


空格前提到A型性格的父母,空格后提到A型性格的后代,所以bring about“带来;引起”符合题意。



单选题Which of the following is NOT a reason why health care investment fails to bring a longer life?ADrug reaction due to improper use of drugs.BImbalanced distribution of health care money.CSoaring prices of both drugs and new therapies.DFailure of many highly-evaluated medical treatments.

单选题____AtheirBthe sameConeDslave

单选题Although business slumped after the holidays, shop owners began to prepare for the next one.ArecoveredBvanishedClessenedDswelled


单选题This piece of () is long enough for you to make a shirt.AclothBclothesCclothingDsuit

单选题Stocks are regarded as a good long-term()AinvolvementBinvestmentCinstrumentDinstallment


单选题May I use my credit card here?()AYou can't.BNo one uses it.CI am afraid you can't.DWho told you?


单选题50% of the people()for the survey were female.Awere questionedBwho questionedCwho were questionedDquestion

单选题The _____ of the space shuttle that had exploded in the air were scattered over a large area.AsegmentsBfragmentsCelementsDornaments

单选题It()hard, and I can't go home without an umbrella.ArainsBrainingCis raining

单选题Ploughs and other agricultural implements were on display at the recent exhibition.AequationsBplaythingsCtoolsDmachinery

单选题He is very keen()football.AatBinConDto

单选题Mr. Brown gradually _____ a knowledge of the subject.ArequiredBinquiredCachievedDacquired

单选题This businessman was able to accumulate a fair fortune by investing in real estate development.AimpartialBfavorableClargeDattractive

单选题Moving parts of machines and motor vehicles have to be _____ regularly to reduce friction.AlubricatedBfabricatedCembeddedDdictated

单选题Which of the following statements about the real poet is NOT true?AHe is no more a master of words than an ordinary person.BHe can convey his ideas in words which sing like music.CHe can move men to tears.DHis style is always charming.

单选题—() — He teaches physics at a school.AWhat does your father want to do?BWho is your father?CHow is you rfather?DWhatis your father?

问答题题15  黄浦江游览,是上海旅游中的一个重要的传统旅游节目,它不仅在于黄浦江是上海的母亲河,代表着上海的象征和缩影,还在于浦江两岸,荟萃了上海城市景观的精华,从这里你可以看到上海的过去、现在,更可以展望上海的灿烂明天。黄浦江游轮向东蜿蜒前行,途经黄金水道,抵达吴淞口,三个半小时的行程,游程60公里,一路景观层出不穷。浦江游览过程中可看到横跨浦江两岸的杨浦大桥、南浦大桥和上海东方明珠广播电视塔。两座大桥,像两条巨龙横卧于黄浦江上,中间是东方明珠电视塔,正好构成了一幅“二龙戏珠”的巨幅画卷,而浦江西岸一幢幢风格迥异充满浓郁异国色彩的万国建筑与浦东东岸一幢幢拔地而起高耸云间的现代建筑相映成辉,令人目不暇接。





单选题According to the author, government _____.Ais made by menBis made in virtue of natural rightsChas a right to everythingDwants everything

单选题Is Mary there?()ASpeaking.BI'm not Mary.CWho are you?DMary is well today
