She cannot buy daily necessities, ______ luxuries. A. no less thanB. many moreC. much lessD. less than

She cannot buy daily necessities, ______ luxuries.

A. no less than

B. many more

C. much less

D. less than


July A. diary B. energy C. reply D. daily

setTimeout("buy()",20)表示的含义是()。 A.间隔20秒后,buy()函数被调用一次B.间隔20分钟后,buy()函数被调用一次C.间隔20毫秒后,buy()函数被调用一次函数被持续调用20次

The teacher ______ be in the office; maybe he is in the library.A、mightB、couldC、may notD、can not

Which of the following calendaring syntax expressions would evaluate to the last day of every month?() A. FREQ = MONTHLY; BYMONTHDAY = 31B. FREQ = MONTHLY; BYMONTHDAY = -1C. FREQ = DAILY; BYDAY = -1D. FREQ = MONTHLY; BYDAY = 31E. FREQ = DAILY; BYMONTHDAY = LAST_DAY

[A] necessities[B] facilities[C] commodities[D] properties

WhatarethedirectorydetailsofRelationalDatabasebackupfilescreatedbyIBMTivoliAccessManagerforEnterpriseSingleSign-OnV8.0.1housekeeping?() A.Thedirectorymustexistwithonesubdirectory(general).B.Thedirectorymustexistwithtwosubdirectories(daily,weekly).C.Thedirectorymustexistwiththreesubdirectories(daily,weekly,monthly).D.Thedirectorymustexistwithfoursubdirectories(general,daily,weekly,monthly).

setTimeout("buy( )",20)表示的意思是( ) A.间隔20秒后,buy( )函数被调用一次B.间隔20分钟后,buy( )函数被调用一次C.间隔20毫秒后,buy( )函数被调用一次 )函数被持续调用20次

5.We can______ books _______bookstore(书店).A. sell ;toB. buy ;fromC. sell ;fromD. buy ;to

Without the instrument,we__________A.cannot’hardly do nothingB.cannot hardly do anythingC.can hardly do nothingD.can hardly do anything

Which of the following shows the proper rhythmical节奏的 pattern of the sentenceA.It was 'too ex'pensive for me to 'buy.B.It was 'too 'expensive for me to 'buy.C.It was too ex'pensive for 'me to 'buy.D.It 'was too 'expensive for me to 'buy.