7750SR通过什么命令来查看设备的当前系统时间()A、show uptime B、show chassis C、show system information D、show time
- A、show uptime
- B、show chassis
- C、show system information
- D、show time
Which command do you use to display the messages seen during the last system boot?() A. show system boot-messagesB. show chassis messagesC. show file system boot-messagesD. show boot-log messages
在7750SR上,查看设备运行温度情况的命令是()A、show cardd etailB、show chassis detailC、showmda detailD、show slot detail
查看设备温度使用的命令是() A、show chassis alarmB、show chassis enviromentC、show chassis hardwareD、show chassis power
查看7750SR设备OSPF下接口状态命令为()A、shwo router ospfinterfaceB、show router interfaceC、show router ospfD、show router ospfneighbor
SR7750查看系统已经打开的端口命令是()A、Show system connectionB、Show system portC、show running portD、Show system security
哪一个命令用来查看路由器的型号以及运行的软件版本()A、show system hardwareB、show versionC、show software versionD、show system setting
Which command do you use to show active alarms?()A、show hardware stateB、show system alarmsC、show chassis stateD、show services alarms
对于以下常用命令,叙述正确的是()A、show arp查看当前设备的ARP信息B、show lldpn查看当前设备的邻接网元的机架MACC、show iproute查看当前设备的路由表D、show interfacebrief查看目前设备端口的状态E、show updatever查看设备目前是否处于试运行状态
Which command shows system hardware and software version information?()A、show configurationB、show environmentC、show inventoryD、show platformE、show version
Which command do you use to display the messages seen during the last system boot?()A、show system boot-messagesB、show chassis messagesC、show file system boot-messagesD、show boot-log messages
Which command displays the amount of space available on the storage media?()A、show chassis routing-engineB、show system file-storageC、file listD、show system storage
Which command do you use to show active alarms?()A、show hadrware alarmsB、show system alarmsC、show chassis stateD、file list alarm