


解析: 暂无解析


问答题我们怎么高地估计现代科学的价值也不过分。(can not... too)

单选题Floods are a major problem in the city, but the government seems to be making______ to improve the situation.Alots of programsBfew trialsClittle effort Dmany measures

问答题“THE JAZZ AGE” refers to the decade after World War I, when the nation became predominantly urban. It took its name from the rich and varied new popular music which was essentially a creation of the Negro in the city. Historians cannot agree on the origin of the word “jazz”: some say it is of African or Creole origin, and others say that it derived from the name of a musician. But there is no denying that this American form of music originated with Negroes in the first age of their migration to the city, and jazz flourished primarily because of the talent, energy, and imagination of Negroes in cities. In Europe, too, the years after World War I were an age of musical experiment. But jazz was a more democratic, more communal kind of experiment. For the old World saw developing novel forms of “art music”, of salon and concert-hall music.

单选题Who refused Russia’s request for the extradition of Chechen envoy?ATimothy Workman.BAkhmed Zakayev.CBritish authorities.

问答题有必要让人们充分认识违反交通规则的危害。(aware of)

单选题The scientists have absolute freedom as to what research they think it best to_______Apursue Bdevote Cadjust Dengage


问答题Femi, martin and James catch trains to go to the same destination.  Femi catches the 8:15 a.m. train.  Martin’s train journey takes twice as long as James’.  Martin leaves 15 minutes before Femi and arrives at noon.  James catches the 11:30 am trains.  What time does James arrive at the destination?

单选题I can’t agree with my Mum. I think that such an old-fashioned dress can’t cost a ______. She says 100 pounds is a real ______.Alot of money; luck Bbargain; luckCfortune; bargainDbig sum; fortune

单选题Where will the events take place?AIn tents.BIn university buildings.CIn a hospital.

单选题What happened after the passenger jet circled over Sydney for hours?AThe jet was running short of gasoline and needed refuelingBThe pilot grew tired and wanted to fly back to CanberraCThe passengers became irritable

单选题M: ______to the station if you like.  W: No, thanks. I don’t mind walking.AI’ll bring youBI’ll help youCI’ll give you a lift DI’ll go with you


问答题More and more, the operations of our businesses, governments, and financial institutions are controlled by information that exists only inside computer memories. Anyone clever enough to modify this information for his own purposes can reap big reward. Even worse, a number of people who have done this and been caught at it have managed to get away without punishment.


单选题Sylvia: That didn’t take long, did it?  Anna: No, she said the train was quite quick.______  Sylvia: Well, she said something about a bus, I think. Wait a minute. Yes, here we are. “…a number 32 bus as far as Brixton Road.”ABut I’m too tired to go any further.BBut how are we going to get to her house?CI’m a little confused. Where are we now?DI know that you just can’t wait to see her.

问答题Being Watched  We like to see murderers and thieves end up in prison. If they are (1) c____ as a consequence of being filmed by security cameras, having their phone calls (2) li____ to or their email messages read, (3) m____ just be the weapon we have long been looking for in our war against them. Recent (4) sci____ breakthroughs have also made it possible to solve crimes that took place decades (5)____, so that just about any story can be worked out from its ending. This, too, is good news; if it is true it means that there really is no hiding place for the wrongdoer, (6)____ the police will always get their man, and that crime doesn’t pay.The worrying thing is, of course, that it is not just the (7)____(crime) who are being watched. All of us have now become the stars of films made in shops, car parks and the high street. Records are kept, and sometimes (8)____(sell), of the numbers we most often phone, while the emails we like to think of as being private and (9)____(person) are copied and stored by persons unknown. Some say this is the price of freedom (10)____ crime, and that the innocent have nothing to fear.

单选题An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of ______.Aurgency Bdanger Cemergency Dcrisis

问答题We live in a society which there is a lot of talk about science, but I would   1.______say that there are not 5 percent of the people who are equipped with schooling,including college, to understand scientific reasoning. We are more ignorant ofscience than people with comparable education in Western Europe.           ?2.______There are a lot of kids who know everything about computers — how tobuild them, how to take them apart, and how to write programs for games. So    ? ? 3.______if you ask them to explain about the principles of physics that have gone into   ? ?4.______creating the computer, you don’t have the faintest idea.             ? ? 5.______  The failure to understand science leads to such things like the neglect of   ? ?6.______human creative power. It also takes rise to blurring of the distinction between   ? 7.______science and technology. Lots of people don’t differ between the two. Science is the 8.______production of new knowledge that can be applied or not, and technology is theapplication of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or thelike. The two are really very different, and people who have the faculty for onevery seldom have a faculty for the others.                      ?9.______Science in itself is harmless, more or less. But as soon as it can providetechnology, it is not necessarily harmful. No society has yet learned to forecast   10.______the consequences of new technology, which can be enormous.

单选题— What kind of music do you like?  — Well, I like different kinds.  — ______.  — Er, I especially like punk rock.AI beg your pardon?BAre you serious?CAny in particular?DWhy do you think so?


单选题What activity is to be banned in Wales and England?AThe open display of tobacco in shops.BSmoking ban in public.CA robust tobacco control plan.

单选题______, he always tries his best to complete it on time.AHowever the task is hardBHowever hard the task isCThough hard the task isDThough hard is the task

问答题Which number comes next in this series?  2736,9108,17127,89298,?

问答题Americans are geographically mobile, and many learn to developfriendships easily and quickly. Approximately one of every five        1.______Americans families moves every year. People relocated because theychange jobs, to attend distant colleges, get married, have children,      2.______and simply want a change in their lives. Perhaps              3.______as consequence, people sometimes form and end friendships quickly.      4.______Students who attend two or three universities for their undergraduate and    5.______graduate years may change their “circle of friends” several times. Likewise, 6.______people who change their jobs, while keep one or two friends from       7.______the original place of employment, may also change their circle of friends.Relationships based on a common activity may fade or endwhen the activity end. Mothers may meet while dropping their children     8.______off at nursery school and remain friends as their kids go to different     9.______schools. The same hold true for neighbors who are closest of          10.______friends until one moves away.

问答题If BNKC is the code for COLD, what is the code for FIRM?

单选题We wouldn’t have missed the train if we ______ to the station.Adidn’t walk Bwouldn’t run Chadn’t walked Dweren’t running

单选题Students are usually ______ to the teaching of a strong and imaginative professor.Aperceptible BreceptibleCsusceptible Ddeductible