应使用哪条语句删除“雇员”表的“姓氏”列上的“姓氏_IDX”索引?()A、DROP INDEX姓氏_idx;B、DROP INDEX姓氏_idx(姓氏);C、DROP INDEX姓氏_idx(雇员.姓氏);D、ALTERTABLE雇员DROP INDEX姓氏_idx;


  • A、DROP INDEX姓氏_idx;
  • B、DROP INDEX姓氏_idx(姓氏);
  • C、DROP INDEX姓氏_idx(雇员.姓氏);


Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table:Column name Data type RemarksEMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary KeyLAST_NAME VARCNAR2(30)FIRST_NAME VARCNAR2(30)JOB_ID NUMBERSAL NUMBERMGR_ID NUMBER References EMPLOYEE_ID column DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBERYou need to create an index called NAME_IDX on the first name and last name fields of the EMPLOYEES table. Which SQL statement would you use to perform this task? ()A. CREATE INDEX NAME _IDX (first_name, last_name);B. CREATE INDEX NAME _IDX (first_name, AND last_name)C. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON (First_name, last_name);D. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON employees (First_name, AND last_name);E. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON employees (First_name, last_name);F. CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX FOR employees (First_name, last_name);

Given the following DDL for the PARTS table:CREATE TABLE parts (part_no INT(9) NOT NULL, part_name VARCHAR(24), part_remain INT(9));All part numbers entered will be different and all rows should be displayed in order of increasing part numbers whenever the table is queried. Which of the following create index statements will meet this criteria and require the least amount of storage for the index object?()A.CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_no)B.CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_name ASC)C.CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_name, part_no ASC)D.CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_no, part_name ASC)

要删除视图myview,可以使用()语句。A.DROP myviewB.DROP TABLE myviewC.DROP INDEX myviewD.DROP VIEW myview

在Oracle中,你需要创建索引提高薪水审查的性能,该审查要对员工薪水提高12个百分点后进行分析处理,下面哪个createindex命令能解决此问题()。 A.CREATE INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary*1.12)B.CREATE UNIQUE INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary)C.CREATE BITMAP INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary)D.CREATE INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary)REVERSE

在SQL Server 2008中,设有商品表(商品号,商品名,生产日期,单价,类别)。现经常需要执行下列查询: SELECT 商品号, 商品名, 单价 FROM 商品表 WHERE 类别 IN (′食品′,′家电′) ORDER BY 商品号 现需要在商品表上建立合适的索引来提高该查询的执行效率。下列建立索引的语句,最合适的是( )。A.CREATE INDEX Idx1 ON 商品表(类别)B.CREATE INDEX Idx1 ON 商品表(商品号,商品名,单价)C.CREATE INDEX Idx1 ON 商品表(类别,商品号,INCLUDE (商品名,单价)D.CREATE INDEX Idx1 ON 商品表(商品号,INCLUDE (商品名,单价,WHERE 类别 = '食品' OR 类别 = '家电'


“雇员”表包含以下列:姓氏VARCHAR2(25) 名字VARCHAR2(25) 电子邮件VARCHAR2(50)如果要编写以下SELECT语句来检索具有电子邮件地址的雇员的姓名。SELECT姓氏||’,’||名字"雇员姓名"FROM雇员;则应使用哪条WHERE子句来完成此条语句?()A、WHERE电子邮件=NULL;B、WHERE电子邮件!=NULL;C、WHERE电子邮件IS NULL;D、WHERE电子邮件IS NOT NULL;

评估以下SELECT语句:SELECT雇员标识,姓氏,名字,薪金‘年薪’ FROM雇员 WHERE薪金ISNOTNULL ORDERBY姓氏,3;以下哪个子句有错误?()A、SELECT雇员标识,姓氏,名字,薪金’年薪’B、FROM雇员C、WHERE薪金IS NOT NULLD、ORDER BY姓氏,3;


下面的SQL语句将显示什么结果?() SELECT 姓氏, LPAD(薪金,15,’$’)薪金   FROM 雇员;  A、薪金值中包括“$”、长度为 15 位数字且列标记为“薪金”的雇员的姓氏。B、姓氏、薪金的格式(限定为小数点左边有 15 位数字)和列标记“薪金”。C、所有雇员的姓氏和薪金,薪金的格式为 15 个字符长度,左边带有“$”且列标记为“薪金”。 (*)D、此查询将导致以下错误:“ORA-00923: 在相应位置未找到 FROM 关键字。”

“雇员”表在LAST_NAME列上有一个名为LN_IDX的索引。您要将此索引更改为FIRST_NAME列的索引。以下哪条SQL语句将实现此操作()A、ALTER INDEX ln_idx ON employees(first_name)B、ALTER INDEX ln_idx TO employees(first_name)C、ALTER INDEX ln_idx TO fn_idx ON employees(first_name)D、以上都不能;您无法变更索引

要删除mytable表中的myindex索引,可以使用()语句。A、DROP myindexB、DROP mytable.myindexC、DROP INDEX myindexD、DROP INDEX mytable.myindex

“雇员”表包含以下列: 雇员标识NUMBER 姓氏VARCHAR2(25) 名字VARCHAR2(25) 部门标识NUMBER 职务标识NUMBER 经理标识NUMBER 薪金NUMBER(9,2) 佣金NUMBER(7,2) 聘用日期DATE 以下哪条SELECT语句可用于显示部门70中薪金最低的10位员工()A、SELECT ROWNUM"排名",姓氏,名字"雇员",薪金"薪金"FROM(SELECT 姓氏,名字,薪金 FROM 雇员ORDER BY 薪金)WHERE ROWNUM=10 AND job_id LIKE’CLERK’AND department_id=70B、SELECT ROWNUM"排名",姓氏,名字"雇员",薪金"薪金"FROM(SELECT 姓氏,名字,薪金,职务标识FROM 雇员 WHERE 职务标识 LIKE’CLERK’AND 部门标识=70ORDER BY 薪金)WHERE ROWNUM=10C、SELECT ROWNUM"排名",姓氏,名字"雇员",薪金"薪金"FROM(SELECT 姓氏,名字,薪金,职务标识,部门标识 FROM 雇员 WHERE ROWNUM=10ORDER BY 薪金)WHERE 职务标识 LIKE’CLERK’AND 部门标识=70D、唯一的方法是使用数据字典

要删除视图myview,可以使用()语句。A、DROP myviewB、DROP TABLE myviewC、DROP INDEX myviewD、DROP VIEW myview

评估以下SELECT语句: SELECT姓氏,名字,部门标识,经理标识 FROM雇员; 如果需要先按“经理标识”值,然后按雇员姓氏值和名字值的字母顺序排序数据,应使用以下哪个ORDER BY子句?()A、ORDER BY部门标识,姓氏B、ORDER BY经理标识,姓氏,名字C、ORDER BY姓氏,名字,经理标识D、ORDER BY经理标识,名字,姓氏

“雇员”表包含以下列: 雇员标识 NUMBER(4) NOT NULL 姓氏 VARCHAR2(15) NOT NULL 名字 VARCHAR2(10) NOT NULL 聘用日期 NOT NULL如果要生成一个报表,提供聘用日期在 2000年3月1日到2000年8月30日之间雇员的姓氏、名字和聘用日期,则执行以下哪个语句可完成该任务?()A、SELECT 姓氏,名字,聘用日期 FROM 雇员 WHERE 聘用日期 BETWEEN’01-MAR-2000’ AND ’30-AUG-2000’;B、SELECT 姓氏,名字,聘用日期  FROM 雇员 WHERE 聘用日期 BETWEEN’30-AUG-2000’ AND ’01-MAR-2000’;C、SELECT 姓氏,名字,聘用日期 FROM 雇员 GROUP BY 聘用日期 = ’01-MAR-2000’ and 聘用日期 =’30- AUG-2000’D、SELECT 姓氏, 名字, 聘用日期 FROM 雇员 WHERE 聘用日期 = ’01-MAR-2000’ and 聘用日期 =’30-AUG-2000’

Given the following DDL for the PARTS table:CREATE TABLE parts (part_no INT(9) NOT NULL, part_name VARCHAR(24), part_remain INT(9));All part numbers entered will be different and all rows should be displayed in order of increasing part numbers whenever the table is queried. Which of the following create index statements will meet this criteria and require the least amount of storage for the index object?()A、CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_no)B、CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_name ASC)C、CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_name, part_no ASC)D、CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_no, part_name ASC)

在Oracle中,你需要创建索引提高薪水审查的性能,该审查要对员工薪水提高12个百分点后进行分析处理,下面哪个createindex命令能解决此问题()。A、CREATE INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary*1.12)B、CREATE UNIQUE INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary)C、CREATE BITMAP INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary)D、CREATE INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary)REVERSE

Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: Column name Data type Remarks EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key LAST_NAME VARCNAR2(30) FIRST_NAME VARCNAR2(30) JOB_ID NUMBER SAL NUMBER MGR_ID NUMBER References EMPLOYEE_ID column DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER You need to create an index called NAME_IDX on the first name and last name fields of the EMPLOYEES table. Which SQL statement would you use to perform this task? ()A、CREATE INDEX NAME _IDX (first_name, last_name);B、CREATE INDEX NAME _IDX (first_name, AND last_name)C、CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON (First_name, last_name);D、CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON employees (First_name, AND last_name);E、CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON employees (First_name, last_name);F、CREATE INDEX NAME_IDX FOR employees (First_name, last_name);

The EMPLOYEES table has six indexes and DML operations are slow. Which command begins monitoring the EMPLOYEE_IDX_FK index to determine whether it has been used by an execution plan?()A、ALTER TABLE employees monitor index employee_idx_fk; B、ALTER INDEX employee_idx_fk monitoring on; C、ALTER TABLE employees monitor all indexes; D、ALTER INDEX employee_idx_fk monitoring usage;

单选题Given the following DDL for the PARTS table:CREATE TABLE parts (part_no INT(9) NOT NULL, part_name VARCHAR(24), part_remain INT(9));All part numbers entered will be different and all rows should be displayed in order of increasing part numbers whenever the table is queried. Which of the following create index statements will meet this criteria and require the least amount of storage for the index object?()ACREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_no)BCREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_name ASC)CCREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_name, part_no ASC)DCREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_partno ON parts(part_no, part_name ASC)

单选题在Oracle中,你需要创建索引提高薪水审查的性能,该审查要对员工薪水提高12个百分点后进行分析处理,下面哪个createindex命令能解决此问题()。ACREATE INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary*1.12)BCREATE UNIQUE INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary)CCREATE BITMAP INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary)DCREATE INDEX my_idx_1 ON employee(salary)REVERSE

单选题“雇员”表包含以下列: 雇员标识NUMBER 姓氏VARCHAR2(25) 名字VARCHAR2(25) 部门标识NUMBER 职务标识NUMBER 经理标识NUMBER 薪金NUMBER(9,2) 佣金NUMBER(7,2) 聘用日期DATE 以下哪条SELECT语句可用于显示部门70中薪金最低的10位员工()ASELECT ROWNUM排名,姓氏,名字雇员,薪金薪金FROM(SELECT 姓氏,名字,薪金 FROM 雇员ORDER BY 薪金)WHERE ROWNUM=10 AND job_id LIKE’CLERK’AND department_id=70BSELECT ROWNUM排名,姓氏,名字雇员,薪金薪金FROM(SELECT 姓氏,名字,薪金,职务标识FROM 雇员 WHERE 职务标识 LIKE’CLERK’AND 部门标识=70ORDER BY 薪金)WHERE ROWNUM=10CSELECT ROWNUM排名,姓氏,名字雇员,薪金薪金FROM(SELECT 姓氏,名字,薪金,职务标识,部门标识 FROM 雇员 WHERE ROWNUM=10ORDER BY 薪金)WHERE 职务标识 LIKE’CLERK’AND 部门标识=70D唯一的方法是使用数据字典

多选题下列姓氏读音中错误的有(  )。A仇,作为姓氏读ChóuB翟,作为姓氏读ZháiC朴,作为姓氏读PǔD解,作为姓氏读JiěE万俟,作为姓氏读Wànsì

单选题The EMPLOYEES table has six indexes and DML operations are slow. Which command begins monitoring the EMPLOYEE_IDX_FK index to determine whether it has been used by an execution plan?()AALTER TABLE employees monitor index employee_idx_fk; BALTER INDEX employee_idx_fk monitoring on; CALTER TABLE employees monitor all indexes; DALTER INDEX employee_idx_fk monitoring usage;

单选题“雇员”表在LAST_NAME列上有一个名为LN_IDX的索引。您要将此索引更改为FIRST_NAME列的索引。以下哪条SQL语句将实现此操作()AALTER INDEX ln_idx ON employees(first_name)BALTER INDEX ln_idx TO employees(first_name)CALTER INDEX ln_idx TO fn_idx ON employees(first_name)D以上都不能;您无法变更索引

单选题Examine the structure of the EMPLOYEES table: Column name Data type Remarks EMPLOYEE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL, Primary Key LAST_NAME VARCNAR2(30) FIRST_NAME VARCNAR2(30) JOB_ID NUMBER SAL NUMBER MGR_ID NUMBER References EMPLOYEE_ID column DEPARTMENT_ID NUMBER You need to create an index called NAME_IDX on the first name and last name fields of the EMPLOYEES table. Which SQL statement would you use to perform this task? ()ACREATE INDEX NAME _IDX (first_name, last_name);BCREATE INDEX NAME _IDX (first_name, AND last_name)CCREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON (First_name, last_name);DCREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON employees (First_name, AND last_name);ECREATE INDEX NAME_IDX ON employees (First_name, last_name);FCREATE INDEX NAME_IDX FOR employees (First_name, last_name);