单选题I was busy with my paper when I heard someone()in the room above.Amoving onBmoving offCmoving upDmove about

I was busy with my paper when I heard someone()in the room above.

moving on


moving off


moving up


move about


解析: 暂无解析


-- Do you mind if I_____________the TV a bit?-- Yes, I do, because I'm busy with my homework now.A. turn onB. turn upC. turn downD. turn off

The teacher said that the moon _______ round the earth. (A) was moving(B) moved(C) would move(D) moves

I didn't want to get involved in argument,so I held () my tongue when asked about my opinion. A、onB、upC、inD、off

Hi, Sharon, I've only got 10 days left in England. Can you believe I've already been here for a year? There's so much to do before I leave! I really must buy presents for my English friends to thank them for all their help. I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. At least I don't have to find somewhere else to live. I'm going to spend a few days with friends. He is letting the whole flat because Mary is moving just before her marriage. The time has gone so quickly. I cannot believe that I've been here for a whole year. And I must start packing too - I have bought a lot since I came, and I need another suitcase. I'll give some things to charity shops I think. Anyway, I'm really writing to say that I'll be back in Shanghai on the 27 April, and it would be great to see you to catch up on all our news. I'll phone as soon as I get back How are things with you?Love Xiaoyan(1). When will Xiaoyan leave England?AA、month later.B、10 days later.C、A year later.(2). Where will Xiaoyan live after moving out?A、 She will stay in her friends' place.B、She will be on the plane to Shanghai.C、She will have to find a hotel to live in.(3). What will happen to Franco's flat when Xiaoyan and Mary move out?A、 It will be sold at a good price.B、It will be rented to other people.C、It will be kept for Xiaoyan when she comes back.(4). Why does Xiaoyan need another suitcase?A、 She has got more things than she came with.B、Her old suitcase is broken.C、She has to give things to charity shops.(5). What would Xiaoyan most possibly do when she sees her friend Sharon?A、 To ask Sharon to show her around Shanghai.B、To talk about what happened to them recently.C、To show Sharon her new clothes.

Everybody was touched _____ words after they heard her moving story.A. beyond B. withoutC. of D. in

10. My father is very busy. He hasn't had a day______ for two months.A.onB.offC.inD.at

—You've been busy, haven't you? —_______A.I was busy last week.B.Yes, I've been working hard on my paper.C.I will get busy with my English studies.D.I'd like to get busy like our teachers.

It's my girlfriend's birthday party. She will be very upset if I don't (). A、put onB、show upC、call upD、leave alone

I'm going to()and cancel my reservation. A、put onB、show upC、call upD、leave alone

You helped me to ___________ at times when I didn’t think I could even go on trying. A、hold backB、hold offC、hold upD、hold on

I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked ()my bike by a motorcycle.A、downB、offC、byD、with

I ()supper when I()someone knocking at the door.A、made . . . HeardB、made . . .was heardC、was making . . . was hearingD、was making . . . heard

Everybody was touched ( ) words after they heard her moving story.A. beyond B. without C. of D. in

--Do you mind if I ______ the TV a bit?--Yes, I do, because I'm busy with my homework now.A. turn onB. turn upC. turn downD. turn off

When I heard the noise in the next room,I couldn't resist having a peep.A:chanceB:visitC:lookD:try

My calculation was wrong because I overlooked my companion's advice.A:overtook B:ignoreC:looked up D:heard of

The story that my grandpa told me was very touching.A:inspiring B:boringC:moving D:frightening

Everybody was touched()words after they heard her moving story.A.beyondB.withoutC.ofD.in

I was busy with my paper when I heard someone()in the room above.Amoving onBmoving offCmoving upDmove about

I was busy with my paper when I heard someone()in the room above.A、moving onB、moving offC、moving upD、move about

He took()my job when I was on holiday.A、onB、overC、offD、after

单选题Hardly I had sat down when I heard someone knock at the door.AI hadBwhenCheardDknock at

单选题I was almost asleep last night when I suddenly heard someone _____ at the door.Abe knockingBknockingCto knockDhaving knocked

单选题I was busy with my paper when I heard someone()in the room above.Amoving onBmoving offCmoving upDmove about

单选题Everybody was touched _____ words after they heard her moving story.AbeyondBwithoutCofDin

单选题A vessel is proceeding downstream in a narrow channel on the Western Rivers when another vessel is sighted moving upstream. Which vessel has the right of way? ()AThe vessel moving upstream against the currentBThe vessel moving downstream with a following currentCThe vessel located more towards the channel centerlineDThe vessel with the least amount of maneuverability

单选题Companycom is moving their application to a p5 590 and at the same time moving to a new version of the application. The customer knows only about the resource requirements of the old version. Which of the following is the best method to migrate their application to POWER5?()AAdd CPU and memory COD so they have room to grow if requiredBMake the server configuration twice as large as the current requirementCConfigure the server for the current capacity requirementsDMake the server configuration a little larger than the current capacity requirements

单选题When fighting a fire on a bulkhead using a portable carbon dioxide extinguisher,the stream should be directed at the().Abase of the flames,moving the horn from side to side,following the flames upward as they diminishBtop of the flaming area,moving the horn from side to side,following the flames downward as they diminishCcenter of the flaming area,moving the horn vertically from top to bottomDbottom of the flaming area,moving the horn vertically to the top following the flames upward as they diminish