




单选题Our food soon ran()AoverBawayCupDout

单选题The bedroom needs()AdecoratingBto decorateCdecorateDdecorated

单选题It's very convenient()hereAto liveBliveClivedDliving

单选题()what she would do, she didn't say anything.AAskBAskingCAskedDTo ask

问答题Practice 1  The agricultural sciences deal with the challenges of food and fiber production and processing. They include the technologies of soil cultivation, crop cultivation and harvesting, animal husbandry and the processing of plant and animal products for human consumption and use. As a result of the doubled yields of some economic crops, the farm output per hour of farm work increased almost 10-fold as capital was substituted for labor. New techniques of preserving food products made possible transportation over greater distances, in turn facilitating adjustments among locations of production and consumption, with further benefits to production efficiency.


单选题Thank you ever so much for the book you gave me.()ANo thanksBI'm glad you like itCYes, it is goodDNo, it's not so good


单选题He goes to school by bike, and the()takes half an hour.AtravelBjourneyCvoyageDtrip




问答题Practice 11Directions: You are asked to write a composition in about 150 words and you should base your composition on the information given in Chinese below:  一些大学生倡导加入“素食者组织”(vegetarian group)。他们希望通过不吃肉类食品来保护环境和动物。  1. 你是否同意他们的观点?  2. 至少给出两个理由来支持你的观点。


单选题He asked me()English culture.AaboutBofCforDon

单选题In spite of the adverse circumstances, this young athlete turned out to be a great success.AarbitraryBinsignificantCunfavorableDdisharmonious

单选题You'd better have your TV set().ArepairBrepairedCrepairingDto repair



单选题Great changes () in China since 1978.Atake the placeBtook the place ofChave taken placeDhave been taken place


单选题I haven't read()book, but I read half of it. At least I know something about the subject nowAwholeBthe wholeCall ofDall

单选题In the spring of 1984, Continental experienced _____.Aa fast growth period.Ba stability period.Ca runDan oil price decrease

单选题--What about going for a walk? ---()AWhy not? A good ideaBThat’s all rightCSo, do IDWalking is good to you

单选题Dozens of scientific groups all over the world have been _____ the goal of a practical and economic way to use sunlight to split water molecules.ApursuingBchasingCreachingDwinning

单选题I shall be surprised if he does this the same way()I do.AasBwhichClikeDwhat


单选题How much is this necklace?()AIt's very nice.BIt's a birthday present from my parents.CIt costs fifty pounds.DIt's a bargain.