蝴蝶效应(the butterfly effect)是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连锁反应。这是一种混沌现象。蝴蝶在热带轻轻扇动一下翅膀,遥远的国家就可能造成一场飓风。下列选项对“蝴蝶效应”的理解正确的是()。A、事物、现象间的联系具有普遍性B、蝴蝶扇动翅膀是引起龙卷风的根本原因C、我们只能从昆虫的行为上来把握气候变化的趋势D、蝴蝶扇动翅膀可能会引起一系列的连锁反应从而导致龙卷风

蝴蝶效应(the butterfly effect)是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连锁反应。这是一种混沌现象。蝴蝶在热带轻轻扇动一下翅膀,遥远的国家就可能造成一场飓风。下列选项对“蝴蝶效应”的理解正确的是()。

  • A、事物、现象间的联系具有普遍性
  • B、蝴蝶扇动翅膀是引起龙卷风的根本原因
  • C、我们只能从昆虫的行为上来把握气候变化的趋势
  • D、蝴蝶扇动翅膀可能会引起一系列的连锁反应从而导致龙卷风


关于牵连运动,下列叙述错误的是()。 A、牵连点也叫瞬时重合点,是指在某瞬时动系上与动点重合的点。B、牵连点是一个瞬时的概念,它随动点运动而变换。C、牵连速度是牵连点相对定系的速度。D、牵连速度是牵连点相对动系的速度。

下面说法正确的是()A. 在位图对象上可以应用Effect,但对路径对象却不能B. 在位图对象上应用Effect,通常只对位图对象的边缘有效C. 一个对象只能添加一种EffectD. 可以将Effect 保存起来以后调用

下列有关Effect菜单描述正确的是:() A.Effect只对文字物体起作用,并不能改变文字物体中的文字规格B.对一个物体只能施加一种效果C.Effect菜单下的Distort命令和Filter菜单中的Distort命令是相同的D.Effect菜单下列出的各项命令不但改变物体的外观属性,而且还改变物体的本身结构

What is an advantage of a gate valve over a butterfly valve ________.A.Less frequent maintenanceB.Faster operationC.CheaperD.More compact

One day a man found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly in the forest. He sat there for severalhours and watched the butterfly. Suddenly a small opening appeared, and the butterfly made its great effort to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no further.So the man decided to help the butterfly. He cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that the butterfly could come our easily. But to his surprise, the butterfly got a heavy body and very small wings when it came out of the cocoon. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that the body would grow smaller at any moment and the wings would become larger and be able to fly. But neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling (爬) around with a heavy body and small wings. It was never able to fly.The man was in his kindness, but he did not understand the nature rules. Before the butterfly came out of the cocoon, fluid (流体) from its body must be forced into its wings, and then it would be ready for flying. It must have a hard struggle (拼搏) to get through the small opening to get its freedom from the cocoon.Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any difficulties, it would make us fail. We would not be as strong as we could have been; we could never fly.The man cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon ____.A. to take the butterfly homeB. to help the butterfly come out easilyC. to kill the butterflyD. to stop the butterfly growing bigger

One day a man found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly in the forest. He sat there for severalhours and watched the butterfly. Suddenly a small opening appeared, and the butterfly made its great effort to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no further.So the man decided to help the butterfly. He cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that the butterfly could come our easily. But to his surprise, the butterfly got a heavy body and very small wings when it came out of the cocoon. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that the body would grow smaller at any moment and the wings would become larger and be able to fly. But neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling (爬) around with a heavy body and small wings. It was never able to fly.The man was in his kindness, but he did not understand the nature rules. Before the butterfly came out of the cocoon, fluid (流体) from its body must be forced into its wings, and then it would be ready for flying. It must have a hard struggle (拼搏) to get through the small opening to get its freedom from the cocoon.Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any difficulties, it would make us fail. We would not be as strong as we could have been; we could never fly.What do you think of the man?A. Patient but cruel. B. Careful and wise.C. Kind but unwise. D. Brave and funny.

One day a man found a cocoon (茧) of a butterfly in the forest. He sat there for severalhours and watched the butterfly. Suddenly a small opening appeared, and the butterfly made its great effort to force its body through that little hole. Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could and it could go no further.So the man decided to help the butterfly. He cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon so that the butterfly could come our easily. But to his surprise, the butterfly got a heavy body and very small wings when it came out of the cocoon. The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that the body would grow smaller at any moment and the wings would become larger and be able to fly. But neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling (爬) around with a heavy body and small wings. It was never able to fly.The man was in his kindness, but he did not understand the nature rules. Before the butterfly came out of the cocoon, fluid (流体) from its body must be forced into its wings, and then it would be ready for flying. It must have a hard struggle (拼搏) to get through the small opening to get its freedom from the cocoon.Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If God allowed us to go through our life without any difficulties, it would make us fail. We would not be as strong as we could have been; we could never fly.What was the butterfly doing at the beginning of the story?A. It was trying to make a cocoon for itself.B. It was struggling to get out of its cocoon.C. It was flying among the trees in the forest.D. It was crawling around quietly on the ground.




蝴蝶效应(the butterfly effect)是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连锁反应。这是一种混沌现象。蝴蝶在热带轻轻扇动一下翅膀,遥远的国家就可能造成一场飓风。下列选项对“蝴蝶效应”的理解正确的是()。A、事物、现象间的联系具有普遍性B、蝴蝶扇动翅膀是引起龙卷风的根本原因C、我们只能从昆虫的行为上来把握气候变化的趋势D、蝴蝶扇动翅膀可能会引起一系列的连锁反应从而导致龙卷风




在After Effect 6.5中,给当前图层的Opacity属性添加一个关键帧的热键是:()







单选题Which of the following statements concerning butterfly valves is correct?()ASpecial tools are required for lapping or grindingBIt is impossible to throttle flow with a butterfly valveCTo close the valve, it is only necessary to turn the handle a quarter of a turnDThe butterfly valve should never be used in a freshwater system

多选题蝴蝶效应(the butterfly effect)是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连锁反应。这是一种混沌现象。蝴蝶在热带轻轻扇动一下翅膀,遥远的国家就可能造成一场飓风。下列选项对“蝴蝶效应”的理解正确的是()。A事物、现象间的联系具有普遍性B蝴蝶扇动翅膀是引起龙卷风的根本原因C我们只能从昆虫的行为上来把握气候变化的趋势D蝴蝶扇动翅膀可能会引起一系列的连锁反应从而导致龙卷风


单选题If you ______ to see my butterfly collection, I’ll be glad to show you.Acould wishBwould likeChad wantedDwill enjoy



单选题A butterfly valve consists basically of a disc pivoted across the bore of a ring body having the same radial dimensions as the pipe in which it is fitted.According to the above sentence, which of the following statements is not true?()AThe diameter of a disc is the same as the outer diameter of the pipeBWe can infer that the valve is opened or closed by rotating the spindleCA butterfly valve comprises a disc and a ring bodyDThe profile of the butterfly valve is a ring body