单选题() is the acquisition of material and services from other companies.AProcurementBRetailingCWholesalingDOutsourcing

() is the acquisition of material and services from other companies.









解析: 暂无解析


(b) The chief executive of Xalam Co, an exporter of specialist equipment, has asked for advice on the accountingtreatment and disclosure of payments made for security consultancy services. The payments, which aim toensure that consignments are not impounded in the destination country of a major customer, may be material tothe financial statements for the year ending 30 June 2006. Xalam does not treat these payments as taxdeductible. (4 marks)Required:Identify and comment on the ethical and other professional issues raised by each of these matters and state whataction, if any, Dedza should now take.NOTE: The mark allocation is shown against each of the three situations.

(b) Explain what effect the acquisition of Di Rollo Co will have on the planning of your audit of the consolidatedfinancial statements of Murray Co for the year ending 31 March 2008. (10 marks)

The correspondent bank can only make money for its services to other banks from deposit balances maintained by bank customers.A.RightB.WrongC.Doesn't say

The approach we propose is a system-oriented methodology for knowledge acquisition. This orientation emphasizes ongoing documentation throughout each cycle and technique applied. Program-wide documentation is suggested, both for the purpose of internal(71)and for later verification and(72)efforts: The documentation system we propose includes a central "knowledge acquisition(73)"which is(74)to reflect knowledge acquisition plans, session nodes, and domain expert participation. Specifically,(75)within the database system include knowledge acquisition forms, which document plans for, and notes from, knowledge acquisition session, domain expert file, and rule content forms.A.interchangeB.interfaceC.communicationD.message

Personnel who are moving or handling material aboard ship should NOT follow which of the listed practices?A.Signaling that all personnel are clear before lifting or lowering materialB.Examining material for sharp edges or protruding points before handlingC.Closing, tagging or securing valves that permit entrance of steam, water, or air into a fitting or other equipmentD.Throwing materials from high places to the deck

The ladder shall ______.A.be secured in a position so that it rests firmly against the ship's side from which the discharge operations are carried outB.have at least two replacement steps which are secured in position by a method different from that used in the original constructionC.have battens made of hardwood,or other material of equivalent properties,in one piece and not less thanD.have steps made of softwood,or other material of equivalent properties,made in one piece free of knots,having an efficient slip surface

() concerns a cycle of organizational activity : the acquisition of informat ion from one or more sources , the custodianship and the distribution of that information to those who need it , and its ultimate disposi tion through archiving or deletionA.Acquisition managementB.Information managementC.Distrbution managementD.DeIetlon management

You are developing a sewer-side enterprise appliceation.It must support a variety of different clients including desktop browsers.mobile brewsers and native mobile applications.The application might also expose an API for 3rd?parties to custume.It might also( )with other applications via either web services or a message broker.The application handles requests (HTTP reuests and messages) by executing business logic;accessing a databse;exchanging messages with other systems;and returning a HTML/JSON/XML(请作答此空).There are logical components corresponding to different funitional areas of the application.What’s the application’s deployment architecture?Define an architecture that structures the application as a set of( ), collaborating services.This approach corresponds to the Y-axis of the Scale Cube.Each service is:◆Flighly maintainable and testable-enables rapid and frequent development and deployment◆Loosely coupled with other seruices-enables a team to work independently (the majority of time on their seruicers) without being impouted by changes to other services and without affecting other services.◆( )deployable -enable a team to deploy their services without having to cortdinate with other teams◆Capable of being developed by a small team-essential for high productivity by avoiding the high communication head of large teamsServices( )using either syn chronous protocals such as HTTP/REST or a syn chronous protocols such as AMQP.Services can be developed and deployed independently of one another.Each service has its own database in order to be decoupled from other services.Data consistency between services is maintained using some particular pattern.A.requestB.response]C.textD.File]

Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of ()A、energyB、sourceC、powerD、material

Which of these is an accurate list of Cisco Lifecycle Services phases? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。A、initiation planning analysis design development implementation operations and maintenanceB、project planning, site assessment risk assessment solution selection and acquisition, testing, and operationsC、prepare, plan, design, implement operate, and optimizeD、analysis, design, deployment testing, implementation, and productionE、presales, project planning, development implementation, operations testing, and operations sign- off

() is the acquisition of material and services from other companies.A、ProcurementB、RetailingC、WholesalingD、Outsourcing

When an ICMP redirect is received from a host that is not the current gateway for the route it is redirecting, which of the following options is the most appropriate to conclude?()A、The redirect will be ignoredB、The routing table will be alteredC、The ping will fail, followed by other network services.D、The host, which sent the ICMP redirect, will begin acting as the gateway

You are configuring services to be discoverable. The services must be discoverable without relying on a central server. Client applications that consume the services are on a network segment that is separate from the network segment that the services are located on.A firewall blocks all TCP ports between the two network segments, but allows other protocols to pass through.You need to ensure that the client applications can discover the services. What should you do?()A、Use ad-hoc discovery mode over HTTP.B、Use ad-hoc discovery mode over UDP.C、Use managed discovery mode over HTTP.D、Use managed discovery mode over UDP.

You have a Terminal Server that runs Windows Server 2008.   You need to configure the server to end any sessions that are inactive for more than one hour. What should you do?()A、From Terminal Services Manager, create a new group.B、From Terminal Services Manager, delete the inactive sessions.C、From Terminal Services Configuration, modify the RDP-Tcp settings.D、From Terminal Services Configuration, modify the User logon mode setting.

单选题What is mentioned as a reason why the world market is being globalised?AThe developing countries can get goods and services from western countries only.BSome western multinationals are eager to reap profits from other countries.CThe developed countries depend more on resources of the developing countries.DThe world is becoming more connected through internet and telecommunications.

单选题The nation’s fledgling economy struggled because the investment from other countries into its major industries was lacking from most of them.Abecause the investment from other countries into its major industries was lacking from most of themBbecause few other countries were willing to invest in its major industriesCdue to the fact that few other countries would have invested in its major industriesDbecause of the lack of investment from few other countries in its major industriesEfor the lack of investment in its major industries from other countries

单选题On a ship,a fire pump may be used for other purposes if().Athe other services are run off a reducing station with a pressure gageBa separate fire pump is available for use on the fire mainCall other services are operated by a manifold near the pumpDAll of the above

单选题The required fireman’s outfits required for ship’s are not to be used for any other purpose EXCEPT for the().Aoxygen and explosion meter when it is used for detection of flare gasesBself-contained breathing apparatus,when used as protection from gas leaking from a refrigeration unitCboots and gloves that are made of rubber or electrically non-conductive material,if used when repairing electrical equipmentDlifeline,if used by personnel entering a compartment which might be deficient of oxygen

单选题Which of these is an accurate list of Cisco Lifecycle Services phases? Select exactly 1 answer(s) from the following:()。Ainitiation planning analysis design development implementation operations and maintenanceBproject planning, site assessment risk assessment solution selection and acquisition, testing, and operationsCprepare, plan, design, implement operate, and optimizeDanalysis, design, deployment testing, implementation, and productionEpresales, project planning, development implementation, operations testing, and operations sign- off

单选题From the passage, we can conclude that owners of home computers ______.Acan order news through wire services instead of subscribing to news in print formBshould be happy because they get news quickly than other peopleClive an easier life because they get news convenientlyDshould be happy the computers will replace other print forms of news

单选题From the passage, we can conclude that ______.Aweekly newspapers and other weekly news magazines are for busy peopleBdaily newspapers are for people in general onlyCnews can be used for educational purposesDnews services compete for readers

单选题We can conclude from the passage that _____.Athere are significant differences between the Official Dinner and other dinner partiesBAmerican students like to participate in public services very muchCbeing a secretary of state is the best, even better than being a presidentDthe students who were invited to the dinner party were enthusiastic about the program

单选题Personnel who are moving or handling material aboard ship should NOT follow which of the listed practices?()Asignaling that all personnel are clear before lifting or lowering materialBExamining material for sharp edges or protruding points before handlingCClosing, tagging, or securing valves that permit entrance of steam, water, or air into a fitting or other equipmentDThrowing materials from high places to the deck

单选题When an ICMP redirect is received from a host that is not the current gateway for the route it is redirecting, which of the following options is the most appropriate to conclude?()AThe redirect will be ignoredBThe routing table will be alteredCThe ping will fail, followed by other network services.DThe host, which sent the ICMP redirect, will begin acting as the gateway

单选题Many types of rock are _____ from volcanoes as solid, fragmentary material.AejectedBinjectedCpropelledDflung

单选题According to the passage, the British Library ______.Ais going to buy back Rushdie’s personal archive from Amory UniversityBopposes the American universities’ acquisition of archives from British literary peopleChas discussed with Salman Rushdie about the acquisition of his personal archiveDhas expressed much concern over foreign buyers’ acquisition of Britain’s literary heritage

单选题When using carbon dioxide to fight a fire on a bulkhead,the CO2 should be applied().Afirst to the bottom of the flaming area,sweeping from side to side,and following the flames upwardBin a circular motion from the middle of the bulkhead outwardCto the top of the flaming area,sweeping from side to side,and working toward the bottomDin an up-and-down motion from one side of the bulkhead to the other

单选题The ladder shall().Abe secured in a position so that it rests firmly against the ship's side from which the discharge operations are carried outBhave at least two replacement steps which are secured in position by a method different from that used in the original constructionChave battens made of hardwood,or other material of equivalent properties,in one piece and not less than 1.80metres long provided at such intervals as will prevent the pilot ladder from twistingDhave steps made of softwood,or other material of equivalent properties,made in one piece free of knots,having an efficient slip surface