James VI of Scotland succeeded Elizabeth I and became James I of England in()A、1601B、1603C、1615D、1625

James VI of Scotland succeeded Elizabeth I and became James I of England in()

  • A、1601
  • B、1603
  • C、1615
  • D、1625


My name is James Cook, James is the . () A. giving nameB. surnameC. forenameD. family name

The convicts Elizabeth and James Ruse became the first successful farming family in Australia.() 此题为判断题(对,错)。

完型填空Nowhere 21 seen a more untidy office than my friend Jame’s.Everywhere there are papers and books.Not only 22 never to be cleaned out, but also I do not think it is ever aired, for at no time have I seen any of the windows open.Often I have 23 James that he should open one, but each time he answered, “Not just now, Henry, later”.Luckily I do not have to go there very often nor do I stay there longer than I have to.Strangely enough, James is quite tidy outside his office.Only once have I seen him with a dirty 24 , for example.Nor is he careless about things like invitations.At no time 25 been known to forget a party, and no sooner does he receive an invitation 26 he answers it.Unfortunately, his office is quite differently run.Perhaps he does not like such a work.In his garden in the evenings and 27 , James is happy as soon as he gets home from the office.He begins to work in the garden.Always he seems to have some work to do there, and nowhere in his garden is there a curlier which is not tidy and well looked 28 .Seldom have I seen prettier flowers, or healthier vegetables, or smoother, greener grass than in James garden.Really.I think he ought 29 a farmer, so good is he 30 such work.21.A.have IB.do IC.I haveD.I do22.A.does it seemB.it does seemC.it seemsD.is it seem23.A.hintedB.suggestedC.askedD.mentioned24.A.dogB.collarC.callerD.dollar25.A.will heB.he willC.has heD.he has26.A.thanB.asC.andD.when27.A.in week-endsB.in week-endC.by week-endsD.at week-ends28.A.aboutB.afterC.atD.for29.A.work asB.to goC.to have beenD.become30.A.forB.atC.inD.with

Not only I but also James and Lucy_______afraid of having too much pressure. A.isB.areC.be

which of the following kings was executed in the civil war?A. Charles lI.B. James II.C. James I.D. Charles I.

under whose reign was the bill of rights passed?A. George I.B. Oliver Cromwell.C. William of Orange.D. James II.

–– James: Hi, Harry. ____–– Harry: Hi, James. I just bought a new camping tent. I can ’t wait to use it.A: What’s up?B: What’s on?C: What’s wrong?D: What’s right?

In 829, _____ actually became the overlord of all the English. A.JohnB.James IC.EgbertD.Henry I

Wu Hua had a question to ask his foreign teacher. He went to Professor James's place.After he got the answer, he got up to leave.Wu:()A、Well, that's clear, thank you very much.B、Well, I've got to go now.C、Ok. Thanks.D、I'm afraid I must go now.

CLin:Hey, Rosa! Let's go to a movie.Rosa:Hmm. I don't know...Lin:Well... Let’s go to The green Bicycle. It's an action movie.Rosa:Well, I don't like action movies. I don't really want to go, but thank you.Lin:OK. Where's James? Does he want to go to a movie?Rosa:l don't know.Lin:Hey, James. Do you want to go to a movie? Do you want to go to see Thegreen Bicycle?James:Sure! Is it a comedy? 1 like comedies and romances.Lin:No.It's an action movie.James:No, thank you. Let's go to a comedy.根据对话内容,完成句子. (15分)41. Rosa ________ to go to the movies.

Key James,Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the Virginia State government,loves to turn the tables on those who don't think it's possible to be middle-class,conservative,educated and still be truly black.Once,during an abortion debate,a woman in the audience angrily told James she was so middle-class she didn't have a clue about real African American life."If you understood what these women go through,"the woman said,"you would realize that abortion is their only choice."James then asked the woman to consider a poor black mother on welfare.She already has four children and an alcoholic husband who has all but abandoned the family.Now she discovers another child is on the way."How would you counsel that woman?"asked James."Have an abortion,"the woman responded."That child would have a very poor quality of life.""I have a vested interest in your answer,"James said."The woman I described was my mother.I was the fifth of six children born into poverty.And,in case you're interested,the quality of my life is just fine!"James'family led a__life when she was born.A.miserableB.happyC.well-offD.hardly

Key James,Secretary of Health and Human Resources in the Virginia State government,loves to turn the tables on those who don't think it's possible to be middle-class,conservative,educated and still be truly black.Once,during an abortion debate,a woman in the audience angrily told James she was so middle-class she didn't have a clue about real African American life."If you understood what these women go through,"the woman said,"you would realize that abortion is their only choice."James then asked the woman to consider a poor black mother on welfare.She already has four children and an alcoholic husband who has all but abandoned the family.Now she discovers another child is on the way."How would you counsel that woman?"asked James."Have an abortion,"the woman responded."That child would have a very poor quality of life.""I have a vested interest in your answer,"James said."The woman I described was my mother.I was the fifth of six children born into poverty.And,in case you're interested,the quality of my life is just fine!"To mm the tablesmeans__.A.to move the tablesB.to carry the tables awayC.to gain courageD.to gain an advantage after having been at a disadvantage

James VI of Scotland succeeded Elizabeth I and became James I of England in()A1601B1603C1615D1625

Which of the following statements is NOT true?()AThe Puritans believed that the Reformation had gone too far.BThe Puritans became very powerful in Parliament.CThe Puritans were very happy when they heard that James had become king of England.DThe Puritans called for a purer form of worship.

The Puritans suspected James I of England being a secret()because of his pro-Spanish foreign policy and his son.s Spanish marriage alliance.ABuddhistBCatholicCProtestantDMuslim

Which of the following statements is NOT true?()A、Elizabeth I broke Mary.s ties with Rome.B、Elizabeth I restored her father.s independent Church of England.C、Elizabeth I.s religious reform was a compromise of views.D、Elizabeth I.s religious settlement was acceptable to both extreme

Which of the following statements is NOT true?()A、The Puritans believed that the Reformation had gone too far.B、The Puritans became very powerful in Parliament.C、The Puritans were very happy when they heard that James had become king of England.D、The Puritans called for a purer form of worship.

股票交易程序中所包括的主要环节有: 正确的顺序为() I、交割      II、委托 III、证券账户开户   IV、资金账户开户     V、过户   VI、交易A、IV, III, II, I, VI, VB、III, IV, I, V, VI,IIC、III, IV, II, VI, I, VD、V, II, III, IV, VI, I

问答题Femi, martin and James catch trains to go to the same destination.  Femi catches the 8:15 a.m. train.  Martin’s train journey takes twice as long as James’.  Martin leaves 15 minutes before Femi and arrives at noon.  James catches the 11:30 am trains.  What time does James arrive at the destination?

单选题James VI of Scotland succeeded Elizabeth I and became James I of England in()A1601B1603C1615D1625

单选题Which of the following about James Barry is a fact?AShe had a rich father.BShe became a medical student in 1810.CShe was born in Edinburgh.DShe was a royal princess.

单选题With Howells, James and Mark Twain active on the scene, _____ became the major trend in the seventies and eighties of the nineteenth century.ArealismBromanticismCnaturalismDesthetics

单选题It was not until the accident happened_______.Awhen I became aware of my foolishnessBwhen my foolishness became obviousCthat did I realize my foolishnessDthat I became aware of my foolishness

单选题Which of the following statements is NOT true?()AThe Puritans believed that the Reformation had gone too far.BThe Puritans became very powerful in Parliament.CThe Puritans were very happy when they heard that James had become king of England.DThe Puritans called for a purer form of worship.

单选题The Puritans suspected James I of England being a secret()because of his pro-Spanish foreign policy and his son.s Spanish marriage alliance.ABuddhistBCatholicCProtestantDMuslim

单选题When Jenny came to my place,I_____breakfast with James.AhaveBhadChave hadDwas having

单选题It was not until the accident happened _____ .Awhen I became aware of my foolishnessBwhen my foolishness became obviousCthat did I realize my own follyDthat I became aware of my own foolishness