单选题58 A damages B diseases C disasters D destructionsAABBCCDD

58 A  damages       B  diseases      C  disasters      D  destructions











若已知一汉字的国标码是5E38H,则其内码是( )。A.DEB8B.DE38C.5EB8D.7E58


若已知一汉字的国标码是5E38H,则其内码是A. DEB8B.DE38C.5EB8D.7E58

若已知一汉字的国标码是5E38H,则其内码是( )A. DEB8B. DE38C. 5EB8D. 7E58

听力原文:Reputation risk is particularly damaging for banks since the nature of their business requires maintaining the confidence of depositors, creditors and the general marketplace.(5)A.Depositors are usually full of confidence, but not the creditors.B.Banks should maintain the confidence of depositors and creditors.C.The nature of banks' business particularly damages their reputation.D.Maintaining the confidence of depositors, creditors and the general marketplace particularly damages banks' reputation.

The victims of the accident claimed ( ) from the insurance company. A、the huge damagesB、the huge damageC、huge damagesD、a huge damages

The storm has caused ______ to this region.A、many damagesB、much damageC、few damagesD、much damages

若已知一汉字的国标码是5E38,则其内码是( )。A.DEB8B.DE38C.5EB8D.7E58

已知一汉字的国标码是5E38,其内码应是( )。A.DEB8B.DE38C.5EB8D.7E58


Laura McHugh promised to get the bullied boy tested for diseases because _____.[A] her son confessed to being wrong [B] she was afraid to annoy the boy’s parent[C] he was likely to be affected by these diseases [D] she wanted to teach her own son a lesson

David threatened ______ his neighbor to the police if the damages were not paid.A. to be reported B. reporting C. to report D. having reported

______ fear of the damages and losses,I hereby note my protest.A.ToB.AgainstC.ForD.With

______ is a sum named in the charter-party to be paid by the Charterer as liquidated damages for delay beyond laydays fixed.A.DemurrageB.Despatch moneyC.Damages for detentionD.Payment of handling

共用题干Life Expectancy in the Last Hundred YearsA hundred years ago,life expectancy in developed countries was about 47;in the early 21 st century,men in the United States and the United Kingdom can expect to live to about 74,women to about 80, and these______(51)are rising all the time .What has brought______(52) these changes?When we look at the life______(53)of people 100 years ago,we need to look at the greatest______(54)of the time .In the early 20th century,these were the acute and of-ten______(55)infectious diseases such as smallpox.Many children died very young from these diseases and others,and the weak and elderly were always at risk.In the______(56)world these diseases are far______(57)today,and in some cases have almost disappcarcd.A number of______(58)have led to this:improvements in sanita- tion and hygiene,the discovery and use of antibiotics,which______(59)bacterial diseases much less dangerous,and vaccinations______(60)common diseases.______(61), people's general health has improved with improvements in our general environment:cleaner air,better means of preserving food,better and warmer housing,and better understanding of nutrition.Genetically,we should all be able to live to about 85 but______(62)people do live longer today,there are still some big killers around that are preventing us from consistently reaching that age .The problems that affect people today are the more chronic illnesses,such as heart disease and strokes,and those______(63)by viruses,such as influenza and AIDS.Of course,cancer is a huge killer as well.In most cases these diseases affect______(64)people,but there are worrying trends in the developed world with problems such as obesity______(65)more heart disease and illnesses such as diabetes at younger ages.The killers today can be classed as"lifestyle diseases",which means that it may be possiblem to halt their progress.58._________A: improvements B: factorsC: jobsD: measures


共用题干Food Safety and Foodborne illnessFood safety is an increasingly important public health issue.Governments all over the world are intensifying their efforts to_______(51)food safety.These efforts are in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and__________(52)consumer concerns.Foodborne illnesses are defined as diseases , usually either infectious or toxic(有毒的)in nature,caused by agents that__________(53)the body through the ingestion(摄取)of food. Every person is__________(54) risk of foodborne illnesses.Foodborne diseases are a widespread and growing public health__________(55),both in developed and developing countries.The global incidence of foodborne diseases is difficult to___________(56),but it has been reported that in 2005 alone 8 million people died from diarrhoeal(腹泻)diseases. A great proportion of these _________ ( 57 ) can be attributed to contamination(污染)of food and drinking water. Additionally, diarrhoea is a _________( 58 ) cause of malnutrition(营养不良)in infants and young children.In industrialized countries,the percentage of the population suffering from foodborne diseases each year has been__________(59)to be 10 up to 30%.In the United States of America,for example,around 76 million cases of foodborne diseases,resulting_(60)325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths,are estimated to occur each year._________( 61 ) less well documented , developing countries bear the brunt(首当其冲)of the problem due to the presence of a wide_________(62)of foodborne diseases,including those caused by parasites (寄生虫).The high prevalence of diarrhoeal diseases in many developing countries suggests major ________(63)food safety problems.In partnership with other stakeholders,WHO is developing___________(64)that will further promote the safety of food.These policies___________(65)the entire food chain from production to consumption and willmake use of different types of expertise(专长)._________(57)A:factorsB:productsC:casesD:countries

共用题干Food Safety and Foodborne illnessFood safety is an increasingly important public health issue.Governments all over the world are intensifying their efforts to_______(51)food safety.These efforts are in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and__________(52)consumer concerns.Foodborne illnesses are defined as diseases , usually either infectious or toxic(有毒的)in nature,caused by agents that__________(53)the body through the ingestion(摄取)of food. Every person is__________(54) risk of foodborne illnesses.Foodborne diseases are a widespread and growing public health__________(55),both in developed and developing countries.The global incidence of foodborne diseases is difficult to___________(56),but it has been reported that in 2005 alone 8 million people died from diarrhoeal(腹泻)diseases. A great proportion of these _________ ( 57 ) can be attributed to contamination(污染)of food and drinking water. Additionally, diarrhoea is a _________( 58 ) cause of malnutrition(营养不良)in infants and young children.In industrialized countries,the percentage of the population suffering from foodborne diseases each year has been__________(59)to be 10 up to 30%.In the United States of America,for example,around 76 million cases of foodborne diseases,resulting_(60)325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths,are estimated to occur each year._________( 61 ) less well documented , developing countries bear the brunt(首当其冲)of the problem due to the presence of a wide_________(62)of foodborne diseases,including those caused by parasites (寄生虫).The high prevalence of diarrhoeal diseases in many developing countries suggests major ________(63)food safety problems.In partnership with other stakeholders,WHO is developing___________(64)that will further promote the safety of food.These policies___________(65)the entire food chain from production to consumption and willmake use of different types of expertise(专长)._________(58)A:naturalB:majorC:similarD:just

共用题干Food Safety and Foodborne illnessFood safety is an increasingly important public health issue.Governments all over the world are intensifying their efforts to_______(51)food safety.These efforts are in response to an increasing number of food safety problems and__________(52)consumer concerns.Foodborne illnesses are defined as diseases , usually either infectious or toxic(有毒的)in nature,caused by agents that__________(53)the body through the ingestion(摄取)of food. Every person is__________(54) risk of foodborne illnesses.Foodborne diseases are a widespread and growing public health__________(55),both in developed and developing countries.The global incidence of foodborne diseases is difficult to___________(56),but it has been reported that in 2005 alone 8 million people died from diarrhoeal(腹泻)diseases. A great proportion of these _________ ( 57 ) can be attributed to contamination(污染)of food and drinking water. Additionally, diarrhoea is a _________( 58 ) cause of malnutrition(营养不良)in infants and young children.In industrialized countries,the percentage of the population suffering from foodborne diseases each year has been__________(59)to be 10 up to 30%.In the United States of America,for example,around 76 million cases of foodborne diseases,resulting_(60)325,000 hospitalizations and 5,000 deaths,are estimated to occur each year._________( 61 ) less well documented , developing countries bear the brunt(首当其冲)of the problem due to the presence of a wide_________(62)of foodborne diseases,including those caused by parasites (寄生虫).The high prevalence of diarrhoeal diseases in many developing countries suggests major ________(63)food safety problems.In partnership with other stakeholders,WHO is developing___________(64)that will further promote the safety of food.These policies___________(65)the entire food chain from production to consumption and willmake use of different types of expertise(专长)._________(63)A:prevailing B:spreadingC:troublingD:underlying

The most serious potential natural disasters in New Zealand are()Astorms and earthquakesBvolcanoes and floodsCearthquakes and volcanoesDfloods and storms

心身疾病(psychosomatic diseases)

Damages to the goods were caused by heavy snow()transit.A、atB、inC、ofD、with

名词解释题immunoproliferative diseases


单选题This passage mainly tells us thatAparents’ love for their children is great.Bit is dangerous for parents to reunite with their children in a disaster.Cwe should develop reasonable plans for disasters.Dthe U.S. government has been well prepared for disasters.

单选题Which of the following is true according to the first two paragraphs?AThe U.S. schools don’t want the parents know their plans for disasters.BParents should push schools to make reasonable plans for disasters.CThe U.S. schools have done too little to prepare for disasters.DMost U.S. parents do not know the disaster preparedness plan of their schools.

单选题What’s the meaning of the underlined word” disasters”?A神话B奇迹C财富D灾难