在Netware中,下列说法正确的是()。 A根是NDS树的最高层次B网络系统管理员可以利用根对象给整个NDS树进行托管者分配和授予权限C在安装网络的第一台Netware服务器时,根对象被建立DNDS树中允许存在多个根对象
WhichofthefollowingistrueregardingNetWareDirectoryServices(NDS)configuration?() A.Remoteuserscanaccessthetreethroughdial-inconnections.B.MobileusersdonotrequirechangingtheNDSnamecontext.C.RemoteusersdonotrequireaspecialNDSobjectentry.D.Therearenodifferencesbetweenmobileusersandremoteusers.
Which of the following is true regarding NetWare Directory Services (NDS) configuration?()A、Remote users can access the tree through dial-in connections.B、Mobile users do not require changing the NDS name context.C、Remote users do not require a special NDS object entry.D、There are no differences between mobile users and remote users.
单选题Which of the following is true regarding NetWare Directory Services (NDS) configuration?()ARemote users can access the tree through dial-in connections.BMobile users do not require changing the NDS name context.CRemote users do not require a special NDS object entry.DThere are no differences between mobile users and remote users.