单选题The effect of wind on exposed areas of the vessel is most noticeable when().AbackingBgoing slow aheadCgoing full aheadDturning

The effect of wind on exposed areas of the vessel is most noticeable when().



going slow ahead


going full ahead




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The effect of wind on exposed areas of the vessel is most noticeable when ______.A.backingB.going slow aheadC.going full aheadD.turning

On a vessel with a single propeller,transverse force has the most effect on the vessel when the engine is put ______.A.full aheadB.full asternC.half aheadD.slow astern

Your feet,hands,and exposed facial areas are particularly vulnerable to ______.A.frostbiteB.moistureC.dewD.sea water

A vessel is equipped with a single right-handed screw.With rudder amidships and calm wind, the vessel will most likely back ______.A.straight asternB.to portC.to starboardD.in no particular direction

A vessel moored with two anchors, sometimes, at an exposed roadstead to ______.A.aid turning the shipB.obtain a fine bearingC.increase ship swings to wind or tideD.lighten the stress of anchor chains

A wind vane on a moving vessel shows ______.A.dead reckoning wind directionB.true wind directionC.apparent wind directionD.estimated wind direction

An anemometer on a moving vessel measures ______.A.apparent wind speed onlyB.true wind speed and true wind directionC.true wind speed onlyD.apparent wind speed and true wind direction

Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n)______.A.barometerB.wind vaneC.anemometerD.Thermometer

Flanking rudders effect a vessel’s heading because of the ______.A.effect of the propeller flow on the ruddersB.water flow due to the vessel’s movement through the waterC.tunnel affect of the water flow past opposing ruddersD.discharge current being channeled to impinge on the vessel’s deadwood

If a sailing vessel with the wind on the port side sees a sailing vessel to windward and cannot tell weather the other vessel has the wind on the port or starboard side, she shall ______.A.hold course and speedB.sound the danger signalC.keep out of the way of the other vesselD.turn to port and come into the wind

In midocean,the characteristics of a wave are determined by three factors.What is NOT one of these factors?A.Effect of the moon’s gravityB.FetchC.Wind velocityD.Length of time a wind has been blowing

It is easy to misjudge the strength of the wind.A: forceB: directionC: temperatureD: effect

简述货车溜放风阻力 car rolling resistance due to wind effect。

单选题When evacuating a seaman by helicopter lift,the vessel should be().Astopped with the wind dead aheadBstopped with the wind on the beamCunderway with the wind 30°on the bowDunderway on a course to provide no apparent wind

单选题Ellsworth Huntington decided that climate and temperature have _____.Aa great effect on everyone’s intelligenceBsome effect on most people’s intelligenceCsome effect on a few people’s intelligenceDno effect on most people’s intelligence

单选题You are docking a vessel.Wind and current are most favorable when they are().Acrossing your course in the same directionBcrossing your course in opposite directionsCparallel to the pier from aheadDsetting you on the pier

单选题There is a fire aft aboard your vessel. To help fight the fire,you should().Aput the wind off either beamBhead the bow into the wind and decrease speedCput the stern into the wind and increase speedDput the stern into the wind and decrease speed

单选题A bronze bearing liner with a lead-tin flashing has a milky-white color over most of its surface and some areas of exposed bronze, the white coloring indicates()Aproper break-in wearBimproper break-in wearCrelocation of the overlay flashingDwater contamination of the lube oil system

单选题Most of your vessel’s superstructure is forward. How will the vessel lie when drifting with no way on?().AWith the wind from aheadBWith the wind off the port beamCWith the wind off the starboard beamDWith the wind from abaft the beam

单选题A vessel is equipped with a single right-handed screw. With rudder amidships and calm wind,the vessel will most likely back().Astraight asternBto portCto starboardDin no particular direction

单选题A reaching course is one in which the wind().Acomes directly over the bowBcomes directly over the sternCcomes over an area extending from broad on the bow to the quarterDhas no effect on the vessel

单选题An anemometer on a moving vessel measures().Aapparent wind speed onlyBtrue wind speed and true wind directionCtrue wind speed onlyDapparent wind speed and true wind direction

单选题A current perpendicular to a vessel’s track has the greatest effect on the vessel’s course made good().Aat high vessel speedsBat low vessel speedsCin shallow waterDin deep water

单选题A vessel moored with two anchors,sometimes, at an exposed roadstead to().Aaid turing the shipBobtain a fine bearingCincrease ship swing to wind or tideDlighten the stress of anchor chains

单选题The term lee side refers to the().Aside of the vessel exposed to the windBSide of the vessel sheltered from the windCPort sideDStarboard side

单选题On a vessel with a single propeller,transverse force has the most effect on the vessel when the engine is put().Afull aheadBfull asternChalf aheadDslow astern

单选题As a vessel falls off the wind from close-hauled to a beam reach,the tendency for the vessel to move sideways through the water will().AincreaseBdecreaseCchange only if the vessel comes about on the opposite tackDnot change