单选题Immediately after abandoning a vessel, lookouts should be posted aboard liferafts to look for()Asurvivors in the waterBfood and waterClandDbad weather

Immediately after abandoning a vessel, lookouts should be posted aboard liferafts to look for()

survivors in the water


food and water




bad weather


解析: 暂无解析


A negative metacentric height ______.A.should always be immediately correctedB.will always cause a vessel to capsizeC.always results from off-center weightsD.All of the above are correct

After abandoning a vessel,water that is consumed within the first 24 hours will ______.A.pass through the body with little absorbed by the systemB.help to prevent fatigueC.quench thirst for only 2 hoursD.help to prevent seasickness

If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after abandoning a vessel in a rescue boat,you should ______.A.go in one direction until the fuel runs outB.steer a course for the nearest landC.steer a course for the nearest sea laneD.shut down the engines if installed and put out the sea anchor

That REMOVE ANY LIST ON THE V/L AFTER EACH WATCH END means that ______.A.any list,no matter where it is posted,shall be removed prior to ending his watch by the OOWB.the vessel should not be removedC.any and all lists on board the vessel should be taken offD.the inclination of the vessel should be corrected prior to ending his watch by the OOW

The tanks should then be ______ immediately after the measurements or cargo samples have been taken.A.topped upB.bracedC.tommed downD.re-pressurized

When should the emergency position-indicating radio beacon be activated after abandoning an OSV ________.A.ImmediatelyB.After one hourC.Only when another vessel is in sightD.Only after sunset

After abandoning ship, you should deploy the sea anchor from a life raft to ______.A.keep the life raft from capsizingB.navigate against the currentC.keep personnel from getting seasickD.stay in the general location

If practical, when shall a manned vessel being towed sound her fog signal?______.A.Immediately before the towing vessel sounds hersB.Immediately after the towing vessel sounds hers.C.As close to the mid-cycle of the towing vessel’s signals as possibleD.At any time as long as the interval is correct

In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel, water should be given only to personnel who are ______.A.sick or injuredB.wetC.AwakeD.thirsty

单选题When should the emergency position-indicating radio beacon be activated after abandoning an OSV?()AImmediatelyBAfter one hourCOnly when another vessel is in sightDOnly after sunset

单选题I Should notice of acceptance of the Vessel’s classification records and of the Vessel not be received by the Sellers,the deposit together with interest earned shall be released immediately to the (),whereafter this Agreement shall be null and void.ABuyersBSellersCeither the Buyers or the SellersDneither the Buyers no the Sellers

单选题The bosun has thrown the liferaft into the water before abandoning the vessel. The operating cord().Aserves as a sea painterBdetaches from the liferaft automaticallyCis used to rig the boarding ladderDis cut immediately as it is of no further use

单选题In the first 24 hours after abandoning a vessel , water should be given only to personnel who are().AthirstyBsick or injuredCwetDawake

单选题You are in charge of a stand-on vessel in a crossing situation.The other vessel is 1.5 miles to port.You believe that risk of collision exists.You should().Atake avoiding action immediately upon determining that risk of collision existsBimmediately sound the danger signalCtake avoiding action only after providing the give-way vessel time to take action ,and determining that her action is not appropriateDhold course and speed until the point of extremis, and then sound the danger signal, taking whatever action will best avert collision

单选题If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after abandoning a vessel in a rescue boat,you should ().Ago in one direction until the fuel runs outBsteer a course for the nearest landCsteer a course for the nearest sea laneDshut down the engines if installed and put out the sea anchor

单选题After abandoning ship which action should be taken IMMEDIATELY upon entering a liferaft?()AOpen equipment packBIssue anti-seasickness medicineCCut painter and clear the shipDDry the liferaft floor and inflate

单选题When should you use distress flares and rockets?()AOnly when there is a chance of their being seen by rescue vesselsBAt half-hour intervalsCAt one-hour intervalsDImmediately upon abandoning the vessel

单选题Immediately after any diesel engine is started, the engineer should check the ()Acrankcase pressureBlube oil pressureCsaltwater pressureDexhaust temperature

单选题How should signal flares be used after you have abandoned ship and are adrift in a liferaft?().AImmediately use all the signals at onceBUse all the signals during the first nightCEmploy a signal every hour after abandoning ship until they are goneDUse them only when you are aware of a ship or plane in the area

单选题A vessel in distress should send by radio telephone the two tone alarm signal followed immediately by the().Adistress positionBspoken words Mayday,Mayday,MaydayCship's nameDship's call letters

单选题After abandoning ship, you should deploy the sea anchor from a life raft to().Akeep the life raft from capsizingBnavigate against the currentCkeep personnel from getting seasickDstay in the general location

单选题Immediately after abandoning a vessel, lookouts should be posted aboard liferafts to look for()Asurvivors in the waterBfood and waterClandDbad weather

单选题After abandoning a vessel,water that is consumed within the first 24 hours will().Apass through the body with little absorbed by the systemBhelp to prevent fatigueCquench thirst for only 2 hoursDhelp to prevent seasickness

单选题After abandoning ship,you should deploy the sea anchor from a liferaft to().Akeep the liferaft from capsizingBnavigate against the currentCkeep personnel from getting seasickDstay in the general location

单选题When should the emergency position-indicating radiobeacon be activated after abandoning a ship?()AImmediatelyBAfter one hourCOnly when another vessel is in sightDOnly after sunset

单选题What is one of the FIRST actions you should take after abandoning and clearing away from a vessel?()AIdentify the person in chargeBGather up useful floating objectsCPrepare for arrival of rescue unitsDArrange watches and duties

单选题When abandoning ship,after launching the motor lifeboat you should().Aplot a course for the nearest landBtake a vote on which direction you should goCstay in the immediate areaDgo in one direction until fuel runs out

单选题That REMOVE ANY LIST ON THE V/L AFTER EACH WATCH END means that().Aany list,no matter where it is posted,shall be removed prior to ending his watch by the OOWBthe vessel should not be removedCany and all lists on board the vessel should be taken offDthe inclination of the vessel should be corrected prior to ending his watch by the OOW