蒙台梭利认为儿童的心理发展是( )和环境交互作用的结果A.身体B.机体C.肉体D.物体
蒙台梭利认为儿童的心理发展是( )和环境交互作用的结果
材料是一位大学教师的自述,大致如下: 我在使用案例课堂讨论之后,有学生反映“希望老师多讲些内容,可以更多学习到知识和学术前沿成果。”“上大学交学费不是为了听同学讨论的,这样没有意义,浪费时间。”还有学生甚至投诉我,说我上课很“水”,老师基本不讲,课上全是讨论。我很迷惑,一方面学生抱怨老师满堂灌,不让大家参与讨论,而当给予学生材料,让他们积极表达时,他们却退缩了呢?是不是这种方法是不对的?这与传统教学差别太大,是不是就不要继续了呢? (1)请从社会发展的角度,阐述讨论课的必要性。 (2)从课堂教学形式的角度,论述学生不适应讨论的可能原因。 (3)从课程改革来看,提出改进这种状况的措施。
In the 20th century the planet's population'doubled twice.It will not double even once in the 1 century,because birth rates in much of the world have 2 steeply.But the number of people over 65 is set to 3 within just 25 years.This shift in the structure of the population is not as momentous as the 4 that came before.But it is more than enough to reshape the world economy.5 the UN's population 6,the standard source for demographic estimates,there are around 600m people aged 65 0r older 7 today.That is in itself remarkable;the author Fred Pearce claims it is 8 that half of all the humans who have ever been over 65 are alive today.But 9 a share of the total population,at 8%,it is not that 10 to what it was a few decades ago.By 2035,11,more than l.1 billion people-13%of the population-will be above the age of 65.This is a 12 result of the dropping birth rates that are slowing overall population growth;they mean there are 13 fewer younS people around.The"old-age dependency ratio"-the ratio of old people to those of working age-will 14 even faster.In 2010 the world had 16 people aged 65 and over for every 100 aduILs between the ages of 25 and 64,15 the same raLio it had in 1980.By 2035 the UN 16 that number to have risen to 26.In rich countries it will be much higher.Japan will have 69 0ld people for every 100 0f working age by 2035,Germany 66.17 America,which has a relaLively high 18 rate,will see its old-age dependency rate rise by more than 70%,t0 44.Developing counLries,19 today's ratio is much lower,will not see absolute levels rise that high;20 the proportional growth will be higher.Over the same time period the old-age dependency rate in China will more than double from 15 t0 36.Latin America wiU see a shift from 14 to 27.15选?A.actuallyB.certainlyC.almostD.already