单选题We felt very nice in the lobby, the more so since it was chilly out of doors that day.AcoldBmildCmoderateDhot

We felt very nice in the lobby, the more so since it was chilly out of doors that day.









解析: 句意:那天在大厅里我们感到很舒服,特别是当时外面很冷。chilly的意思是“寒冷的”。mild温和的,不冷不热的。moderate适量的。


“I think Sam is very wise.”“ No,he is ()wise. ” A、kinder thanB、as kind asC、not so kind asD、more kind than

It is () that I would like to go to the beach. A.so nice weatherB.such nice weatherC.so nice a weatherD.such a nice weather

________ we have finished the course, we shall start doing more revision work. A.From nowB.Since thatC.Now thatD.By now

He has made ___ much progress ___ we are all very happy. A. so, thatB. such, thatC. such, asD. so, as

50 We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education -- that of direct tuition or schooling. In undeveloped social groups, we find very little formal teaching and training. These groups mainly rely for instilling needed dispositions into the young upon the same sort of association which keeps the adults loyal to their group.

I had to earn a lot of money__________ I could buy my children nice clothes andtoys.A. more or lessB. so thatC. now thatD. sooner or later

We felt very ()on holiday. A、relaxedB、relaxingC、restD、unrest

We advertised for pupils last autumn and got ( ) 60. A、more ofB、as much asC、so many asD、more than

Adams: You're looking so nice.Bill: ______A、Pretty good.B、It's very nice of you,and you are so beautiful.C、Sorry to hear that.D、Yes,I'm extremely well,thanks.

—You look very nice in the blue skirt. 学科网 —________.学科网A. I don’t mind B. Don —You look very nice in the blue skirt.—________.A. I don’t mind B. Don’t say so C. Thank you

We can infer from the passage that the author ______________.A. enjoyed grown-up tricks very muchB. 1oved poster competitions very muchC. felt surprised to win the competitionD. became wise and rich after the competition

It′ s so nice to hear from him again, ___________. we last met more than 30 years agoA.what' moreB.that' s to sayC.in other wordsD.believe it or not

__we have finished the text,we shall start doing more revision exercises.A.For nowB.Since thatC.Now thatD.By now

Passage TwoEvery year just after Christmas theJanuary Sales start.All the shops reduce their prices and for two weeks,theyare full of people looking for bargains.My husband and I do not normally go tothe sales as we don′t like crowds and in any case are short of money as we haveto buy lots of Christmas presents.Last year,however,I took my husband with me to the sales at thelarge shop in the center of London.We both needed some new clothes and werehoping to find a television set.When we got to Oxford Street,it was so crowdedthat we decided to split up and meet again at the underground station.So Ileft my husband and started looking around the shops.Unfortunately all theclothes were in very large sizes and so were not suitable for me.But I did buya television at a very cheap price,so I felt quite pleased with myself.When I arrived at thestation,my husband was not there.So I sat down in a nearby car6 to have a cupof tea.I quickly finished my tea when I saw my husband and went out to meethim.He looked very happy.Then I saw he was carrying a large and heavycardboard box."Oh,dear!"I thought.Yes,we had no new clothes buttwo televisions.We shall not be going to the sales again.The husband and wife in the story__A.wished to buy a TVB.went to the sales the year beforeC.often went to the sales to buy clothesD.were usually not short of money afterChristmas

Passage TwoEvery year just after Christmas theJanuary Sales start.All the shops reduce their prices and for two weeks,theyare full of people looking for bargains.My husband and I do not normally go tothe sales as we don′t like crowds and in any case are short of money as we haveto buy lots of Christmas presents.Last year,however,I took my husband with me to the sales at thelarge shop in the center of London.We both needed some new clothes and werehoping to find a television set.When we got to Oxford Street,it was so crowdedthat we decided to split up and meet again at the underground station.So Ileft my husband and started looking around the shops.Unfortunately all theclothes were in very large sizes and so were not suitable for me.But I did buya television at a very cheap price,so I felt quite pleased with myself.When I arrived at thestation,my husband was not there.So I sat down in a nearby car6 to have a cupof tea.I quickly finished my tea when I saw my husband and went out to meethim.He looked very happy.Then I saw he was carrying a large and heavycardboard box."Oh,dear!"I thought.Yes,we had no new clothes buttwo televisions.We shall not be going to the sales again.After their day′s shopping,they__A.were happy with their bargainsB.had got everything they wantedC.got more than they had hoped forD.had to go back to the sales the nextday

Years ago,a cigarette commercial asked if you were smoking more,but enjoying it less.That describes the way many of us live today.We are doing more,but enjoying it less.And when that doesn't work,we get the problem.In our extremely hurried search for satisfaction,we try stuffing still more into our days,never realizing that we are taking the wrong approach.The truth is simple;so simple it is hard to believe.Satisfaction lies with less,not with more.Yet,we pursue the myth that this thing,or that activity,will somehow provide the satisfaction we so desperately seek.Arthur Lindman,in his very effective book,"The Harried Leisure Class,"described the uselessness of pursuing more.His research focused on what people did with their leisure time.He found that as income rose,people bought more things to occupy their leisure time.But,ironically,the more things they bought,the less they valued any one of them.Carried to an extreme,he predicted massive boredom in the midst of tremendous variety.That was more than twenty years ago,and his prediction seems more accurate every year.Lindman of course,is not the first to discover this.The writer of Ecclesiastes expressed the same thought thousands of years ago.It is better,he wrote,to have less,but enjoy it more.If you would like to enjoy life more,I challenge you to experiment with me.How could you simplify your life?What could you drop?What could you do without?What could you stop pursuing?What few things could you concentrate on?The more I learn,the more I realize that fullness of life does not depend on things.The more I give up,the more I seem to gain.But words will never convince you.You must try it for yourself.We can make our life happier if we__.A.get rid of useless thingsB.buy more thingsC.sell things we do not needD.give up more

He felt so cold that he kept trembling ( ) unable to endure it any more.A.as forB.as wellC.as ifD.as long as

共用题干第二篇Sharing SilenceDeaf teenagers Orlando Chavez and German Resendiz have been friends since kindergarten(幼儿园). Together the boys,who go to Escondido Hight School in California,have had the difficult job of learning in schools where the majority of?the students can speak and hear.Orlando lost hearing at the age of one.cerman was born deaf,and his parents moved from Mexico to finda school where he could learn sign language.He met Orlando on their first day of kindergarten."We were in a special class with about 25 other deaf kids,"German remembers."Before then,I didn'tknow I was deaf and that I was different.""Being young and deaf in regular classes was very hard,"signs Orlando,"The other kids didn't under-stand us and we didn't understand them,But we'ye all grown up together,and today,I'm popular becauseI'm deaf. Kids try hard to communicate with me.”Some things are very difficult for the two boys."We can't talk on the phone,so if we need help,wecan't call an emergency service,"German signs."And we can't order food in drive-thru."Despite their difficulties,the two boys have found work putting food in bags at a local supermarket. Theygot their jobs through a"workability"program,designed for teenagers from local schools with different types oflearning disabilities.German has worked in the supermarket since August,and Orlando started in November."The other people who work here have been very nice to us,"Orlando signs."They even sign some-times.At first,we were nervous,but we'ye learned a lot and we're getting better."The opportunity to earn money has been exciting,both boys sign.After high school。they hope to attendthe National Technical Institute for the Deaf in New York.Orlando and German have been _________.A:to Mexico togetherB:deaf since they were bornC:to different bight schoolsD:friends since they were very young

We lived on a()when my wife studied in Oxford. It is quiet there, so very suited for a student.Amain roadBside streetCmotorwayDjunction

Is that seat taken?()APlease don't worry.BI don't think so.CWhy not?DIt's very nice.

Is that seat taken?()A、Please don't worry.B、I don't think so.C、Why not?D、It's very nice.

单选题Because our work is very busy, so we need to relax at midday.AWe are very busy,BOur work being busy,COur work so very busy,DBecause our work so very busy,

单选题We lived on a()when my wife studied in Oxford. It is quiet there, so very suited for a student.Amain roadBside streetCmotorwayDjunction

单选题Is that seat taken?()APlease don't worry.BI don't think so.CWhy not?DIt's very nice.

单选题A: Say, I don't think we've met, have we?  B: ______ . My name's Donna.  A: Nice to meet you, Donna. I'm Tim Clark.AYes, I think soBI haven't seen you for agesCI've heard so much about youDNo, I don't think so

问答题We felt strange about his silence at the party as he used to be very outgoing.

单选题A: You look more beautiful in such a nice dress.  B: ______ANot at all. This is an old dress.BThank you. My mother bought it for me 3 years ago.CThanks. But I don’t like it very much.DIt is nice, but it’s very cheap.