单选题“This increase in charge air density is accomplished on most modern diesel engine types by use of exhaust gas turbo-charging, in which a turbine wheel driven by exhaust from the engine is rigidly coupled to a centrifugal type air compressor” According to this sentence, we can know that increases density(), drives the compressor directly()Aa modern diesel engine;a turbine wheelBa modem diesel engine;exhaust gasesCa compressor;an exhaust gas turbochargerDa compressor;a turbine wheel

“This increase in charge air density is accomplished on most modern diesel engine types by use of exhaust gas turbo-charging, in which a turbine wheel driven by exhaust from the engine is rigidly coupled to a centrifugal type air compressor” According to this sentence, we can know that increases density(), drives the compressor directly()

a modern diesel engine;a turbine wheel


a modem diesel engine;exhaust gases


a compressor;an exhaust gas turbocharger


a compressor;a turbine wheel


解析: 暂无解析


What is the function of the after-coolers installed in the diesel engine air intake system?A.Decrease the air densityB.Increase the exhaust temperatureC.Decrease the lube oil temperatureD.Increase the air density

Maintaining the lowest possible scavenging air temperature at all times is not recommended due to the possibility of the ______.A.air charge density becoming too highB.piston crown surfaces becoming too coldC.formation of excessive quantities of condensateD.compression pressure being greatly reduced

What is the most probable cause of reduced capacity in a reciprocating air compressor ________.A.Carbon on cylinder headsB.Faulty unloaderC.Leaking air valvesD.Plugged air cooler

What kind of products do the air carriers deliver? ()A、The high valueB、Low density or weightC、A and BD、Shortest time to transport

What kind of products do the air carriers deliver? ()A、The high valueB、Low density or weightC、A and BD、To add cost

单选题Which of the diesel engine components listed increase air density and helps to improve engine operating efficiency?()AImpellerBCompressorCAfter-coolerDExhaust differ

单选题Air bubbles in a hydraulic governor can cause ()Asluggish responseBspeed droop variationsCisochronous governingDsensitivity increase

单选题The speed of an ocean current is dependent on().Athe density of the waterBthe air temperatureCthe presence of a high pressure area near itDunderwater soil conditions

单选题When used in conjunction with a turbocharger, the main function of an after-cooler is to ()Aincrease the density of the cylinder air chargeBprevent turbocharger overheatingCliminate the need for a pre-coolerDremove moisture from air compressed by the turbocharger

单选题Which of the engine components listed increases air charge density and helps to improve engine operating efficiency?()AIntake manifoldBWater-cooled exhaust systemCAfter-coolerDExhaust diffuser

单选题Charging is the filling of the engine cylinder with a supply or charge of fresh air () compression.Ato needBready forCwant toDgoing to be

单选题Maintaining the lowest possible scavenging air temperature at all times is not recommended due to the possibility of the ().Aair charge density becoming too highBpiston crown surfaces becoming too coldCformation of excessive quantities of condensateDcompression pressure being greatly reduced

单选题The pressurized air is usually cooled to increase the charge air ().AviscosityBdensityCvelocityDelectricity

单选题A charge of fresh air is drawn into the engine cylinder and then () by the moving piston() very high pressure.Apressed;toBpressurized;withCpushed;inDcompressed;to

单选题The burning of the fuel adds more heat to the air charge, causing it to expand and force the engine piston to do work on the crankshaftWhat does “it” mean in this sentence?()Athe burningBthe fuelCthe air chargeDthe engine piston

单选题The term diesel engine scavenging means()Adelivering more air into the cylinder than it would normally receive during an ordinary charging processBforcing the products of combustion out of the cylinder with the fresh air chargeCcollecting the air charge at the cleanerDcombustion and expansion of hot gas

单选题Which of the listed operating conditions would have the greatest effect on the volumetric efficiency of an operating reciprocating air compressor?()AThe density of the air entering the compressorBThe temperature of the air entering the compressorCThe designed rotating speed of the compressorDA leaking head gasket

单选题An after-cooler installed between the turbocharger and the cylinder air inlet ()Aincreases the density of the airBdecrease the density of the airCincreases the specific heat of the airDdecreases the specific heat of the exhaust

单选题The air charge leaving an intercooler, or after-cooler of an air compressor can be expected to be ().AsuperheatedBsuper-cooledCat or below the dew pointDAll of the above

单选题If cooling water flow through the after-cooler is interrupted,the power output of a turbocharged diesel engine will drop because the ()Aturbocharger will stallBdensity of the air charge will decreaseCscavenge effect will increaseDexhaust pressure will increase

单选题What kind of products do the air carriers deliver? ()AThe high valueBLow density or weightCA and BDShortest time to transport

单选题Directional intake ports in diesel engines are used to ().Areduce air charge turbulenceBinduce air swirlCdeflect hot combustion gas away from the valvesDoppose the effects of piston induced squish

单选题Air compressor cylinder un-loaders enable the compressor to ().Avary their speed according to temperature and loadBstart and come up to speed before air compression beginsCchange speed according to overload demandsDreduce compressed air charge density

单选题If a four-stroke/cycle diesel engine is started by injecting air into the cylinder, the pistons receiving the charge of starting air must be()Aon the power strokeBon the exhaust strokeCat the end of the power strokeDat the start of the intake stroke

单选题The power output of a turbocharged diesel engine will drop if the cooling water flow through the after-cooler is interrupted because the ().Aturbocharger stallsBexhaust pressure increasesCair charge density decreasesDscavenge effect increases

单选题What is the function of the after-cooler installed in the diesel engine air intakes system?()ADecrease the air densityBIncrease the exhaust temperatureCDecrease the lube oil temperatureDIncrease the air density

单选题“This increase in charge air density is accomplished on most modern diesel engine types by use of exhaust gas turbo-charging, in which a turbine wheel driven by exhaust from the engine is rigidly coupled to a centrifugal type air compressor” According to this sentence, we can know that increases density(), drives the compressor directly()Aa modern diesel engine;a turbine wheelBa modem diesel engine;exhaust gasesCa compressor;an exhaust gas turbochargerDa compressor;a turbine wheel

单选题The efficiency of turbocharge system is increased by fitting a charge air cooler () the compressor.AinsideBbeforeCafterDagainst