关于Data Pump,下列叙述正确的是()。A、DataPump是一个服务器端实用程序B、DataPump是Oracle9i引入的C、DataPump与原有的Export/lmport具有相同的功能,抽取数据并转移D、DataPump与原有的Export/lmport转换文件的格式相同E、DataPump与原有的Export/lmport相比性能更为优良

关于Data Pump,下列叙述正确的是()。

  • A、DataPump是一个服务器端实用程序
  • B、DataPump是Oracle9i引入的
  • C、DataPump与原有的Export/lmport具有相同的功能,抽取数据并转移
  • D、DataPump与原有的Export/lmport转换文件的格式相同
  • E、DataPump与原有的Export/lmport相比性能更为优良


(58)下列关于 Delphi 的叙述中,哪一个是不正确的?A) Delphi 属于第三代语言B)Delphi 基于面向对象编程方法C)Delphi 提供了数据迁移工具(DataPump)D)Delphi 是一种可视化开发工具

Which three statements are true about Oracle Data Pump export and import operations?() A. You can detach from a data pump export job and reattach later.B. Data pump uses parallel execution server processes to implement parallel import.C. Data pump import requires the import file to be in a directory owned by the oracle owner.D. The master table is the last object to be exported by the data pump.E. You can detach from a data pump import job and reattach later.

Examine the following impdp command to import a database over the network from a pre-12c Oracledatabase (source): Which three are prerequisites for successful execution of the command?() A. The import operation must be performed by a user on the target database with the DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE role, and the database link must connect to a user on the source database with the DATAPUMP_EXD_FULL_DATABASE role.B. All the user-defined tablespaces must be in read-only mode on the source database.C. The export dump file must be created before starting the import on the target database.D. The source and target database must be running on the same platform with the same endianness.E. The path of data files on the target database must be the same as that on the source database.F. The impdp operation must be performed by the same user that performed the expdp operation.

下列关于Delphi的叙述中, ______ 是不正确的。A.Delphi属于第四代语言B.Delphi基于面向对象编程方法,是一种可视化开发工具C.Delphi提供了数据迁移工具(DataPump),可以实现数据从一个数据库到另一个数据库的迁移D.Delphi可以方便地支持数据仓库的创建







与数据泵技术相对应的工具是Data Pump Export和Data Pump Import,导出命令是IMPDP,导入命令式EXPDP。


如何使用AMS GUI导出数据:A、工具(Tools)→导出(Export)B、文件(File)→导出(Export)C、窗口(Window)→导出(Export)D、帮助(Help)→导出(Export)

Which  statements are true regarding the Oracle Data Pump export and import operations()A、You cannot export data from a remote database.B、You can rename tables during an import operation.C、You can overwrite existing dump files during an export operation.D、You can compress the data during export but not the metadata because it is not supported

Which two statements are true regarding Oracle Data Pump()A、EXPDP and IMPDP are the client components of Oracle Data Pump.B、DBMS_DATAPUMP PL/SQL packages can be used independently of the Data Pump clients.C、Oracle Data Pump export and import operations can be performed only by users with the SYSDBA privilege.D、Oracle Data Pump imports can be done from the export files generated in the export utility of previous versions.E、EXPDP and IMPDP use the procedures provided by DBMS_METADATA to execute export and import commands.

Which three statements are true about Oracle Data Pump export and import operations?()A、You can detach from a data pump export job and reattach later.B、Data pump uses parallel execution server processes to implement parallel import.C、Data pump import requires the import file to be in a directory owned by the oracle owner.D、The master table is the last object to be exported by the data pump.E、You can detach from a data pump import job and reattach later.

You are required to migrate your database as a pluggable database (PDB) to a multitenant container database (CDB). The following are the possible steps to accomplish this task: 1. Place all the user-defined tablespace in read-only mode on the source database. 2. Upgrade the source database to a 12c version. 3. Create a new PDB in the target container database. 4. Perform a full transportable export on the source database with the VERSION parameter set to 12 using the expdp utility. 5. Copy the associated data files and export the dump file to the desired location in the target database. 6. Invoke the Data Pump import utility on the new PDB database as a user with the DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE role and specify the full transportable import options. 7. Synchronize the PDB on the target container database by using the DBMS_PDS.SYNC_ODB function. Identify the correct order of the required steps.()A、2,1,3,4,5,6B、1,3,4,5,6,7C、1,4,3,5,6,7D、2,1,3,4,5,6,7E、1,5,6,4,3,2

Which two statements are true regarding the Oracle Data Pump export and import operations()A、You cannot export data from a remote database.B、You can rename tables during an import operation.C、You can overwrite existing dump files during an export operation.D、You can compress the data during export but not the metadata because it is not supported.

判断题与数据泵技术相对应的工具是Data Pump Export和Data Pump Import,导出命令是IMPDP,导入命令式EXPDP。A对B错

多选题Which two statements are true regarding the Oracle Data Pump export and import operations()AYou cannot export data from a remote database.BYou can rename tables during an import operation.CYou can overwrite existing dump files during an export operation.DYou can compress the data during export but not the metadata because it is not supported.

多选题Examine the following impdp command to import a database over the network from a pre-12c Oracledatabase (source): Which three are prerequisites for successful execution of the command?()AThe import operation must be performed by a user on the target database with the DATAPUMP_IMP_FULL_DATABASE role, and the database link must connect to a user on the source database with the DATAPUMP_EXD_FULL_DATABASE role.BAll the user-defined tablespaces must be in read-only mode on the source database.CThe export dump file must be created before starting the import on the target database.DThe source and target database must be running on the same platform with the same endianness.EThe path of data files on the target database must be the same as that on the source database.FThe impdp operation must be performed by the same user that performed the expdp operation.


单选题图片任务(Picture Tasks)中的导出图片(Export Pictures)命令导出的文件格式与Advanced(高级)菜单下的Export All Images(导出所有图像)命令导出的文件格式相同的有:()AEPSBPNGCJPEGDJPEG2000

单选题图片任务(Picture Tasks)中的导出图片(Export Pictures)命令导出的文件格式与Advanced(高级)菜单下Export All Images(导出所有图像)命令导出的文件格式相同的有:()AEPSBPNGCJPEGDJPEG2000

多选题Which  statements are true regarding the Oracle Data Pump export and import operations()AYou cannot export data from a remote database.BYou can rename tables during an import operation.CYou can overwrite existing dump files during an export operation.DYou can compress the data during export but not the metadata because it is not supported

多选题Which two statements are true regarding Oracle Data Pump()AEXPDP and IMPDP are the client components of Oracle Data Pump.BDBMS_DATAPUMP PL/SQL packages can be used independently of the Data Pump clients.COracle Data Pump export and import operations can be performed only by users with the SYSDBA privilege.DOracle Data Pump imports can be done from the export files generated in the export utility of previous versions.EEXPDP and IMPDP use the procedures provided by DBMS_METADATA to execute export and import commands.

单选题下列有关表单域数据的描述,正确的是:()A可通过文件(File)另存为(SaveAs)的命令将数据保存成一个数据文件B高级(Advanced)表单(Forms)导出表单数据(Export Data From Forms)的命令可将数据保存成.fdf文件C数据文件只能是.fdf或.xfdf文件D导出的数据文件只能用于与源表单相同的目标表单