Have you ever argued with your loved ones over simple misunderstandings(误解)?Little wonder.We often believe we′re more skillful in getting our point across than we actually are,according to Boza?Keysar,a professor at the University of Chicago.In his recent study,speakers tried to express their?meanings using unclear sentences.Speakers who thought listeners understood were wrong nearly half the?time.Here′s some good advice to reduce misunderstanding:(1)Don′t trust what you see from the listener.Listeners often nod,look at you or say"uhhuh"to?be polite or move the conversation along.But it′s easy to consider these as signs of understanding.(2)Train the editor(编辑)in your head.If you say,"Beth discusses her problems with her?husband,"it′s not clear whether she′s talking to her husband or about him.Try instead,"Beth?talks to her husband about her problems."or"Beth talks to others about the problems with her?husband."(3)Ask listeners to repeat your message.Introduce your request by saying"I?want to be sure I said?that right."Questions like"How does that sound?"or"Does that make sense?"may also work.(4)Listen well.When on the receiving end,ask questions to be sure you′re on the same?page.After all,it isn′t just the speaker′s job to make his speech understood.By Train the editor in your head,the speakers are advised__________A.to get themselves trained by a good editorB.to discuss problems with their husbands or wivesC.to express themselves in long but simple sentencesD.to make sure each sentence has only one meaning

Have you ever argued with your loved ones over simple misunderstandings(误解)?Little wonder.
We often believe we′re more skillful in getting our point across than we actually are,according to Boza?Keysar,a professor at the University of Chicago.In his recent study,speakers tried to express their?meanings using unclear sentences.Speakers who thought listeners understood were wrong nearly half the?time.Here′s some good advice to reduce misunderstanding:
(1)Don′t trust what you see from the listener.Listeners often nod,look at you or say"uhhuh"to?be polite or move the conversation along.But it′s easy to consider these as signs of understanding.
(2)Train the editor(编辑)in your head.If you say,"Beth discusses her problems with her?husband,"it′s not clear whether she′s talking to her husband or about him.Try instead,"Beth?talks to her husband about her problems."or"Beth talks to others about the problems with her?husband."
(3)Ask listeners to repeat your message.Introduce your request by saying"I?want to be sure I said?that right."Questions like"How does that sound?"or"Does that make sense?"may also work.
(4)Listen well.When on the receiving end,ask questions to be sure you′re on the same?page.After all,it isn′t just the speaker′s job to make his speech understood.

By Train the editor in your head,the speakers are advised__________

A.to get themselves trained by a good editor
B.to discuss problems with their husbands or wives
C.to express themselves in long but simple sentences
D.to make sure each sentence has only one meaning




Did you ever have someone's name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were unable to recall it? (21) this happens again, do not try to recall it. Do something (22) for a couple of minutes, and the name may come into your head. The name is there. Since you have met (23) person and learned his name. It only has to be dug out. The initial effort to recall (24) the mind for operation, but it is the subconscious (25) that go to work to dig up a dim memory. Forcing yourself to recall almost never helps because it doesn't loosen your memory; it only tightens it. Students find the preparatory method helpful (26) examinations. They read over the questions (27) trying to answer any of them. Then they answer first the ones (28) which they are most confident. Meanwhile, deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking (29) ; work is being done on the more difficult question. By the time the easier questions are answered, answers to the more difficult ones will usually begin to (30) into consciousness. It is often just a question of waiting for recall to come to the memory.21.A. WhetherB. WhenC. WhileD. As

If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose, you should .A. change the amount of your next doseB, eat more when taking your next doseC. have a dose as soon as you rememberD. take the next dose at your regular time

Having acknowledged receipt of the interview letter,you must prepare for the interview. Firms usually take a good deal of trouble over interviews,and there may be three or more people present,which can be a little frightening. Very often the personnel officer will begin by some words of welcome and an invitation to you to tell them a little about yourself. This is really inviting you to repeat the information you have already supplied on the application form,and which they have already read,but it does have some point. It will put you at your ease,because at least you know all about your own level of achievement and can speak about it confidently. It helps them assess your ability to communicate and your serf-esteem. Some people have too high an opinion of themselves,some take an unduly pessimistic view of their achievements,while others have a nicely balanced assessment of their own abilities.

Have you ever been to the place? You can see many places of interest there.(合并为一句)Have you ever been to the place ________you can see many places of interest?

I just wonder if ( )ever( )that you could have your own enterprise and run it yourself when you were still a student.A、it.occurredB、you.occurred to itC、it.occurred to youD、you.occurred

(英译汉)There is no separation for you between work and home.Even when at home, your work is the top priority.You are totally committed and driven to work, and your happiness is found in your work.Work always seems to take precedence over family and leisure time.You have no social life other than work-related events.

Have you ___been to our town before? No. it’s my first time I _____here. A.ever, comeB. even, have comeC.ever, comeD. ever, have come

–Hi, Liu Hui. Have you got something on your mind?--_______________. A. Hmmm, I am a little upset.B. What? What are you saying?C. Sure. Thank you.

Have you finished your housework ( )? Yes. I have ( ) finished it. A、yet, alreadyB、already, yetC、ever, neverD、still, just

Have you ever been employed?

共用题干Can Loud Music Cause Hearing Impairment(损伤)?Have you ever gone to a concert and realized that your seats were right next to thebooming speakers?Are you guilty_________(1)turning up the volume on your portablecassette or CD player to drown out the whining(哭哭啼啼)of your little brother? Sometimes it's difficult to avoid loud music or noises,but they can be bad news because loud noises can_________(2)temporary or permanent hearing loss.Extremely loud music and noises that go on for long periods of_______(3)are common causes of deafness.If a noise is so loud that you have to shout to make yourself_______(4),there is a______(5)that the mechanism inside your ear can beinjured.Temporary hearing loss can happen after you've been_______(6)to loud noise for only 15 minutes.If you have temporary hearing loss,you won't be able to hear as________ (7) as you normally can, and you may have tinnitus(耳鸣),which is afancy word for ringing in the ears. Your ears can feel"full",too._________(8),these things usually go away and your hearing soon returns to normal.Permanent hearing loss can happen when someone is exposed to loud noise ________(9)and over. Construction workers and people who work in factories must ________(10)ear protectors because the equipment they use can be extremely loud. But even some lawn mowers(割草机)and power tools can permanently__________ (11)a person's ability to hear high-pitched noises and can also give him permanent tinnitus. Listening to extremely loud music over and over can also have the same effect on a person's ______(12).And using headphones on a portable cassette or CD player can be dangerous________(13)if the volume is too high and the headphones are used a lot, the noise can damage the ears.The best way to avoid hearing loss is to wear ear protectors when working with machinery and earplugs when going to a_________(14).Headphones are OK to wear when you're listening to music;just be sure the volume isn't too high,and give them a rest________(15)once in a while._________(8.)A: Unfortunately B: Accordingly C: Luckily D: Unexpectedly

共用题干In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before,many people are being ________(51)to the idea of looking back into the past.One way they can do this is by investigating their own family history.They can try to_________(52)out more about where their families came from and what they did.This is now a fast-growing hobby,especially in countries with a ________(53)short history,like Australia and the United States.It is__________(54)thing to spend some time__________(55)through a book on family history and to take the_________(56)to investigate your own family's past.It is__________(57)another to carry out the research work successfully.It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and __________(58)yourself many problems which could have been_________(59)with a little forward planning.If your own family stories tell you that you are_________(60)with a famous character,whether hero or criminal,do not let this idea take over your research.Just _________(61) it as an interesting possibility. A simple system_________(62)collecting and storing your information will be ad-equate to start with;a more complex one may only get in your_________(63).The most important thing,though,is to___________(64)started.Who knows what you__________(65)find?_________(61)A:treat B:control C:contact D:direct

Have you ever argued with your loved ones over simple misunderstandings(误解)?Little wonder.We often believe we′re more skillful in getting our point across than we actually are,according to Boza?Keysar,a professor at the University of Chicago.In his recent study,speakers tried to express their?meanings using unclear sentences.Speakers who thought listeners understood were wrong nearly half the?time.Here′s some good advice to reduce misunderstanding:(1)Don′t trust what you see from the listener.Listeners often nod,look at you or say"uhhuh"to?be polite or move the conversation along.But it′s easy to consider these as signs of understanding.(2)Train the editor(编辑)in your head.If you say,"Beth discusses her problems with her?husband,"it′s not clear whether she′s talking to her husband or about him.Try instead,"Beth?talks to her husband about her problems."or"Beth talks to others about the problems with her?husband."(3)Ask listeners to repeat your message.Introduce your request by saying"I?want to be sure I said?that right."Questions like"How does that sound?"or"Does that make sense?"may also work.(4)Listen well.When on the receiving end,ask questions to be sure you′re on the same?page.After all,it isn′t just the speaker′s job to make his speech understood.Why does the writer give us the advice?A.We're not skillful enough to make clear sentences.B.Misunderstanding is damaging our normal lives.C.Misunderstanding occurs now and then.D.It's impolite to say NO to others.

Have you ever argued with your loved ones over simple misunderstandings(误解)?Little wonder.We often believe we′re more skillful in getting our point across than we actually are,according to Boza?Keysar,a professor at the University of Chicago.In his recent study,speakers tried to express their?meanings using unclear sentences.Speakers who thought listeners understood were wrong nearly half the?time.Here′s some good advice to reduce misunderstanding:(1)Don′t trust what you see from the listener.Listeners often nod,look at you or say"uhhuh"to?be polite or move the conversation along.But it′s easy to consider these as signs of understanding.(2)Train the editor(编辑)in your head.If you say,"Beth discusses her problems with her?husband,"it′s not clear whether she′s talking to her husband or about him.Try instead,"Beth?talks to her husband about her problems."or"Beth talks to others about the problems with her?husband."(3)Ask listeners to repeat your message.Introduce your request by saying"I?want to be sure I said?that right."Questions like"How does that sound?"or"Does that make sense?"may also work.(4)Listen well.When on the receiving end,ask questions to be sure you′re on the same?page.After all,it isn′t just the speaker′s job to make his speech understood.In the last paragraph,the words"you′re on the same page"mean that__________A.you're following the speaker closelyB.you're reading the same page as the speaker doesC.you should know which page the speaker refers toD.your story is written on the same page as the speaker's

Have you ever argued with your loved ones over simple misunderstandings(误解)?Little wonder.We often believe we′re more skillful in getting our point across than we actually are,according to Boza?Keysar,a professor at the University of Chicago.In his recent study,speakers tried to express their?meanings using unclear sentences.Speakers who thought listeners understood were wrong nearly half the?time.Here′s some good advice to reduce misunderstanding:(1)Don′t trust what you see from the listener.Listeners often nod,look at you or say"uhhuh"to?be polite or move the conversation along.But it′s easy to consider these as signs of understanding.(2)Train the editor(编辑)in your head.If you say,"Beth discusses her problems with her?husband,"it′s not clear whether she′s talking to her husband or about him.Try instead,"Beth?talks to her husband about her problems."or"Beth talks to others about the problems with her?husband."(3)Ask listeners to repeat your message.Introduce your request by saying"I?want to be sure I said?that right."Questions like"How does that sound?"or"Does that make sense?"may also work.(4)Listen well.When on the receiving end,ask questions to be sure you′re on the same?page.After all,it isn′t just the speaker′s job to make his speech understood.The writer suggests that when talking to others,the speaker should__________A.know that listeners will show him that they understand his wordsB.express himself clearly even when he sees signs of understandingC.notice listener's signs of understandingD.look directly into his listener's eyes

Have you ever paid your kid for good grades?Have you driven to school to______a forgotten assignment?Have you done a college student’s laundry?A.drop offB.make upC.take overD.fill in

Would you mind if I use your car? Of course not.()AI'm sorry I can'tBI'm afraid notCIt's over thereDI have no car

单选题How to Start Your Own Business I have recently started a business and have learned some crucial lessons in the process that I feel privileged to share with you. 1. Identify your motivation. __1__ To have more time? To make more money? To be your own boss? To have creative control over what you love to do? Write out all of your motivating factors and prioritize them. When you see them listed, you might see a pattern in that you're just unhappy at your current job and starting your own business isn't the answer. 2. Identify your passion. What do you love to do? What skills and knowledge do you uniquely bring to the table? What gets you excited about your work? __2__ If you keep your passion in plain sight, you will stay focused on the purpose of your business and not solely on the logistics. 3. Identify your market. If you are starting your business locally, research your competitors. Determine if there is room in the market for your business. What will you do differently to draw in customers? What niche market are the other businesses missing? __3__ Your business cannot survive without customers, so do enough research on the front end to determine if there are enough potential clients to keep your business alive. 4. Identify your finances. __4__ You have to buy furniture, trash cans, a garage door opener, light fixtures and landscaping equipment, and before you know it, you've far exceeded your financial boundaries. That can happen just as easily in a business. Do exhaustive financial planning. Meet with a financial advisor or someone at your bank to examine the financial viability of your business and the process of getting it up and running. __5__ Be prepared for financial loss and get advice on how to alleviate that burden in the future.__5__内应为()APlan wisely and do not assume the best about your business.BWhy do you want to start your own business?CThe tragic reality is that when business fail, the passion often dies with it.DKeep that passion at the forefront of your business plan, your marketing strategies, and your daily routine.EIf you have ever purchased a new home, you know that the financial obligations extend beyond the down payment and the mortage.FIf you are starting an Internet company, research the requirements for your own unique Web presence.

问答题PART 3Discussion topics: Working with others Have you ever worked with your colleagues?

单选题If you ______ my advice,you ______ your failure now. You ______ your victory.Atook...wouldn’t cry over...would celebrateBhad taken...wouldn’t have cried over...would have celebratedChad taken...aren’t crying over...are celebratingDhad taken...wouldn’t be crying over...would be celebrating