When Mr.Westhusin says “...cloning is dangerous,” he implies that .[A] lab technicians may be affected by chemicals[B] cats and dogs in the lab may die of diseases[C] experiments may waste lots of lives[D] cloned animals could outlive the natural ones
When Mr.Westhusin says “...cloning is dangerous,” he implies that .
[A] lab technicians may be affected by chemicals
[B] cats and dogs in the lab may die of diseases
[C] experiments may waste lots of lives
[D] cloned animals could outlive the natural ones
Don’t you know how ______ it can be out here in the mist? (A) dangerous(B) danger(C) big(D) heavy
在SQL Setver 2000中,有教师表(教师号,姓名,职称,工资)。现要根据教师的职称来添加教师的工资,增加规则为:“教授”增加400,“副教授”增加300,“讲师”增加200。下列语句中正确的是 ______。A.UPDATE教师表SET工资=工资+CASE职称 WHEN‘教授’THEN 400 WHEN‘副教授’THEN 300 WHEN‘讲师’THEN 200 ENDB.UPDATE教师表SET工资=工资+CASE职称 WHEN职称=‘教授’THEN 400 WHEN职称=‘副教授’THEN 300 WHEN职称=‘讲师’THEN 200 ENDC.UPDATE教师表SET工资=CASE职称 WHEN‘教授’THEN工资=工资+400 WHEN‘副教授’THEN工资=工资+300 WHEN‘讲师’THEN工资=工资+200 ENDD.UPDATE教师表SET工资=工资+CASE职称 WHEN职称=‘教授’THEN工资=工资+400 WHEN职称=‘副教授’THEN工资=工资+300 WHEN职称=‘讲师’THEN工资=工资+200 END
Whichtwotriggersaremousemovementtriggers?() A.When-Mouse-UpB.When-Mouse-MoveC.When-Mouse-DownD.When-Mouse-ClickE.When-Mouse-Leave
WhichofthefollowingtechnologiescanbeusedasameanstoisolateahostOSfromsometypesofsecuritythreats?() A.IntrusiondetectionB.VirtualizationC.KitingD.Cloning
在tkinter中,给窗口win标签lab上显示文字“姓名”的方法是()A.lab = Label(win, text="姓名")B.lab["text"] = "姓名"C.lab.config(text="姓名")D.以上方法都可以