新兴市场(Emerged Markets)
新兴市场(Emerged Markets)
外资银行进入新兴市场国家,新兴市场国家银行业的各主体为了维持自身的生存。会尽可能争取较大的市场份额,充分拓展自身竞争优势。努力向客户提供质优价廉的金融产品和金融服务,这个过程必然带动银行业微观效率的提升。“这个过程”指的是( )。A.外资银行进入新兴市场国家的过程B.新兴市场国家银行业发展的过程C.外资银行提供优质服务的过程D.新兴市场国家银行业扩大市场份额的过程
单选题According to the passage, what are characterized by their less centralized trades negotiated between dealers?Asecondary markets.Bover-the-counter markets.Cauction markets.
单选题What was the impact of the currency crisis that broke out in Thailand in 1997?AEmerging markets had no confidence in their economic growth.BForeign capital continued to flow into emerging markets at a slower rate.CInternational investors profited a lot from emerging markets.DThere was a sudden outflow of foreign capital from emerging markets.
单选题According to the passage, what are characterized by their centrally executed bids?Aauction markets.Bover-the-counter markets.Cprimary markets.
问答题Discuss, and decide together: ● What measures are most effective for identifying new export markets? ● How to maintain sales in export markets?