in the systems used for 4G and then as the new 5G cellular system starts to formulate in a more concrete manner,they will be incorporated into the new 5G cellular system. The major issue with 5G technology is that there is such an enormously wide variation in the requirements:super fast downloads to small data requirements for IoT than any one system will not be able to meet these needs.Accordingly a layer approach is likely to be adopted.As one commentator stated:5G is not just a mobile technology.It is ubiquitous access to high low data rate services.】 Based on the paragraph above,at present,5G technology for cellular systems ( ), many of the technologies to be used for 5G ( ) in the systems used for 4G,the major issue facing with 5G technology is ( ).A.has matured B.has setup its standards C.is very much in the early development stages D.is in use A.is being developed B.already appeared C.will not appear D.will start to appear A.super fast downloads B.small data requirements for IoT C.4G system has already satisfied these needs D.an enormously wide variation in the requirements
小儿肺炎出现发绀时,其化验结果何种最可能出现A.Sa0285%,还原Hb>5g/dlC 小儿肺炎出现发绀时,其化验结果何种最可能出现A.Sa02<85%,还原Hb<5g/dlB.Sa02>85%,还原Hb>5g/dlC.SaO2<85%,还原Hb>5g/dlD.SaO2>85%,还原Hb<5g/dlE.SaO2<85%,与还原Hb无关
当前国内三大运营商都宣布了推出5G 技术的消息,下列关于5G 技术说法错误的是:A、当前热门的5G 是指第五代移动通讯技术B、5G 具有比4G 更高的速率、更宽的带宽C、5G 技术是目前保密性能最佳的通讯技术D、5G 可满足自动驾驶、智能制造等行业需求