单选题I remember _____ to the zoo by my father when I was little.Abeing takenBtakingChave been takenDto have taken

I remember _____ to the zoo by my father when I was little.

being taken




have been taken


to have taken


remember doing表示“记得做过某事”;remember to do表示“记得去做”。根据句意,“我记得小时候父亲带我去过动物园”应该是已经发生的事,所以用remember doing,排除C、D。而且我是“被带去”,应该用被动语态,故为A。


I () the incident as if it were yesterday. A.am still to rememberB.have still been rememberingC.am being still rememberedD.still remember

The boy()to school already. A、has takenB、has been takingC、is takenD、has been taken

This medicine()before dinner.A、should have takenB、should have been tookC、should be taken

Where is my passport? I remember _______ it here.You shouldn't have left it here. Remember _______ it with you all the time.A.to put;to takeB.putting;takingC.putting;to takeD.to put;taking

The boy_____ to school right now. A、has been takenB、has been takingC、is takenD、is being taken

I showed him the pictures I ______ of the animals the day before, and told him the stories.A、was takingB、had takenC、have takenD、was taken

34 with Father’s Day around the corner, I have taken some money out of the bank—— presents for my dadA buyB.to buyC buyingD to have bought

--We want to sit at the table near the window. -- I‘m sorry, but()already.A、it tookB、it takesC、it is being takenD、it has been taken

I have been looking forward to()from my parents.A、hearB、being heardC、be heardD、hearing

I have been looking forward to()from my parentsA、hearB、being heardC、be heardD、hearing

Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that gointothe collecting of those fascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo.One of the questions that is always asked of me is 1 I became an animal collector in the first 2.The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos.According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any 3 was not the conventional “mamma” or “daddy”,4 the word “zoo”, which I would 5 over and over again with a shrill 6 until someone, ingroupsto 7 me up, would take me to the zoo.When I 8 a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great 9 of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time 10 the countryside in search of fresh specimens to 11 to my collection of pets.12 on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student 13 , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches,14 were not easy to keep at home.When I left, I 15 had enough money of my own to be able to 16 my first trip and I have been going 17 ever since then.Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of 18 ,it is certainly a job which will appeal 19 all those who love animals and 20.请在16处填上正确答案()A、payB、provideC、allowD、finance

单选题Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that gointothe collecting of those fascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo.One of the questions that is always asked of me is 1 I became an animal collector in the first 2.The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos.According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any 3 was not the conventional “mamma” or “daddy”,4 the word “zoo”, which I would 5 over and over again with a shrill 6 until someone, ingroupsto 7 me up, would take me to the zoo.When I 8 a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great 9 of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time 10 the countryside in search of fresh specimens to 11 to my collection of pets.12 on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student 13 , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches,14 were not easy to keep at home.When I left, I 15 had enough money of my own to be able to 16 my first trip and I have been going 17 ever since then.Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of 18 ,it is certainly a job which will appeal 19 all those who love animals and 20.请在14处填上正确答案()AwhoBtheyCof whichDwhich

单选题Most people have no idea of the hard work and worry that gointothe collecting of those fascinating birds and animals that they pay to see in the zoo.One of the questions that is always asked of me is 1 I became an animal collector in the first 2.The answer is that I have always been interested in animals and zoos.According to my parents, the first word I was able to say with any 3 was not the conventional “mamma” or “daddy”,4 the word “zoo”, which I would 5 over and over again with a shrill 6 until someone, ingroupsto 7 me up, would take me to the zoo.When I 8 a little older, we lived in Greece and I had a great 9 of pets, ranging from owls to seahorses, and I spent all my spare time 10 the countryside in search of fresh specimens to 11 to my collection of pets.12 on I went for a year to the City Zoo, as a student 13 , to get experience of the large animals, such as lions, bears, bison and ostriches,14 were not easy to keep at home.When I left, I 15 had enough money of my own to be able to 16 my first trip and I have been going 17 ever since then.Though a collector's job is not an easy one and is full of 18 ,it is certainly a job which will appeal 19 all those who love animals and 20.请在13处填上正确答案()AattendantBkeeperCmemberDaide

单选题I remember _____ to the zoo by my father when I was little.Abeing takenBtakingChave been takenDto have taken

单选题—You don’t forget when we borrowed that reference book, do you?—I can’t remember now but _____ sometime last week?Amight it beBcould it beCcould it have beenDshould it have been