Dim arrInt()as Integer=New Integer(2){}

Dim arrInt()as Integer=New Integer(2){}


本题中,用表格表现某个月的月历,其中标题是从Sunday到Saturday,表格中的各项是可以修改的。 import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; public class java2 ( public static void main(String[]args) { try{ UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSys- temLookAndFeelClassName): } catch(Exception e) JFrame. frame=new CalendarTableFrame; frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ oN CLOSE); frame.show; } } clasgCalendarTableFrame. extends JFrame { private static final int WIDTH=500; private static final int HEIGHT=150: private cells= { {null,null,null,new Integer(1),new Integer (2),new Integer(3),new Integer(4)), {new Integer(5),new Integer(6),new Integer (7).new Integer(8),new Integer(9),new Integer (10),new Integer(11)), {new Integer(12),new Integer(13),new Integer (14),new Integer(15),new Integer(16),new Integer (17),new Integer(18)), {new Integer(19),new Integer(20),new Integer (21),new Integer(22),new Integer(23),new Integer (24),new Integer(25)), {new Integer(26),new Integer(27),new Integer (28),new Integer(29),new Integer(30),new Integer (31),null} }; private String[]columnNames={ "Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday", "Thursday","Friday","Saturday" }; public CalendarTableFrame{ setTitle("java2"); setSize(WIDTH,HEIGHT); JTable table=new ; getContentPane.add(new JScrollPane(table), BorderLayout.CENTER); } }

下面可以正确定义两个整型变量和—个字符串变量的语句是______。A.Dim n,m As Integer,s As StringB.Dim a%,b$,c As StringC.Dim a As Integer,b,c As StringD.Dim x%,y As Integer,z As String

下列程序段的执行结果为 ______。 Dim m(3,3)As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim x As Integer For i=1 To 3 m(i,i)=i Next For i=0 To 3 For j=0 To 3 x=x+m(i,j) Next Next Print xA.3B.4C.5D.6

单击命令按钮时,下列程序代码的执行结果为( )。 Private Function FirProc(x As Integer,y As Integer,z As Integer) FirProc=2*x+y+3*z End Funcfion Private Function SecProc(x As Integer,y As Integer,z As Integer) SecProc=FirProc(z,x,y)+x End Funcfion Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim c As Integer a=2 b=3 c=4 Printf SecProc(c,b,a) End SubA.21B.19C.17D.34

(13)单击命令按钮时,下列程度的执行结果是 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer,b As Integer,c As Integer a=2:b=4:c=6 Call S2(a,b) Print"a=";a;"b=";b;"c=";c; End Sub Private Sub S1(x As Integer,y As Integer) Dim c As Integer x=2*x:y=y+2:e=x+y End Sub Sub S2(x As Integer,By Val y As Integer) Dim e As Integer x=2*x:y=y+2:e=x+y End Sub A.a=4 b=6 c=6 B.a=8 b=6 c=6 a=4 b=6 c=6 a=8 b=6 c=6 C.a=4 b=6 c=6 D.a=8 b=6 c=6 a=8 b=6 c=6 a=4 b=6 c=6

下面正确使用动态数组的是( )。A.Dim arr( )As Integer … ReDim arr(3,5)B.Dim arr( )As Integer … ReDim arr(50)As StringC.Dim arr( ) … RcDim arr(50)As IntegerD.Dim arr(50)AS Integer … ReDim arr(20)

执行下列程序后,变量a的值为 ( ) Dim i As Integer Dim a As Integer a=0 For i=l To 100 Step 2 a=a+l Next iA.1B.10C.50D.100

以下有关数组定义的语句序列中,错误的是A.Static arrl(3) arr1(1)=100 arrl(2)="Hello" arrl(3)=123.45B.Dim arr2()As Integer Dim size As Integer Private Sub Command2_Click() size=InputBOX(“输入:”) ReDim arr2(size) ┄ End SubC.Option Base 1 Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim arr3(3)As Integer ┄ End SubD.Dim n As Integer Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim arr4(n)As Integer ┄ End Sub

以下有关数组定义的语句序列中,错误的是 ______。A.Static arrl(3) arrl(1)=100 arrl(2)="Hello" arrl(3)123.45B.Dim arr2()As Integer Dim size As Integer Private Sub Command2_click() size=InputBox("输入:") ReDimarr2(size) End SubC.Option Base1 Private Sub Command3_click() Dim arr3(3)As Integer End SubD.Dim n As Integer Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim arr4(n)As Integer End Sub

以下有关数组定义的语句序列中,错误的是 ______。A.Static arr1(3) arr1(1)=100 arr1(2)="Hello" arr1(3)=12345B.Dim arr2()As Integer Dim size As Integer Private Sub Command2_Click() size=Input Box("输入:") ReDimarr2(size) ... End SubC.Option Base 1 Private Sub Command3_Click() Dim arr3(3)As Integer ... End SubD.Dim n As Integer Private Sub Command4_Click() Dim arr4(n)As Integer ... End Sub

单击命令按钮时,下列程序段的执行结果为( )。 Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, c As Integer a-2:b=4:c=6 Call S1(a,b)Print "a="; a; "b="; b; "c="; c Call S2(a,b)Print "a ="; a; "b="; b; "c="; c; End Sub Private Sub S1(x As Integer, y As Integer) Dim c As Integer x=2*x:y=y+2:c=x+y End Sub Sub S2(x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) Dim e As Integer x=2*x:y=y+2:e=x+y End SubA.a=4 b=6 c=6 a=4 b=6 c=6B.a=8 b=6 c=6 a=8 b=6 c=6C.a=4 b=6 c=6 a=8 b=6 c=6D.a=8 b=6 c=6 a=4 b=6 c=6

有如下的程序: Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim k As Integer,m As Integer Dim P As Integer k=4:m=1 P=Fun(k,m):Print P; P=Fun(k,m):Print P End Sub Private Function Fun(a As Integer,b As Integer) Static m As Integer,i As Integer in=5:i=2 i=i+m+1 m=i+a+b Fun=m\2 End Function 单击命令按钮后,输出结果为A.2 2B.4 4C.5 5D.6 6

有如下的程序。 Private Sub Commandl_Click( ) Dim k As Integer, m As Integer Dim P As Integer k=4: m=1 P=Fun(k, m) : Print P; P = Fun ( k, m) : Print P End Sub Private Function Fun( a As Integer, b As Integer) Static m As Integer, i As Integer m=5:i=2 i=i+m+1 m=i + a + b Fun=m\2 End Function 单击命令按钮后,输出结果为A.2 2B.4 4C.5 5D.6

以下程序运行后,单击命令按钮,窗体显示的结果是 ______。 Private Function p1(x As Integer,y As Integel,z As Integer) p1=2*x+y+3*z End Function Private Function p2(x As Integer,y As Integer,z As Integer) p2=p1(2,y,x)+x End Function Private SubCommandl_Click() Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim c As Integer a=2:b=3:c=4 Print p2(c,b,A)End SubA.19B.21C.22D.23

有如下函数:Private Function firstfunc(x As Integer, y As Integer) As Integer Dim n As Integer Do While n <= 4 x=x +y n=-+1 Loop firstfunc = x End Function调用该函数的事件过程如下:Private Sub Command1_lick() Dim x As Integer Dim y As Integer Dim n As Integer Dim z As Integer x=1 y=1 For n = 1 To 3 z = firstfunc(x, y) Next n Print z End Sub该事件过程的执行结果是 ______。A.1B.3C.16D.9

单击命令按钮时,下列程序代码的执行结果为______。 Private Function FirProc (x As Integer,y As Integer,z As Integer) FirProc=2*x+y+3*z End Function Private Function SecProc(x As Integer,y As Integer,z As Integer) SecProc=FirProc(z,x,y)+x End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim a As Integer Dim b As Integer Dim C As Integer a=2 b = 3 c = 4 Print SecProc(c,b,A) End SubA. 21B.19C.17D.34

阅读下面的程序; Function Func(x As Integer,y As Integer)As Integer Dim n As Integer Do While n < = 4 x=x + y n = n + 1 Loop Func=x End Function Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim x As Integet, y As Integer Dim n As Integer,z As Integer x=1 y=1 For n = 1 To 6 z=Func(x,y) Next n Print z End Sub 程序运行后,单击命令按钮,输出的结果为.A.16B.21C.26D.31

以下将变量NewVar定义为Integer型正确的是______。A.Integer NewVarB.Dim NewVar Of IntegerC.Dim NewVar As IntegerD.Dim Integer NewVar

下列程序段的执行结果为______。 Dim m(3,3)As Integer Dim i As Integer Dim j As Integer Dim x As Integer For i=1 To 3 m(i,i)=i Next For i=0 T0 3 For j=0 To 3 x=x+m(i, j) Next Next Print xA.3B.4C.5D.6

以下有关数组定义的语句序列中,错误的是( )。A.Static arr1(3) arr1(1)=100 arr1(2)="Hello" arr1(3)=123.45B.Dim arr2() AsInteger Dim size As Integer Private Sub Command2_Click () size=InputBox("输入:") ReDim arr2(size) …… EndSubC.Option Base 1 Private Sub Command3 Click() Dim art3(3) As Integer …… End SubD.Dim n As Integer Private Sub Command4 Cliok() Dim arr4(n)As Integer …… End Sub

( 21 )下面正确使用动态数组的是A )Dim arr () As Integer…ReDim arr ( 3 , 5 )B )Dim arr () As Integer…ReDim arr ( 50 ) As StringC )Dim arr ()…ReDim arr ( 50 ) As IntegerD )Dim arr ( 50 ) As Integer…ReDim arr ( 20 )

Dim arrInt()as Integer=New Integer(3){0,1,2}

在VB中,使用变量前一般应对变量进行定义。以下变量定义语句错误的是()。A、Dim  x As IntegerB、Dim  x As Integer,y As SingleC、Var  x,y:IntegerD、Dim  x As Integer,y As Integer

Dim arrInt()as Integer=New Integer(2){0,1,2}

判断题Dim arrInt()as Integer=New Integer(3){0,1,2}A对B错

判断题Dim arrInt()as Integer=New Integer(2){}A对B错

判断题Dim arrInt()as Integer=New Integer(2){0,1,2}A对B错