相对海平面变化(relative sea level change)

相对海平面变化(relative sea level change)


About 40% of the land of the country issituated () sea level. A、underB、overC、beneathD、below

The UK Landscape is very varied, ranging from the Grampian () of Scotland to the lowland fens of England which are at or below sea level in places. A.RiverB.MountiansC.PlainD.Lake

The greater your distance from sea level, the colder the air around you becomes.翻译

海平面的相对上升或下降控制了新增容纳空间的变化,海平面相对上升就会()空间。 A、减小B、缩小C、增加

When the ships is going to enter into the harborA.change from heavy fuel oil to diesel oil for main engineB.pumping out bilge waterC.change sea chest form high level one to lower level oneD.test emergency generator

The height of a light is measured from which reference plane?A.Mean low waterB.Mean high waterC.Average water levelD.Geographical sea level

Contour elevations on this chart refer to heights in feet above mean ______.A.lower low waterB.high waterC.low waterD.sea level

The best estimate of the wind direction at sea level can be obtained from observing the direction of the ______.A.cloud movementB.vessel headingC.wavesD.swells

The average height of the surface of the sea for all stages of the tide over a 19 year period is called ______.A.mean high waterB.mean low waterC.half-tide levelD.mean sea level


全球海平面变化(global sea level change)

《信息技术运维服务交付规范》中提到了一个关键词:SLA,它的全称是()A、Service Level AgentB、Server Level AgentC、Service Level AgreementD、Sea Level Anomaly


当与他人比较时,个体觉得自己没有得到所应得的那么多,这一现象称为()A、社会比较效应B、相对剥夺(relative deprivation)C、适应水平效应(adaption-level effect)D、相对替代(relative displacement)

临界相对湿度(critical relative humidity,CRH)

单选题根据文章第四段,下列说法不正确的是(  )。A海平面上升包括绝对上升和相对上升两种类型B气候变化可以影响海平面的绝对上升C海平面的绝对上升是可以控制的D海平面的相对上升是可以控制的

名词解释题相对海平面变化(relative sea level change)

单选题A re-heater in an air conditioning system functions to ().Acontrol inlet air temperatureBcontrol inlet air volumeCmaintain relative humidity at 15%Drestore conditioned air temperature to a comfortable level

单选题As a ship moves through the water,it causes a wake,which is also moving forward relative to the sea. In addition to a fore and aft motion,this wake also has a(n)().Adownward and inward flowBdownward and outward flowCupward and inward flowDupward and outward flow

单选题The height of a light is measured from which reference plane?()AMean low waterBMean high waterCAverage water levelDGeographical sea level

单选题当与他人比较时,个体觉得自己没有得到所应得的那么多,这一现象称为()A社会比较效应B相对剥夺(relative deprivation)C适应水平效应(adaption-level effect)D相对替代(relative displacement)

单选题The error in the measurement of the altitude of a celestial body,caused by refraction,increases as the().Ahorizontal parallax decreasesBobserver's height above sea level increasesChumidity of the atmosphere decreasesDaltitude of the body decreases

单选题The best estimate of the wind direction at sea level can be obtained from observing the direction of the().Acloud movementBvessel headingCwavesDswells

单选题The average height of the surface of the sea for all stages of the tide over a 19 year period is called().Amean high waterBmean low waterChalf-tide levelDmean sea level

名词解释题临界相对湿度(critical relative humidity,CRH)

名词解释题全球海平面变化(global sea level change)

单选题When the ships is going to enter into the harbor,().Achange from diesel oil to heavy fuel oil for mail engineBpump out bilge waterCchange sea chest form lower level one to high level oneDtest emergency generator