Everything()if Albert hadn't called the fire brigade.A、will be destroyedB、will have been destroyedC、would be destroyedD、would have been destroyed

Everything()if Albert hadn't called the fire brigade.

  • A、will be destroyed
  • B、will have been destroyed
  • C、would be destroyed
  • D、would have been destroyed


You must have made the mistake, ()? A.mustn’t youB.haven’t youC.didn’t youD.hadn’t you

Her daughter had the carpets and curtains cleaned, ()? A.had sheB.hadn’t sheC.didn’t sheD.didn’t her daughter

We ______each other again since we graduated from the college. (A) hadn’t seen(B) didn’t see(C) don’t see(D) haven’t seen

I()to meet you here. A、didn't expectB、hadn't expectedC、don't expectD、will not expect

We must have been drunk last might, _________? A. weren’t weB.mustn’t weC.hadn’t weD.didn’t we

They () a good time. A、hadn’tB、didn’t haveC、didn’t had

It's good that we _________to the park because it's started to rain.A. don' t goB. hadn' t goneC. didn' t goD. wasn' t going

hadn't been watered for a long time什么意思 hadntbeenwateredforalongtime什么意思

hadn't been watered for a long time求翻译 hadntbeenwateredforalongtime

If I()out of ink, I would have finished writing the paper. A、hadn't runB、shouldn't runC、haven't runD、didn't run

“if they hadn’t gone on vacation, their house _______________ broken into.“ A. haven’t had beenB. hadn’t beenC. won’t have beenD. wouldn’t have been

He hadn't got enough money______ he couldn't buy the jacket.A. asB. soC. but

If it ________ for the doctor’s care, I wouldn’t be speaking to you now. A. is notB. was notC. hadn’t beenD. hasn’t

If Tony ( ) that late film last night, he wouldn’t be so sleepy. A、didn’t seeB、haven’t seenC、wouldn’t have seenD、hadn’t seen

you had some trouble finding where i live, ______?A、didn’t youB、hadn’t youC、do ID、don’I

William______to bed until 12 o’clock last night.A、didn’t goB、hadn’t goneC、wentD、has gone

The house is dirty. We ()it for weeks. A、didn’t cleanB、hadn’t cleanedC、don’t cleanD、haven’t cleaned

If only you ()him what I said Everything would have been fine. A、didn t toldB、hadn t toldC、would not tellD、would have not told

If only I ______my car!A. hadn't lostB. wouldn't loseC. didn't loseD. haven't lost

If we__________our test tomorrow, I would have gone to the concert.A.weren't to haveB.hadn't been to haveC.aren't to have D.hadn't had

If we__________our test tomorrow, I would have gone to the concert.A. weren't to haveB. hadn't been to haveC. aren't to haveD. hadn't had

Everything ()if Albert hadn't called the fire brigade.A、will be destroyedB、will have been destroyedC、would bedestroyedD、would have been destroyed

Everything()if Albert hadn't called the fire brigade.A、will be destroyedB、would have been destroyedC、would be destroyed

They()each other for more than twenty years.A、don't seeB、didn't seeC、haven't seenD、hadn't seen

单选题Everything()if Albert hadn't called the fire brigade.Awill be destroyedBwould have been destroyedCwould be destroyed

单选题_____ a satisfactory answer, so he had to write to them again.AAs he hadn’t receivedBNot having receivedCHaving not receivedDHe hadn’t received

单选题Everything ()if Albert hadn't called the fire brigade.Awill be destroyedBwill have been destroyedCwould bedestroyedDwould have been destroyed

单选题Everything()if Albert hadn't called the fire brigade.Ahad been destroyedBwas destroyedCwould be destroyedDwould have been destroyed