单选题A system administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down. Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location?()A/tmp/conslogB/etc/console.logC/var/adm/ras/conslogD/var/ras/console.log

A system administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down. Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location?()









解析: 暂无解析


In order to maintain the reach of a typical 100G WAN transport system(~1500km), several system improvements have to be made to recover the lost (93),including the use of low-loss low-nonlinearity(94),Raman amplification,and stronger error correction.A.noiseB.SNRC.speedD.error

The error messages given by a C compiler show the message text,the most common(68) of the error,and a suggestion for fixing the error.A.consequenceB.causeC.informationD.result

Which information would you find using the CLI help function?() A. message of the dayB. tip of the dayC. explanation for specific system log error messagesD. explanation for specific traceoptions log messages

A customer reports that error messages occasionally appear and quickly disappear. Which of thefollowing is the BEST place for a technician to begin troubleshooting this issue?() A. Run a System RestoreB. Check Device ManagerC. Check the Event LogsD. Check the System Information

Reliable delivery of messages is ensured by ______ techniques.A.forward error correctionB.aftward error correctionC.DGPSD.error-free and low error reception


Several reports are logged stating that an application server is performing slowly. During the investigation, the administrator notices that the hard drives on the server appear to have a high level ofactivity.  Which items should the administrator monitor using performance monitoring tools? ()A、 Page FileB、 Disk UtilizationC、 System TemperatureD、 Processor UtilizationE、 Network Utilization

A system administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down. Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location?()A、/tmp/conslogB、/etc/console.logC、/var/adm/ras/conslogD、/var/ras/console.log

A server technician has been attempting to install an operating system on the company test server for several days. The technician has experienced error messages at several points of theinstallation and the system has frozen during various parts of the boot process. The technician has replaced the power supply, graphics card and installation disk with known good components.Which of the following could be causing these issues?()A、Storage driver not loadedB、Fragmented hard driveC、Damaged or faulty NIC chipsetD、Damaged or faulty system boardE、Memory incompatible with the processorF、Missing voltage regulator

A customer reports that error messages occasionally appear and quickly disappear. Which of thefollowing is the BEST place for a technician to begin troubleshooting this issue?()A、Run a System RestoreB、Check Device ManagerC、Check the Event LogsD、Check the System Information

A user calls the system administrator and states that they can no longer access the file server they had been working on all morning. To trouble shoot this problem,  which step should the administrator take FIRST?()A、 Reboot the file server.B、 Ask the user what they were doing when they noticed the problem.C、 Ask the user to reboot their PC.D、 Ask the user to ping the default gateway and report the response times back to the administrator.

A technician is troubleshooting a workstation that has the wrong time information. All workstations should be pointing to a central NTP server. Which of the following locations would the technician check to investigate error messages related to this issue?()A、IIS logB、Application logC、System logD、Security log

A System p administrator has just configured logging system messages with the syslogd daemon.  At boot time which file starts the syslog daemon()A、/etc/rc.tcpipB、/sbin/rc.bootC、/etc/rc.netD、/etc/rc.d

A system administrator has set up a Virtual IO Server to manage three micropartitioned LPARs. Physical disks are attached to the Virtual IO Server which is accessed through Multipath IO.  What should the administrator know about monitoring for error conditions with virtual disks?()A、Both permanent and temporary virtual hardware error messages are logged to each client partition sharing the device.B、Both permanent and temporary error messages for virtual hardware are logged at each occurrence on the Virtual IO Server and then propagated to the client partition.C、Temporary error messages for virtual hardware are logged at each occurrence on the Virtual IO Server. Permanent error messages for virtual hardware are stored on the client partition.D、Temporary error messages for virtual hardware will not necessarily be propagated to the client partition. Permanent error messages for virtual hardware are only logged once on the Virtual IO Server.

A system administrator issued the errpt command and had no results. The system administrator determined that error logging was turned off. Which of the following commands should be used to start logging system errors?()A、/usr/bin/errmsgB、/usr/lib/errdemonC、/usr/lib/errloggerD、/usr/bin/errinstall

A system administrator decides to review the system error log after installing new hardware. Which of the following is the correct command to use?()A、errptB、syslogC、prtdiagD、errlogger

A System p administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down.  Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location()A、/var/log/conslogB、/var/log/console.logC、/var/adm/ras/conslogD、/var/ras/console.log

After installing the base operating system and the Server bundle, a system administrator decides to remove several printer definitions that the system users will not need. Which of the following procedures is the best way for a system administrator to remove the extra printer definitions?()A、Select the SMIT option to remove software productsB、Reinstall the desired filesets using the "Force Overwrite" optionC、Delete the unnecessary entries from the /usr/lpp/printers directoryD、Use the ODM edit (odem) utility to revmoe the definition from the system's ODM database

Several people in an Information Technology (IT) department are asking for fileset updates that the system administrator received earlier that day on CD-ROM. The system administrator created an install directory on their machine and made it available to everyone. Which of the following commands will allow the system administrator to copy the images from the CD-ROM to the install directory?()A、smit bffcreate from the target directoryB、tar -xvf /dev/cd0 from the target directoryC、restore -xvqf /dev/cd0 from the target directoryD、mount the cdrom on /cdrom and cp /cdrom/* . from the target directory

What is the default message level configured for IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager?()A、error messages onlyB、disable all messagesC、error and warning messages onlyD、info, error and warning messages

Which information would you find using the CLI help function?()A、message of the dayB、tip of the dayC、explanation for specific system log error messagesD、explanation for specific traceoptions log messages

单选题A system administrator issued the errpt command and had no results. The system administrator determined that error logging was turned off. Which of the following commands should be used to start logging system errors?()A/usr/bin/errmsgB/usr/lib/errdemonC/usr/lib/errloggerD/usr/bin/errinstall

单选题Reliable delivery of messages is ensured by()techniques.Aforward error correctionBaftward error correctionCDGPSDerror-free and low error reception

单选题A System p administrator has just configured logging system messages with the syslogd daemon.  At boot time which file starts the syslog daemon()A/etc/rc.tcpipB/sbin/rc.bootC/etc/rc.netD/etc/rc.d

单选题A System p administrator noticed several error messages on the screen while the system was booting up; but was not able to write them down.  Where should the system administrator look for the console log, assuming it is in the default location()A/var/log/conslogB/var/log/console.logC/var/adm/ras/conslogD/var/ras/console.log

单选题While attempting to load a base operating system to a machine, an administrator is receiving bootp timeout error messages. What steps should be followed to troubleshoot communications between the NIM master and the client machine?()AView debug logs on NIM master for errors or failures.BBoot the client machine to SMS, and view the POST Error log.CBoot the client machine to SMS, setup remote IPL, and execute a ping test.DBoot the client machine to diagnostics, and ping the client from the NIM master.

多选题A server technician has been attempting to install an operating system on the company test server for several days. The technician has experienced error messages at several points of theinstallation and the system has frozen during various parts of the boot process. The technician has replaced the power supply, graphics card and installation disk with known good components.Which of the following could be causing these issues?()AStorage driver not loadedBFragmented hard driveCDamaged or faulty NIC chipsetDDamaged or faulty system boardEMemory incompatible with the processorFMissing voltage regulator

单选题How can you modify the application to return more meaningful error messages to the user?()ACreate a custom messages table. Include the necessary error handling code in the form modules to display the meaningful custom message instead of the ORA- error message. BProvide users with a form in the application to query the ORA- error, that will return a custom message to replace the ORA- message. CEliminate constraints where possible, thereby limiting the number of error messages returned. DCreate a procedure to include the RETRIEVE_MESSAGE built-in that automatically translates common server errors into meaningful messages for use in Forms.