At sea, much of the ()time is spent maintaining the ship and her equipment in good condition.A、officers’B、engineers’C、sailors’D、pursers’

At sea, much of the ()time is spent maintaining the ship and her equipment in good condition.

  • A、officers’
  • B、engineers’
  • C、sailors’
  • D、pursers’


The director spent as much time staying in office as he () walking around the plant. A、doesB、hadC、wasD、did

You should spend () in the study of the various senses and uses of the common words. A.much time as you time much as you canC.time as many as you much time as you can

As I felt so much better, my doctor () me to take a holiday by the sea. A、suggestedB、consideredC、advisedD、inquired

Usually John would be late for meetings. But this time, to my surprise, he arrived on time.A little B. much C. ever D. even

What is considered as a measure of how much one has remembered?A The length of the listB The type of list itemsC The time difference of relearningD The time difference of brain working

It’s high time you had your hair cut ; it’s getting .A. too much long B. much too longC. long too much D. too long much

She has stored ______books as I.A. three times as manyB. three times as muchC. four time as manyD. three time as much

It’s high time you had your hair cut ; it’s getting_______ .A. too much long B. much too long C. long too much D. too long much

The farmer didn’t spend much time working on his farm.翻译

Tarzan likes to spend time with Jane very much.()

Too much work and no time for rest is a ( ) on him both physically and mentally.A.depositB.burdenC.coverD.revolution

The company is not() of paying off so much debt in such a short time. A、toughB、cooperativeC、capableD、negative

The radar control that shortens all echoes on the display and reduces clutter caused by rain or snow is the ______.A.sensitivity time control (sea clutter control)B.receiver gain controlC.brilliance time constant (differentiator)

If there were no exams, we should have _______ at school.A、the happiest timeB、a more happier timeC、much happier timeD、a much happier time

In the Northern Hemisphere you are caught in the dangerous semicircle of a storm with plenty of sea room available. The best course of action is to bring the wind on the ______.A.port quarter and make as much headway as possibleB.starboard quarter and make as much headway as possibleC.starboard bow and make as much headway as possibleD.port bow and make as much headway as possible

In the Master’s Note of Sea Protest, I reserve the right to extend same at time and place convenient. What’s the meaning of the same ?______.A.same timeB.sea protestC.reportD.Accident

Stephen Hawking has much time to think because he doesn't have to work.A.RightB.WrongC.Not mentioned

If there were no examination, we should have___________at school.A.the happiest timeB.a more happier timeC.much happiest timeD.a much happier time

How()time are you going to spend with me?A、manyB、lotC、much

Much time is spent ()(保养) the ship at sea.A、watchingB、maintainingC、look outingD、taking after

At sea, much of the sailor’s time is spent ()the ship and keeping her equipment in good condition.A、to maintainB、maintainingC、maintenanceD、maintain

单选题The radar control used to reduce sea return at close ranges is the().Again controlBsensitivity time controlCfast time constantDpulse length control

单选题The radar control that reduces weak echoes out to a limited distance from the ship is the().Asensitivity time control (sea-clutter control)Breceiver gain controlCbrilliance controlDfast time constant (differentiator)

单选题At sea, much of the ()time is spent maintaining the ship and her equipment in good condition.Aofficers’Bengineers’Csailors’Dpursers’

单选题With (), the corrosion problems are much reduced in a central cooling system.Ano equipment in contact with sea waterBless equipment in contact with fresh waterCmore equipment in contact with sea waterDless equipment in contact with sea water

单选题It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual _____ of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.AconditionBsituationsCcircumstancesDstate of affairs

单选题In the Northern Hemisphere you are caught in the dangerous semicircle with plenty of sea room available. The best course of action is to bring the wind on the().Astarboard bow and make as much headway as possibleBstarboard quarter,and make as much headway as possibleCport quarter,and make as much headway as possibleDport bow,and make as much headway as possible

单选题So much _____ about his ships on the sea that he didn’t sleep for a single minute all night.Adid he worryBhe did worryChe worriedDworried he